The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Friday was grocery shopping day so after eating a big lunch I sat and made my shopping list. As I grabbed my shopping cart I realized I had forgotten the list so I just winged it. When I got home feeling all proud of myself for my amazing memory I compared what I bought with what was on the list. I had forgotten 4 things but does having bought 5 things not on the list equal things out? Anyway, I went back to the grocery store and bought the 4 things I had forgotten and headed home happy to have knocked out a chore I really do not like doing. Saturday afternoon I pulled out the Insta Pot to make my simple and delicious chicken thigh, carrots, and baby potato recipe. Simple IF I had the Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning!! Trip #3 to the grocery store.

The chicken was delicious when all was said and done. I hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s how things are supposed to work, but I like how you think. Iā€™m terrible at making a shopping list. But my wife helps, by reminding me after we return, that if Iā€™d made a list I wouldnā€™t have forgotten whatever it was. So we have a system. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Itā€™s all about having a system that works for us.

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Even if that system requires multiple trips back and forth to the

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Youā€™re young yet, Bob give it time.

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Iā€™m a few years over the hill. Do it already I just fake it til I make


I am currently growing an Indiana Bubblegum plant from CSI Humboldt. Iā€™m liking the plant very much although she is a bit bushier then I like. Anyway, I have been noticing her pistils of late and think this is really pretty. They have not been pollinated they are just a sort of amber color.


I have to say it again, even though she is bushier then I like and she didnā€™t stretch as much as I had hoped, this Indiana Bubblegum has found a spot in my heart. Here she is at flip +36 days and Iā€™m thinking sheā€™s about halfway there?


Lookin fabulous LDA :call_me_hand::seedling:
When do you move your autos from the veg tent to thx flower usually?
Iā€™d love to get some autos going in my 2,but just doing photos atmā€¦ Eventually Iā€™d like to throw a couple in.


I have a small 2x4 tent where I flower my autos and they generally are moved into that tent when they are about 2 weeks old. If Iā€™m just trying to fill a hole in my photos veg tent Iā€™ll stick an auto in there for as long as I can until a photo is ready to replace it.


In essence Iā€™m wanting my autos under 18/6 lighting.


Ok, so I guess itā€™s kind of a pain running both photos and autos. I know autos prefer dli compared to photos that can take a higher intensity for shorter.
Thanks for the info :seedling:

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Well @RainToday Iā€™ve got my next two Zamaldelica Express seeds in a hempy solo cup waiting for them to sprout so I can stick them in their pots. You said put multiple in the same pot but I know if I do that Iā€™ll end up with both being females. LOL Both of the seeds have a nice tap root and are working their way up through the perlite. The two pots are moistened and ready to go.


Autos are a piece of cake, couldnā€™t be easier go grow after the first 2 weeks. I grow 2 or 3 in the 2x4 tent, do some training to keep them shorter since the tent is shorter. I donā€™t even close the door to the tent because well, I donā€™t have to.


I grew autos in an RV closet in two gallon pots. I topped them once and thatā€™s it. They went to a perfect height for me too. Thatā€™s when I stopped training autos so hard. Now they get very little training and youā€™re right+ quite easy. :seedling:


And the genetics are so much better today overall then they were just 3 or 4 years ago.


So far got grappa tap root and in dirt and 1 of 2 lectors tailed and are in soil! :+1:


The first of your 5 Lemon Pie x Ciskei testers get the chop in the morning :smiley: theyā€™re at 8.5 weeks, and this one is showing lots of gold in the trichomes. Iā€™ll examine the others in more detail then too, and maybe cut another since mum usually likes things more on the early side.

I really like them, and am curious now what ciskei seeds you used, thinking Iā€™d love to get my hands on some and cross them with a sativa-ish auto, or even the Beldia seeds I just picked up on the trade thread.


My buddy sent me about 10 of the Ciskei seeds and Iā€™ve only grown one. They are fems so I can send you a couple.

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That would be epic!! :heart_eyes: I believe the Beldia are regs, so I could do both increase and cross. Pass you back seeds, or hmu any time I have something else you want.

Trying to decide whether to cross the Lemon Pie x Ciskei. Iā€™ve got a Beast Mode auto male right now from Carty I could hit it with, would give some full auto babies but not sure what the cross would be like. Or hold out a couple weeks and hope one of my Zamaldelica Express grows up to be a proper male. Or could even toss some other reg auto seeds in the water and likely get a boy in plenty of time. Anything youā€™re particularly interested in?