The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

Well wait and see what mom thinks of the LP x Ciskei before making lots of plans. Ahhhh the Zamaldelicas…you kept all the girl seeds and sent me all the boy seeds. I have two more in hempy cups ready to show their heads and both will get their own pot. Surely one of these has to be a girl. lol If you’ll send me your mailing info I’ll put those Ciskei seeds in the mail to you tomorrow

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Lol!! Might be true - I’ve killed a dozen or so seedlings before gender, and of those that showed so far I’ve had 3 girls and one herm male. I’ll send you more ZE seeds if you get low at all :joy:

Breeding plans are what I think about at night instead of counting sheep. Try to map out a pile of xx and xy and traits in my head, bam, right to sleep all happy. :grin::rofl:

Address sent, thank you very much!


Have you grown any strong sativas for your mom yet? If so how did you like them?

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I haven’t, everything has been hybrids, but so far the more sativa leaning the better she likes them for daily use. Harvesting on the early end of the harvest window has been best too.

She’s looking for the mood boost and enjoyment of the high and of smoking, but the indicas and anything left to get a lot of amber make her feel stupid and have a harder time thinking and doing. She’s having some trouble with her memory, especially what’s called “working memory,” so now making it less by smoking is becoming a problem. That’s why I’m going to try and grow some actual straight up sativas. I still really favor autoflowers though, which is why Beldia is exciting, and so is the Z.E.
She’s going to have to quit smoking for a few months, and then stay mostly quit for two years if she tests into this study she got into the preliminary rounds for. So I’ve got some time for seed runs and breeding some longer blooming stuff without bothering to try to get any useable bud off it.


So what is this Beldia? I’ve heard you mention it a couple times now.

A couple family photos from today. The CJ91 in the back right is starting to purple up.


It’s supposed to be a landrace sativa autoflower. @Nugslinger sent me the seeds :smiley: and I found a nice description here - Beldia, the Endangered Moroccan Landrace

Here’s the final pretty shots of the first competed Lemon Pie x Ciskei, chopped today. Smells great, super sticky, chunky buds. That’s a 2 gallon pot. The three I have some extra soil room to at the last minute put even more weight on their colas, but aren’t quite finished yet.


That looks gorgeous @RainToday I would love if you could let me know when you do a smoke report on these after a cure and sampling by mom. And do you know how many days from seed to harvest? And finally how long was the flowering period.


My next two Zamaldelica Express reg auto seeds have sprouted in their hempy cup starter home and will get transplanted in to their final 1 gallon fabric pots today. As I see it I am not really disturbing the roots with this method as there is just the main taproot and I’m extremely gentle.


Hopefully I’ll find a girl with this pair of Zamaldelica babies as so far I am 0 for 3 with only three boys so far. But I got them transplanted into their final 1 gallon pots and in to my 2x2 tent where I can better control the temperature and humidity.

I always fill my pots (especially autos) 2-3 inches short of the top so that as the autos stretch toward the light (which I want them to do) I can backfill around them. Eventually the pot will be filled to within an inch or so to maximize the amount of soil in which to grow roots.


I had a goal this summer to produce more of my Lector seeds as they’re both getting old and my QOH is less then I would like it to be. So I planted two with the intention of reversing one for seeds and growing the other out. Unfortunately I failed to check my notes on length of time the Lector takes in veg and found this happening on the girls this morning. LOL


Man, that’s some quality herb you’ve got there!

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Morroccan belida is amazing. I have a few fem seeds from khalifa genetics and the one I grew was truely epic!

So the lector seeds 1 of 2 have tailed. Fingers crossed on the 2nd. Grappa also in soil.


Hey how about reversing the Lector and making a bunch of S2 seeds?


12 weeks seed to harvest.
9 weeks flowering time for this first one, but I could have cut it at 8 weeks. It had a lot of gold - maybe 30%.

Looked at the other 4 and they really don’t look ready. Just a few gold trichomes here and there on the sugar leaves, and I still see quite a few clear ones.

Have to note though that the last 6 weeks they have had less light intensity than the one that was finished. They seem really happy, putting on lots of bud weight and stickiness. I’ll check how big the actual light intensity difference is tomorrow or this weekend.


I only have one that germed. I can drop the 3rd one and go from there. Autos are the only pollen plants I can have from now on cause of lightning issues. I don’t have a separate tent for pollen droppers inside.

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Well you only need one to make more seeds as they’re all girls.

I have an Indiana Bubble gum plant in vet that I’ve been playing with, seeing what she’ll handle and keep chugging along. Check out this shot of the very top of the plant after I fimmed it and also check out the shape of the main stem how it’s flattened.


Cherry Gar-See-Ya at 33 days post flip. She’s going to be a fast one I believe just looking at her flowers.


The CJ91 tent is rolling along just fine, also at flip +33 days.