The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Yay I didn’t think of that but for $10 with the kelp it’s worth a try I guess. So I’m kinda excited about cdlc x manalienbearpig! That cross seems like it should be a good yielder.


About a year ago I came across a man selling an older 24 foot pontoon boat, motor, and trailer. I paid him exactly what he was asking so it really wasn’t like stealing.

The seating and console were a mess but that was okay because what I have in mind is building a small lightweight cabin on the deck to sleep and eat in. I stripped everything off the aluminum frame (the plywood was a pain) leaving me just the logs and frame. The pontoon logs were heavily oxidized and looked nasty so I bought a gallon of Alumabright, got out the pressure washer and in 2 hour had her looking great again.

The engine is a 70hp Johnson (older model) that my buddy is rebuilding for me. It will be a work in progress project but when finished I’ll have a mobile fishing cabin I can tow to any lake and stay on the water.


I’ve not grown MBAP solo but have a couple crosses with that as one of the parents. Not sure off the top of my head what it was crossed with. I would guess you’ll be happy with that.

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Yes that would be nice. Did you see the freebies sour crinkle x grape crinkle and strawberry nuggets x livers bx1 both have strains you like which would you prefer?


What do you mean which would I prefer? Which do I think would be the better cross?

Ya just which would you prefer to get oh ya forgot the other one

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Damn, you got that pontoon looking brand new. It looks great bro. Probably feels like a great accomplishment ta boot. Party barge! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Still confused. Are you asking me which of those strains you should reverse to share with others in a group?

I finished up pollinating the plants I am currently flowering. A couple days ago I pollinated the buds on a couple small branches of my Jelly Pancakes plant with some Cap Junky pollen from the plant I reversed. Yesterday I misted everything in that tent and let it dry overnight. This morning I pollinated the buds on a couple branches of a Cap Junky plant with Blue Kush OG pollen from Doug. We’ll see what I end up with.


I received the Mega Crop and Kelp today. Greenleaf sent Grade A Mega Crop which was good to see.


The other day my collie was laying at my side dreaming and her tail was wagging like crazy. I looked down today when I heard her growling and making scary noises and saw this face. Maybe dogs have good and bad dreams like humans.


The plant in the front left of the photo is Chem’91 Skunk VA Anxious to see how she finishes.


Dogs absolutely dream, I often find myself laughing at them napping.

91 looks good. What smells she putting off in your environment?


I love seeing this cut out and about

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I would say it smells exactly like yours did at that age.

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It’s a beautiful day here. Hot but the humidity is not so bad.


Did you get the same deal I did? Mine didn’t say grade A or B but looks not clumpy. I’m excited to try this new nute especially since it has a lot of good stuff so don’t need as many supplements. Silica humic fulvic.

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I’ve used it with great success for over 5 years. Get a big bottle of Cal-Mag and a PK booster and you’re golden. @GreenleafNutrients Sweet Candy is a very good PK booster.


Ya got bloom city cal/mag but no pk booster. Does the sweet candy supposed to make terps taste sweet or just a name?

It improves flavor, yield, and aroma. I use Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus