The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

The fourth time was a charm! :star_struck: I’ve been trying to find a female plant from the Zamaldelica Express auto reg seeds I got from @RainToday and struck out with the first 3 seeds I grew. I started to think she had sent me all male seeds but looking closely this morning at plant #4 I think I see girl parts. What do ya’ll think?



:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:Roll out the pink streamers! :heart_eyes::partying_face::rofl::rofl::rofl::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Do these produce a better plant growing all natural or is topping the better option? I need to send you a cigar. The funny / ironic thing is I sent about 10 of the seeds I got from you to my buddy who started three and had two girls and a boy.


I don’t think they’ve got the kind of resilience that does well with topping, they seem to stunt pretty easy.
I’ve got my f5 plant just about to finish, and was trying to grow it without interference but it was just too uneven, big tall mains, so I supercropped it late in the game, which it did fine with.

The f4 mom I bent over sideways and spread out the branches with LST, starting just a little bit bigger than yours is. I think that had the better outcome, but that plant also had better soil.

They do seem to need quite a bit of feeding, yours looks great!


She was born in and will be raised her whole life in that little 1 gallon fabric pot so not much I can do other then some leaf tucking and bending down some branches. I am growing it to see the quality of the flower.

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You grow great plants in little pots :grin: and I stunted the ones of these I did in very large pots - lack of nutrients, lack of light, and competition from other plants have all given me versions of this - half a dozen so far :rofl:. The good news is no herm girls from the mistreatment.

I didn’t try a small pot, but 1 gallon should be enough with the kind of good care I see you giving your plants.


Close inspection of the Cherry Gar-See-Ya this morning to estimate her DOD. I snipped off a bud about halfway down the plant and scoped the trichromes. This is the snipped bud I trimmed and scoped.


And these are the trichrome shots from this nugget.


I conferred with my two grow buddies and we all agreed that the Cherry Gar-See-Ya was right in the harvest window I was looking for with this plant. Goal was to harvest it with the maximum amount of milky trichromes with the minimum of clear and amber. So there are a few clear trichs and a smatter of amber but the vast majority are cloudy. I spent 30 minutes stripping off her fan leaves and will put her in the closet overnight and cut down and hang her in the same dark closet tomorrow morning. How about a few photos.


She wasn’t a huge plant but not tiny and the nuggets are 8.97 our of 10 on the nug hardness scale. Really quite sticky more so then I thought it would be.


Whoops, I missed a photo.


Hubbabubbasmelloscope has been 3 week cure so far I believe and wow! Super dank smelling with a bit of earthy stank to it! Well done!


You haven’t sampled any yet?

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Of course I have! Hell I’m glad I got a few plants harvested before her so I’ve been able to get a bit of a cure before it’s all smoked. She hits nice with and earthy taste and a bit of citrus and is very stoney high! Will induce munchies most strains don’t do this to me.


that cherry gar see ya is such a beautiful plant lwhen i first grew it i had powder mildew break out cant remember if i ever got to smoke it but it was as pretty as yours.

also those white truffle will be fire to bad the breeder is a pos women beater, figure id say it since no one else has yet lol


Tell me, what is the name of the breeder of those white truffle seeds? His full name as I would like to investigate the criminal charges brought against him which is public record.


There was a huge conversation about beleaf and his woman abuse on here.
Most people just decided to stop supporting him in any form. Any cuts of his like white truffle, change the name
@204medismoke @LoveDaAutos


Well I got the seeds as a gift so technically I am not supporting him. But in all fairness and honesty if the guy has no criminal record where he was charged with and convicted of the crimes the internet is charging him with I wouldn’t blackball him. My dad always instilled the innocent until proven guilty in a court of law principle in me.

But that said I don’t want to turn this thread into a rehashing of the previous conversation so I hereby rename my seeds Holy Truffle S1 fems


Fair and reasonable pov, but this guy was caught on video… hard to defend it.