The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Currently growing a freebie I got from Mephisto called Sour Livers x Livers Bx and it’s quite a nice plant.
At about day 70 it’s looking like it has a bit to go.


I also have four of the cj91 seeds from @GCBudz growing. I’m thinking in about 10 days they will get flipped.! Good looking girls.


Excited to watch you run them. My 4 are just a bit behind yours.

Hoping we are as successful as @DefNSmokn @Boozer @Redrum92 @middleman and several others were… I’m sure you will be.


Heck yeah, wishing you both luck. My winner CJ91 is some of the best stuff I’ve grown to date.


I’ve got 3 distinct phenotypes in just the four I have growing. If I had the room I would take cuttings and go forward with the best of the three.


I have decided to start on a project I’ve been wanting to do now for over two years. I have a 2’ x 4’ x4’ tall tent in which I want to achieve a yield of 450 grams growing auto flowering plants. For this endeavor I have purchased some 1 gallon, some 2 gallon, and some 3 gallon fabric pots. The first step is to figure out which size pots to use and to do so I have started three seeds of the same strain one in a 1 gal, one in a 2 gal, and one in a 3 gal. They’ve all sprouted so good there. Now I have to determine how much and what kind of training I will be doing on these 3 plants. My goal is to maximize the amount of plant I can grow in each pot keeping the plant inside the footprint of the pot it’s growing in.

I’m thinking it’s going to be all about colas, the bigger and more dense the better. Please feel free to drop suggestions or ideas that might help. Have a great weekend!


Oo, I’ve been thinking about doing something similar. Excited to see what ya come up with!


Seems like it took forever but I finally got my four photo girls in to their final pots. I’ll give them a week to 10 days to acclimate to the extra space and start pushing out new roots and I’ll flip them to the flowering light cycle. They all received their final haircuts and defoliation.


Mainline maybe if fast enough growth or do you think that will stress to much and limit growth? A guy on ilgm mainline autos but that’s in hydro.

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What I’m going for is keeping each plant inside the footprint of their individual pots. The plan is to remove most everything except a main cola or two on each plant.


I will be excited to see this.

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All I’m doing right now is trying to get an idea of which size fabric pots to use. I would love to be able to use the 1 gallon and get two main colas in each pot. My fear is how often I’ll have to water them thinking probably once a day in the 1s. But we’ll see, it will be a work in progress.


What about four 3g pots in the 2×4 zig-zag’d with four colas each?
Think it’ll get ya to them numbers.

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A few years ago I tried this with 8 three gallon fabric pots crammed in the 2x4 tent. I ended up with 367g and had two tiny plants. I think / know I could have done better had I grow all the same strain and didn’t have the two dwarfs. I’m more curious then anything to see what an auto will produce in a 1 gal and a 2 gal both of which I’ve never grown an auto in.

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I’m curious with ya.
I haven’t done either myself. :grimacing:

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Let the experiments begin :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If its for science Im in!lol

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I’ve got a good number of S1 Garlic Sherbert seeds from In House Genetics I made about 2018 - 2019. I made a bunch because I really liked growing the plants themselves and the final results were superb. I had one in every round for over a year. Anyway, I feel like I need to start going through my older seeds and seeing if they’ll germinate before sharing them. I took 8 of the GS seeds and planted 8 of them straight in to a hempy solo cup a few days ago. Yesterday 5 of them had broken ground but all 5 needed help removing their helmet and membrane. Today 4 of them are standing up and look like they should do fine while one is sort of just laying there so I am not going to count that one as a success. So I’m going to call the germ rate 50% which isn’t too awful for fem seeds. Once these 4 show me they’re definitely going to make it I’ll feel good trading and/or sharing these seeds.


I had 75% germ rates, 3 of 4 when I last ran these. Nice bud also… you shouldn’t have any complaints with these.

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But I think you ran them a couple years ago no? Given their age I’m happy with a 50% germ rate and now it looks like #5 is trying to stand up so if she does that puts the germ rate at over 62% .

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