The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

looks more shrubbery based in nature with those tips, but honestly no idea

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I might be mistaken in that they may have created another strain with a similar name, but to my best memory the strain you call Ruth is called HubbaBubbaSmelloScope.

But maybe they did create another strain like it?


Khat maybe? IDK…

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Ramps? Ten characters its hard to tell with the clipped leaves lol

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Gorgeous. I want to eat/smoke/smell those

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Well I guess the giveaway is over without a correct answer. Technically! As the giverawayer I have determined that @Mr.Sparkle was the closest to the correct answer and wins the seeds as the plants are all cuttings off of Encore Azaleas making them shrubbery.

If you’d like them @Mr.Sparkle please send me your mailing information via a PM


I reckon I was hungry, guessing only edible plants lol. It was fun congrats @Mr.Sparkle :v:


Thats why i reckoned they were familiar just didn’t know where, i have a nice pink azalea bush outside my work lunchroom door thats neglected and would benefit from a new location, ive considered cuttings from it dozens of times but have yet to do so.


The time to take cuttings is after the plants flower and they go through their growth spurt. At the top of the plant you’ll see the single branches and at the top you’ll see several growth tips shooting up. Get them while they’re still green and with a little luck and a little skill in 40-50 days you should seem some nice roots forming. Those 36 cuttings in a couple years will bring me $1k at the farmer’s market or flea market.


i was considering doing some air grafts on the larger branches but definitely should try some cuttings on the new shoots, that and the hydrangea bush the got whacked back by incompetent landscapers… but thats a whole multitude of stories there


The time has come, probably a week earlier then I would prefer but I’ve started harvesting the Cap Junky girls in my flowering tent. Pull them out, strip off the fan leaves and get them hung up to dry.


Great looking flowers, and looks to be a nice yield as well.


Amazing plants. How did you get those big looking colas popping out of the bottom?


The ones still standing are pretty much the same height as the others. They’ve just fallen over when I took them out of the tent. That is the plant front right in the first picture. Colas suspended from yo-yos.


Ok that makes so much more sense cause that didn’t look quite right :+1: beautiful plants.

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oKAY Dude… where did you get them seeds from… omg. I have 15 left and cannot wait to do a full on run like this. You’ve got my attention buddy, sorry not been around much… art work has been keeping me busy lately…

Really glad I caught the end of this though because, what a great job dude…
enjoy dem buds, looking forward to a smoke report

Just flipped mine


Recently got a 3 pack from Mephisto (hubbabudda) NO germination -(mentioned this to Mephisto - no replacements) along with Gnome Auto “Blackstrap” NO germination either, Really disappointed . So will be watching - Need to decide to buy a few more packs again and try to germinate AGAIN These two breeders tke their auto’s to F5 to F7’s which is good ; meaning “stable” genetics if you can get them to “pop” !!!

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Double Grape = Grape Stomper x Grape Crinkle — 65-70 day flower - sounds like a tasty strain !!! An Indica dominate strain is what you have


Nice work fella!

I made them from an original clone. They’re not all hype.