The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I have seen this style of growing outdoors at 2000 mtrs elavation in the Himalayas …they plant seeds very close together and the plants adapt by sending only the apex for the Sun with hardly any lateral growth. The result is a patch of land with only big appex buds :slightly_smiling_face:


That sounds perfect to me, mine will of course be a very small patch of land.


I was reading recently that the best way to farm cannabis in a field for production is close together just like that!


I like your nice sog idea that would be very efficient.

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Impressive stuff, man!

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I didn’t realize I hadn’t checked my PO Box since last Wednesday. It was like Christmas all up in there. I want to personally thank the following for swapping seeds with me, and for just sending me seeds because that’s what we do.

From @Papalag I received f1 and f2 Oaxacan seeds with some surprise Skunk #1 X Black Dolato. Thank you Paps

From my Canuk buddy @Pigeonman thank you for another silky smooth seed swap. The Yogi F3 and 1974 Jew Gold seeds made it in just 10 days. Thanks my friend.

From @CapnCannabis who probably spent 40 minutes packing the seeds up thank you for the BOG Sour Bluetooth and Sour Bluetooth x Mac1…beautiful seeds.

From @Hotrods_and_hounds thank you for the trade. Excited for the 88G13/HP and Sour Bluetooth. Thank you bud!

Finally from @Rhai88 thank you for the Bam Bam F2 from the take seeds thread.

Thank you all so much for your willingness to share and give away seeds.


Nice mail day!!! Did you need a hand truck to carry it all out? :grin:

Where can I find info on the Oaxaca


@Emeraldgreen The Central American landrace and heirloom thread (Part 1)

I CAN tell you that I think Oaxacan is fantastic. :fire::fire:

Edit: I see you’ve been here awhile. Apologies if that’s not the question you were asking.


My pack of Old School Mango Haze autos arrived today too. I was expecting a bonus pack but maybe I did not qualify as I only bought a 3 seed pack. I did get my two freebie seeds.


Oaxacan the Strain

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I’m so happy to hear this! Enjoy growmie! :metal:

Yaass!! I’m living vicariously through you with those! Please tag me when you grow em. :heart:


A few months ago I grew the smallest autoflower plant I’ve ever grown. The strain is Sundae Thumper from Mephisto Genetics. Being honest I’m sure I did something to her or neglected to do something to her that caused her to be incredibly tiny. And fellas we’re not talking about one of those 14 gram babies this plant was the baby of that plant. It just finished an almost 4 week cure. Today my buddy came by and I asked him to sample it for me and you know how that goes. LOL

Anyway after 4 hits I noticed he was sitting holding the pipe in one hand, the lighter in the other, and was staring off into space. He gave me the full detailed redneck smoke report. He said “That’s some damn fine weed, man! Tastes like hash with a hint of pine.” Nothing at all like described on the web site.

The plant was disappointing beyond belief, smallest auto I ever grew. So by God I’ve got to try it again at some point in time.


That’s what I’ve noticed with several Mephisto strains I’ve stunted. They always seem to compensate for that poor yield with fire!


@lovedaautos seeds landed thanks man!


You’re very welcome, thanks for letting me know.

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I started looking at my seed collection and decided I needed to do something to be able to find a specific pack of seeds easier. So I bought a few of these. I saw someone using one and thought it was a brilliant idea. Same premise as a book that holds sportscards but this one holds 10 sheets with each sheet holding 12 flips so 120 flips total for the book.


I gave some autos to a friend out of 3 he grew

2 went normally well but the 3rd was about 4 inches tall and flowered out that size

And come to think of it it was a manifesto repo

Funny :smile:



I’m growing out some CJ91 plants, the brainchild of @GCBudz . Here is one I flipped on April 8th . You think she loves the light? Look at her stretching you leaves upward like that.


I did a germination test on some old Garlic Sherbert seeds I made back in 2019 and although the success rate wasn’t great it’s good enough to hang onto and trade / share the seeds. Here are two of the Garlic Sherbert from the germ test. I will most likely flower them in those little 1 gallon pots.


And finally a pic of the next generation. Four Cap Junky, one Indiana Bubblegum, and one M.A.C. 1 Right now they are rootbound and I cannot up-pot them yet as I have no room for them in a larger size. So I’ll remove them from their pots and cut off an inch of soil all the way around and 3" off the bottom. Fill the pots with some new soil and put them back in the same pots. That keeps them healthy and slows them down some.