The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I plan to work on the Chem 91 till i am successful, thats my priority.

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As quick as it started the seed making consortium is a thing of the past.

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I did a reversal on the Super Orange Haze and had some low viability pollen ending up with 8 seeds total. :pleading_face: Fortunately three of those came out of my favorite pheno. Time to reverse one of those and go again!

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Haha, yeah, everyone always has a project or two to get to first. Myself included. It is cool when all the stars align and a project comes together though.

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I know it @Cbizzle ! Iā€™ve had this idea now for years and have tried to organize it on this and two other sites so far with no luck. Came really close one time with a group of 6 guys but that fizzled out. @nefrella used a phrase that I loved when it came to 2 or more people making seeds and swapping, she called it ā€œDivide and Conquerā€ and itā€™s stellar.

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Hey, one idea could be for you to enlist your auto army, each grows their stickiest ickiest most bestest auto selection and do their seed increase, then each member makes packs for all the others. Kind of like the freakers do for landrace/heirloom but for autos. That way the members arenā€™t steered from what they want to do, they pick it, but its a wider scope. For instance, Iā€™m a meph head, but also interested in mixing in some night owl, ace, and maybe even mendo 2020 in the mix since I have this seed stock. Iā€™m making some reg auto crosses, and wanted to mix some cbd strains. Just spitballing ideas mind you, like the original intent as well.

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What Nefrella and I did was post our list of Mephisto strains weā€™re wanting to do a seed increase with. She picked a strain from my list for me to do and I picked one from her list for her to do. Simple and small but when all is said and done we have two strains in our coffers in half the time.


Totally see the point for sure. Youā€™re on the right track. There are groups doing cooperative seed increases on specific genetics. There should be an OGAG (OG Auto Group) as well!

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Poor guy but very good looking friend ya got there Iā€™m a big fan of Boston terriers

I would be interested if you can get enough. I would get the Sweet Smile might also get Grappa


I liked the idea @Cbizzle where everyone grows their stickiest ickiest strain and donā€™t have to buy from that Mephisto list. I would stick with my selection above because of the Double Grape in the cross.

And heck Iā€™ll do it with 4 or 5 people.


Iā€™m off purchasing seeds for a bit, I have far too many waiting to run and multiple crosses in the works.

I did just add a 3ā€™rd tent with the idea of ā€œmore seeds, faster!ā€.

Once i get a couple of things off my ā€œto doā€ list Iā€™m gameā€¦


Ya Iā€™m gonna be a party pooper too on any seed purchases, got way to much kicking around to be spending anything on more

Think itā€™s a great concept though! Not a bad way to get their new gear and pass it around!

Not so sure mephisto would be to thrilled about it but canā€™t stop nature and what we encourage in jt :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I got a PM from my buddy on another site saying to come look at the latest picture of his Cap Junky plants grown from seeds I sent him.

The two on the left are Cap Junky and the two on the right are CJ X Big Bad Wolf 2.0 Looking really nice, heā€™s a very good grower and does an excellent job.


I would be willing to join In on the meph deal or I got some of my own stuff that I could do I think the best I got right now is critical cookies already got the sts ready to go

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So check out the deal mega crop is running.

Edit: I also have mephisto #64 cdlc x manalienbearpig on its way!


I saw that offer on the Greenleaf site. That is a good deal.

Yep when you said you use just part one I looked it up Bam! Special get the 1.3lb bag for free just pay shipping then 200g of kelp also free yay. For $10 canā€™t get nutes for that but then kelp. I was looking at kelp help at the nursery $24! Glad you mentioned it it seems to work well for you. Thanks and the new illuminato series.


My fear is that GreenLeaf will send out what theyā€™re calling the ā€œB-Gradeā€ Mega Crop which got wet and clumped up on them instead of the A-Grade quality. I did not check the box for the B-Grade nutes.

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I planted the last remaining clone today from my cloner. Time to get it sterilized and cleaned up and stored till I need it next.