The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I’m slipping back in quietly from my fishing , camping, kayaking trip. I had a lot of fun, saw some pretty places and visited some spots that took me back to that movie “Deliverance” which seriously was a little scary. This being my first kayak river fishing tripI learned a whole lot I didn’t even think I needed to know which is a great thing. Biggest problem I had was I was traveling by myself and wanting to fish rivers with a decent flow rate. I was not able to locate anyone offering shuttle service on most of the more obscure rivers which meant if I floated downstream I have to pull my kayak back to the jeep which at my age is a lot of work. But now I know that most of the places I wanted to fish are out of cell service so you can’t research shuttle service down in the hollars it has to be done before hand. Next trip I will be concentrating on just one river and know everything there is to know about the area before I get there.

Hope everyone has had a great past week or so.


Hey nice to see you back! Glad you got to enjoy your new kayak and a nice fishing trip before the weather gets cold. I’ve been waiting to follow your amazing grows again. I’ve seen you lurking a bit but keeping to yourself lol. Ready to watch your auto monsters blow people mind. You all relaxed and ready for the cold?

Sounds like you had a good time on the water. What did you catch?

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did u say some were that u used Yucca or was it Yuca in ure STS mix so the STS lays on the plant

i am going to try this single STS bottle mix, in 2 weeks, i will let u guy know if it works

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Any surfactant will work to break the surface tension.

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what do u recommend to use as a surfactant >>detergent<<?

yucca extract

Powder or liquid @LoveDaAutos

Raw makes a yucca powder that works well but has sugars in it to feed microbes so not sure if will work for spraying but it is a surficant. Also foxfarms makes sledgehammer which is liquid yucca.

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Thanks, I have a bottle of Fox farms sledgehammer

This was a pretty section of one of the creeks I fished on my trip. I was in love with this rock formation. I caught a few smaller bass along this wall.


I caught a lot of bass in this size range. Never got on any really nice ones.


I spent two nights at an Army Corp of Engineers campsite. This delightful young lady was my closest neighbor. Her and her husband had been camped there since May 15th. They said they go home (90 mins away) every other weekend to do laundry and stock up on food. When I walked over to say hello they were busy processing several large catfish.


One night I drove 5 hours to get to Dale Hollow Lake and arrived with no place to put up for the night. One of the marinas has a security person who was nice enough to let me spend the night in their parking lot. He said…"go past my booth, make a left and then the nex right and drive till you see a huge pile of flotation sections for houseboats and park there next to it. I was really tired so I climbed into my jeep and slept like a baby. When I got up the next morning I figured out what I heard as I was drifting off to sleep. The sounds of truck tires hitting the cracks in the pavement sections right over top of me. :joy:


This is where I was set up in Virginia on the New River. I paid $45.00 for one night of primitive camping. No water or electricity and a totally run down bathroom.


My gal Lisa is a pretty amazing woman. She designed and built this sleeping platform for me in my jeep. The two larger bins on the left held food and clothing. On the right side there are 4 smaller bins which held tools, supplies, fire starting supplies and spare parts for the kayak. I didn’t stay anywhere long enough to set up my tent so this came in really handy and with my inflatable and insulated sleeping pad I was very comfortable. Oh, and that pull out sliding table was perfect for whipping up meals.


Looks like you had a great time, albeit short.

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So… vacation is over. Time to get back to work.

What’s planned next?



I’ve been cutting, grinding, painting and welding on my homemade utility / kayak / camping trailer. And leaf gathering season is upon me. And I’d still like to get in at least one more river fishing trip this fall.

I do have my 2x4 tent all sterilized and ready to go and owe Viparspectra a sponsored grow with the pair of XS 1500 Pro lights they gave me so that will be next but on another site cause I don’t think I can do it here as Viparspectra isn’t a sponsor on this site as far as I know.