The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023



Getting ready to start another seed run. Well actually itā€™s already started I just havenā€™t started a journal / thread about it. As it stands right now Iā€™ll be growing out five different strains, reversing one and pollinating all five strains with the pollen resulting from the reversal. I am to the point I am starting to up-pot into 4 gallon plastic pots which will be their final size pots as I donā€™t have much room. Here are three of the plants for this seed run.

Left to right we have Cap-Paki, Jelly Pancakes, and Simply Irresistible.


I am trying 2.5 gallon pots this run and wish I had gone a little bigger. I think 4 gallons would be just about perfect. Iā€™m just trying to make it easier on my back moving them around. Hope you get great results from your seed run!


Thanks, the plant in the middle is the one that I will be reversing. Not pictured here is the Platinum City Runtz and Chemā€™91 Skunk VA.


My buddy grows in 3 gallon plastic pots only and has been for decades and he grows some nice plants with decent yields.


The plants got nice and big but Iā€™m watering 2 liters a day for each 2.5 gallon pot and theyā€™re dry as a bone the next day. This is the smallest size Iā€™ve tried with organic Dr Earth dry amendments and I think they look good but the extra root mass might help them bulk up a little. Iā€™ve only done 3 gallon fabric pots and havenā€™t tried 3 in plastic yet. Appreciate the info about his success in 3 gallons.


The structure of this plant is going to make it really hard to do a controlled pollination. Instead of growing upwards she grew more outward. I am trying to decide if I want to leave the reversed branch on the plant and just let it do itā€™s thing which would leave me with way more seeds then Iā€™ll ever need. Or remove the reversed branch and segregate it from the rest of my flowering plants and harvest what pollen I can. I have had method two work very well for me and not work well for me. Iā€™ll have to give it more thought. The branch I reversed grew quite a bit with lots of side branches which are all reversed with pollen sacks.


Thatā€™s great that it produced more pollen sacs than you expected. I think Iā€™ll try separating the branch and putting it in water when I try my first STS experiment. Thanks for showing the process you use, itā€™s a big help.


It really all depends on how many seeds youā€™re wanting to make. I just finished harvesting over 5,000 Cap Junky seeds so Iā€™m wanting to take a bit of a break and not have to pick through this whole plant. I will most likely snip off the branch and harvest the pollen in another room where Iā€™ll keep the branch. I put the branch under a 10 watt screw in LED bulb and an important point / tip is to harvest the pollen in the morning which is when the majority of the pollen sacks will open up to release their pollen.


I canā€™t imagine what trying to harvest that big of a seed crop would be like. The tip on harvesting in the morning is one Iā€™ve never heard so I really appreciate it. Your Cap Junky strain looks terrific by the way. Great job.


It would be a very stinky process agitating all that flower for seeds! I canā€™t wait to do it :+1:

Following along LDA. Even though according to you there is no following :wink: haha


was having a blast skimming this thread till i got to the cat post and then it got sad she was such a great looking cat it sucks when they disappear and leave you wondering with no closure at least for me it didā€¦ and still does. sorry for your loss.

as for the plants you really are an exeptional grower all your pics the plants structures are amazing and well trained do you have a topping technique you stick to or what is your secret, will be following along

edit that garlic plant was insane lol


Happy 420 Day Everyone!!!


That is a pretty lady! I can see where you have problems that has a tight structure not a whole lot of wiggle room.

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If I have a quantity of 1 or a quantity of 1,000 seeds of a strain I scarify the heck out of every seed I grow. The cost of seeds being so prohibitive I am going to do all I can to have a successful germination. What I do is very simple and would urge everyone to try it. Take an 8" x 10" sheet of sandpaper, I use 80 grit. I roll it up into a 10" tube with the grit on the inside and then tape it to hold itā€™s shape. I then tape a piece of cardboard on one end. Project completed. What I do is drop the seed/s into the tube and pour a couple tablespoons of playground sand in with the seeds. I hold my finger over the open and and shake shake shake, when you think youā€™ve done it enough do it some more. Those tiger stipes are like a stick on tattoo and should be completely gone when youā€™re finished. The better job you do scarifying the better the odds that seed will sprout.


I had my first HubbaBubba pollen sack open up overnight last night. I spotted a touch of pollen sitting on a leaf. Iā€™ve given it a lot of thought and if I make 50 seeds theyā€™ll last me forever so no sense blasting this girl full of pollen. Iā€™m going to be removing the reversed branch and collecting some pollen to make seeds on a couple selected branches down low.


I removed the pollen producing branch from the HubbaBubba plant today and moved it downstairs on a small table in the dining room under a small blurple light bulb where it will stay till Iā€™ve collected enough pollen.

Once removed from the plant I collected some pollen and dusted some smaller buds on branches down low on the plant. The plan as is most often the case to make a couple hundred seeds but leave the majority of the plant seedless and useable. So I make a note to myself that the first day of pollination is 4/24/2023 and so the first time I harvest a seed will be on May 29th which is exactly 5 weeks from pollination. When I pollinate a branch I wrap a florescent pipe cleaner around the branch so I donā€™t have to hunt for the seeds.

Prior to applying the pollen I lightly misted the parts of the plant not being pollinated. If stray pollen lands in the mist it renders it kaput.


Thatā€™s really helpful to know. I misted mine off 2 days after I pollinated but doing the plant before sounds really smart. One of my favorite auto strains is Bubba Trouble from Magic Strains. Itā€™s white widow x bubba kush x hubbabubbasmelloscop. Best pain meds ever from an auto and 4 zips per plant in 3 gallon pots.


Hey bud, every time I see ur thread name come up with updates Iā€™m usually jumping in! Were def here for the show! Nicely done on the reversal, def looks like a slamming success on it