The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

When I first looked at that photo I thought it was a piece of pie or something.


lol just a chunk of growdan block in a pie dish. Not even a decent crack on any of them that I can gently remove the shell off.

No expert here but thanks for reminding me to spray them hoping within a couple days I’ll get there helmets off .

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I use a pair of tweezers to grab one side of the shell and get a good grip on it. Then I take a push pin after dipping it in alcohol and insert it into the crack and gently pry it open. Getting the shell off for me is the easy part. Removing the membrane tests my late 60s motor skills and dexterity.


My eye sight isn’t good enough for that , I may replant burying them a little deeper and see if nature does it for me .
Going to give them a few days of misting for now .


That’s one of the top things that kept me from seriously considering laser eye surgery to correct my vision. Right now I really do have to have my glasses to even find my glasses :wink: but my up close vision is great if I take them off. Can’t stand the idea of losing that voluntarily.

Hope the burial works! Another thought is just laying a single sheet thickness of paper towel or TP over them and misting to keep it damp for a bit. Not to long or it’ll mold of course, but would keep the moisture right on those little helmets and give them something to push against.


So do you germinate in the solo with only perlite?

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My routine when starting new seeds in a hempy solo cup is as follows:

First thing I do is scarify the heck out of the seeds I’m going to grow. I have a sheet of 80 grit sand paper rolled up into a tube with the grit inside of course. I tape it up good to hold it into the tube and I tape up one end with duct tape. I keep a Nexium bottle filled with dry white play sand and I pour about 1/2 the bottle of play sand into the sandpaper tube and then drop in the seeds. I hold my thumb or index finger over the end and then shake shake shake probably for 3 or 4 minutes. When I pour the seeds and sand out the seeds are now devoid of the stripes or shiny dried resin surface which allows it to absorb water. Once I am finished scarifying the seeds I use tweezers to make a little hole about 3/4" deep and drop the seed in and cover it with the perlite. On average about 3 days later they’ll be near the surface (if they’re going to germinate) and next day will have sprouted. One minor drawback to this method is that if you don’t plant the seed deep enough it will sprout with the helmet and membrane still in place but that to me is okay as I’ve gotten good at removing them.

Germinating in just perlite I feel gives the seeds more oxygen then in a glass of water or paper towel. And I do use the paper towel method with new fresh seeds. But if I have seeds that might struggle to germinate or seeds that are valuable to me I plant them in a solo cup in the perlite.


Did you get those helmets and membranes off yet?


Yes did a bit of surgery yesterday morning on 2 there doing fine the last one still being stubborn.


I feel so sorry for this poor plant. :sob: Since birth it’s had a really hard life starting with watching my Boston Terrier eat her two sisters when they were about 3 or 4 inches tall. She in fact lost a couple body parts but had enough to keep going, she is a fighter. About the time she started flowering there was a severe shortage of space in my veg tent so I had to relocate her in to my 2x4 flowering tent and stuck her in between two flowering photo plants (12/12 lighting) under their canopy thus hogging most of the light. She did get to spend her last 4 weeks of flower back under better lighting and 18/6 light cycle. Smells amazing…like pot you know? Hard to describe.

I’ve determined this to be a Barney’s Farm strain called Mimosa X Orange Punch Auto


It’s a sad day today as I learned of the passing of Willie Mays. I used to be a bit of a baseball fan “back in the day” watching the likes of Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Kofax and Drysdale, Bob Gibson to name a few. It was my dads favorite sport and we lived close enough to NYC to go see a few games each year. I used to love those outings with my dad and thinking about Willie Mays today brings up a lot of good memories from my past. So thank you for that.


Beautiful plants! Losing the “Say Hey Kid” is a sad day for baseball. Did you know Bob Gibson played for the Harlem Globetrotters?

How about Al Kline I’m obviously a tigers fan lol.


New Journal Begins Here

                                 ***New Journal Begins Here***

This site has exposed me to strains and breeders I had never heard of before joining OG. The majority of these strains are only available (as far as I know) as regular seeds. So I have decided to grow one of these strains, find hopefully a beautiful female, reverse her and make a bunch of S1 seeds. The strain name will remain confidential for now but will be disclosed at some point during the project. The seeds I am starting are F2s made by a fellow OGer twelve years ago back in 2012 by running BX3 seeds made in 2009. He shared these with me to see if I could make some S1s for the both of us.

So the seeds have some age which hopefully doesn’t take down the project but I was told they were stored properly and will grow.

I thoroughly scarified a dozen of the seeds and just this morning gave them a quick h2o2 bath and then planted them into these hempy solo cups. Typically seeds are pushing up perlite around day 3/4 so fingers crossed.


Hope you have a fantastic successful run with these!!


Did you trade the family cow for some magic beans again? :wink:


Did the scarification turn the seeds white?


Maybe they’re a Freakshow strain :star_struck::grin:


No, these seeds were actually donated to the cause by a fellow OGer.


They were pretty light in color prior to scarification but it did remove any darker spots of them. I’ve never grown seeds this light in color and it’s not that they’re immature seeds. I gave one the squish test and it was solid.


Godspeed little Cap Junky.