The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The Lemon Paki i enjoy very much, and i’m down to my last two buds. I found it to be easy to grow as well, didnt fuss at all.

That’s gonna be a good cross with the CJ.

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On OG:



A super quick update on the three autos this morning.

First is the AVT that I nearly killed, she proved very resilient, pulled through and is now growing like mad. Too little too late I’m afraid. She’ll be dusted lightly with Hubba Bubba pollen to create a new auto fem cross.


Neutron Grape is starting to flower and with luck she’ll stretch a good bit in transition. I continue to tuck fan leaves and bend down the side branches. This morning I snipped off the two bottom branches that weren’t going to make it to the canopy. As I’m watching her grow I’m sensing she would benefit from being topped at around the 4th or 5th node. Do you top yours when you run this strain @Yetigrows ?


And finally the scraggly Skywalker Haze auto. She’s only in a 1 gallon fabric pot and I will hopefully have luck with the Hubba Bubba pollen and come away with some auto fem seeds and a new cross.


Yes I am interested in your updates on lemon paki x cap junky! That just sounds crazy good.

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My clone tent is nearly filled up. I have four more in the cloner that have roots but I want to let them grow more and bigger roots before I plant them. This is some excellent stock with Jelly Pancakes from IHG, Cap Junky, and Chem '91 X Skunk VA represented here.


I top all autos at 5’th node if theyre rockin’ down the house!

Looks healthy, I’d top.


No, she’s into flowering now. For me it’s too late to top her.


A quick autoflower update before running to the Post Office to mail off the prizes from yesterday. Already stamped so just have to drop them in the box.

All three are moving to their new location my homemade auto box. The Skywalker Haze (left) and Neutron Grape (right) will be right at home in here. The pitiful (my fault) AVT (second photo) survived but she doesn’t look like she’s going to produce too many flowers unfortunately. But whatever she does produce within the next three days will be pollinated on Thursday and then she’ll be moved in with the other three. I’m sure I won’t be able to resist dusting a couple Neutron Grape buds with the HubbaBubba pollen to make a few for me and a few to share wtith @Yetigrows .


Mephisto just released 12 new Illuminato strains or which I have NONE. So I gave Lisa my debit card in case I had a weak moment. There are two or three I would love to have and I think I have the parent strains on hand if I can’t live without the new crosses.


Smarter than myself brother. I ended up getting ChemBap, Monster Mashup and Crinkle Crunch. I mean, I might as well while they are also on sale… thats what I keep telling myself. They’re on sale. Im going to need to pick up STS supplies for this.


Well please keep me in mind if you do reverse any of those because I’d love to have them ALL!!

What I would love to do is form a seed making consortium of 8-10 reliable growers. Each one of us buys one strain each of the new Meph strains. We each reverse the strain we bought and make a bunch of seeds and when finished send a pack of 25 seeds to each of the other members of the consortium and all the other members do the same. So reverse one strain from a 5 pack and end up with 25 each of 10 different stains. Any of you guys interested? @Habitt , @nefrella , @Yetigrows , @ReikoX , @GCBudz , @repins12 , @420noob , @Mr.Sparkle , @Berserker7205 , @Going2fast , @AzSeaindooin420 I’m tired and sure I’ve missed some auto lovers.

Here is the strain I will buy and make a bunch of seeds to pass to all the group members.


The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

…is one hell of a thread title. But will it get me high?.. :thinking:

:evergreen_tree: if it looks like weed & smells like weed… then it’s just me :rofl:


I just saw that email as well! Some look great. Once I get my reimbursement finally I’ll let you know when I know. I’ll make my choice of what I’m growing then so others can choose. Great idea thanks for bringing it up. Looks like I’m gonna have to watch Sebring sts video.


As soon as my current grow is done im doing a reversal as a project and I’ve decided to run the crinkle crunch and the chembap. Im down like a clown for this idea. I’ll start as soon as I’m done with my current run in August or September.

I’ve got another project I have to do next. A promise I made to someone. After that I could probably do it :man_shrugging:t4:

Meh none of their f1 crosses interest me. Was disappointed in wedding and already have too many packs that I need to pop first. If I had more room…


You mean like exactly what I’m doing with Illuminauto #57 Blood Orange Haze? And now again with Hubbabubbasmelloscope? :rofl: :+1:

Great minds think alike @LoveDaAutos !