The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023


Finally, this is the star of my next seed increase. This is Jelly Pancakes from In House Genetics and I love everything about this plant / strain. She will be treated for the first time with STS tonight just prior to lights out. She has five running mates that I am hoping to be able to dust a bit with some of her pollen to make what could be some exciting crosses.


A year or so ago I sent a friend of mine some beans for his outdoor grow at his new place. He called me up a few days later to thank me and ask me if I wanted some old Mephisto auto seeds he had bought several years earlier. We were figuring them to be about 5 years old. Being the auto lover that I am I of course said sure. He sent me four strains none of which I had in my Mephisto collection so I was excited. First strain I tried was Blue Toof by dropping three of the five I had in a shot glass. After 36 hours I moved them to a moist paper towel. When I tossed them out about 8 days later they looked just like when I put them in the shot glass but now were very dark in color.

I haven’t messed with them since, but I thought now I would see about a preservation run for myself if I can get any of them to sprout. I scarified the hell out of them. This is what I have. Wish them luck cause I’m sure they’ll need it.


Hey man so I missed a couple days and wow! First thanks for the seed prep tech I like that whole little set up kudos man👍!

Isn’t this why we fish in the first place? I mean this is what keeps bringing ya back is the chance at the big one. Some nice looking fish there. That is a nice pile of pollen you collected that should keep you in seeds and crosses for a minute.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Cap junkys looking good well they are all looking good. I had gotten some livers from mephisto as freebies and read up on them seem exciting. Good and terpy with some CBD as well I think​:thinking: anyways can’t wait to see them grow I traded mine.


Unfortunately I’ve not have any luck getting any of those old Mephisto seeds from my buddy to sprout yet. So rather then take up space I figure I’ll just try and pop all of those two strains at the same time instead of one at a time. I only have room to grow two autos so watch half a dozen of them sprout.

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This journal has become my post everything thread. I did a little experiment with my current Cap Junky grow by twice watering in ground up malted barley which is said to speed up the flowering process of a cannabis plant. I also flipped the plants into 11/13 lighting at the start and have kept them under that light cycle.

I snapped a few trichrome photos today and to me the plants are looking pretty darn close to where I like to harvest them and they’re at day 48 post flip. I am thinking I will give them another week as they’re still drinking fairly well and the buds are still swelling. No sense getting impatient now after putting all the time and effort into growing the plants. They’re finished when they’re finished right?

I like to harvest my plants when nearly all the trichromes are milky with a hint of ambers here and there.


I took a quick peek this morning at the Hubba Bubba to see how she was doing. I’m noticing the beginning of senescence and will be keeping a close eye out for dead leaves to get them removed as soon as they’ve given all they had to the plant. I’m sure most of you guys know this but in case some of you don’t I’ll share. When a leaf emanates from within a bud as the bud swells something the leaf stem gets pinched too tightly and the leaf dies. It is important to remove that leaf entirely because the stem if left inside the bud will start to decompose and often will cause botrytis inside the bud.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the pollinated buds and a pic of the plant taken this morning. Hope everyone had a great weekend.


Looking great, bud. Good luck on your Mephisto preservation! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Wow! Those are some old illuminautos you found, hope you get some sprout :crossed_fingers:

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Thank you I did not know this. Looking good though


Let me sneak in a couple HubbaBubba pictures in this morning. She sprouted 66 days ago and right now looks like she has a good ways to go. Typically I don’t have autos go past 84 days but there have been exceptions and I think this HubbaBubba will exceed 84 days. That’s good to give the seeds time to mature.

Hope everyone has a great week!


Pollinated about 7 days ago and I believe I can see the seeds forming.


About 2.5 weeks ago I was in Lowes looking at their negligence carts with their abused plants they’re selling for $1 I found five (5) good sized Encore Azalea plants that were looking rough but when I pulled back a tiny bit of bark with my pocketknife it was green underneath. So for $5.00 they were worth a chance. I swear every plant loves Mega Crop. The Azaleas came back beautifully and got planted along the woods line in my yard. The soil there is rocks and roots and once you chop through that you’re into clay so I put down about a 3" layer of fine gravel. I then mixed some finely ground pine bark with compost, EWC and peat moss and perlite to give them a fighing chance of making it. It took me 3 hours to get these in the ground.




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One of the hardest things for me to do is narrow down to 1 the next auto strain I will grow. I’m going to try growing one outside in a small pot strictly for S1 seeds. But the indoors plant gets pampered and nurtured. Right now I’m leaning towards growing Alien vs. Triangle and that could change in the next week when I’ll be starting a new seed.

The outside plant will be an Indica dom strain to be shorter and less noticeable. I have two strains I want to do an increase with and only have 3 seeds of each. Chemdogging and 3BOG are the two strains and I’ll probably just flip a coin for that decision.


HubbaBubba is coming along. No problems to report today. She was pollinated 10 days ago and seeds take on average about 5 weeks to fully mature. Some longer but seldom shorter. So about 4 weeks to go for the seeds and hoping the plant runs that long too.


Nothing to report on the HubbaBubba today. My Cap Junky plants are getting very close so I snipped off a small branch to scope it with my mini USB microscope to check the trichromes. Once the trichromes reach cloudy they are at the top of the roller coaster and at their prime. From that point on they they will begin to degrade and break down. You will notice that the heads start to fall off the stems shortly after they reach milky / amber.


My local grocery store had an Overstock of Boston butts and I do love some pulled pork. So I picked up two for me and the wife and I bought three for the local soup kitchen. We decided to freeze one and I’m cooking one today. Just got it on the smoker and I’m working to get my temperatures where I want them. I love my ThermoWorks Smoke receiver that I can carry around with me and monitor the ambient temperature in the grill as well as the temperature of the meat in the middle. The base unit sits outside of the smoker and has two probes that go inside. One sits on the grill the meat is on measuring the ambient temp in the smoker. The second probe is inserted into the center of the meat to measure that temperature. Both the sending / base unit and the receiver you carry around with you has a nice backlight.


HubbaBubba pics from this morning.


Love me some hubba bubba.great daytime smoke. And the smell😍