The most Spellbinding-Inspiring-Rousing-Interactive & Fun Autoflower Plant and Seed Journal 2023

I got here yesterday about 1:00 p.m. and floated a little section of the river for about an hour and a half and caught five small mouth bass. All small, the biggest was about 12 in. I got up this morning and Wade fished for about an hour and a half before breakfast and picked up another four Bass again all small. This was The View out of my Rooftop tent this morning when the crows woke me up at 6:30


The water is pretty low in the river. Quite a number of spots that are difficult to get through with my tank of a kayak.


A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work buddy

Is that the kayak you got the deal on and had to bleach out the compartments, or do I misremember?


I did get a deal on it, on sale brand new so no compartment bleaching. Now the prior kayak did not smell so good inside the hull and I tried to bleach that smell out but found out after time theyā€™ll all eventually have an unpleasant aroma in there.


See you in two days when the site is back up.


Iā€™ve got a question for everyone. What is the minimum number of hours of light needed daily for a photo plant to veg but not start to flower? Right now Iā€™m experimenting with 15 on and 9 off to see how they get along. I just yesterday and today up-potted my last vegging plants and put them in the flowering tent. Iā€™ll give them a week to stretch out and then flip them. That will leave me with just the Sour Bubble which Iā€™m in the process of up-potting also. Iā€™m struggling with them and am really hoping the problem is the small pots. I guess I was hoping they would show sex before they got up-potted saving me time, medium, and nutrients but that wasnā€™t to be the case. Hope everyone is having a great week.


Itā€™s very strain-dependent, but youā€™re likely going to see flowers before getting down to 14 hours. I tried out 14 hours for veg once and ended up having to reveg. Even so, only one plant flowered and I had a few strains in there. :thinking:


I found it depends how quick you switch your times . Ie dropping from 18 to 14 you could flip some but if you slowly work your way down you should be fine.


My buddy used to put plants on 16/8 to see if they would start flowering. It did it to select potential outdoor plants.
Iā€™d second what @ShiskaberrySavior said. If you incrementally decrease from 18/6 itā€™ll give you a slower transition to flower. I do this sometimes with lower yielding plants, so they have more time to develop bud sites


If they look ready Iā€™ll go ahead and flip them on the 1st of Sept which is a few days earlier then I planned but in the grand scheme of things I donā€™t think it matters.

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Can anyone tell me what deficiency or toxicity causes a cannabis leaf to look like this?

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Because I grow in a small space I sometimes have to try to grow plants slower then they want which pisses them off sometimes and they give me fits. Let me introduce the meanest, most ornery weed plants ever. They were in 3/4 gal pots and if I had the room I would have up-potted them probably 3-4 weeks ago but was unable to do so till I harvested a couple plants. Last couple days I got them transplanted in to 3 gallon fabric pots to give them a lot more legroom. I have the lighting dialed in at 16,000 lux and I am pH balancing every bucket of nutrients Iā€™m mixing up so hopefully theyā€™ll play nice and take off from here. Here is what they look like today.


I grew an auto recently from a seed shared to me by @joheimgrohen the strain is called Fro-yo. I grew it in a very tiny pot and she was neglected for most of the grow. I harvested her 13 days ago and trimmed it up today. If youā€™ve grow Dark Devil before the aroma is very similar. This is a strain I need to revisit when I get growing my autos again. If I ever figure out how to get pictures from my phone on to OG after getting a new computer and the wife switching us from Verizon to Spectrum internet I havenā€™t yet figured it out but I will. What a pain to move that from my phone to this post.


She does have a. I dare you to smoke me look, about her huh?

Always nice when you find something you cannot wait to run again. My recent find like that would beā€¦ F*ck Around and Find Out. what a name tooā€¦ I abused her, underfed, under wateredā€¦ grew on 12/12. and she persisted to grow and show off even her small buds were tight little jewels.


I have been busy around here doing yard work and putting in some extra effort with my plants trying to redeem myself with them. I got a lot done the last 3 or 4 days. Time for me to finalize my plans for running a few autos. And itā€™s time to create some new auto seeds Iā€™m thinking.


Hey if your phone is android and the new computer is windows 11. I recommend setting up Windows link to phone. It just uses your wifi or can be set up to use through internet. I donā€™t recall the set up being difficult. It basically gives you access to your phone through your computer. It has a mouse and keyboard friendly user interface that lets you basically use your phone on your pc. You can get all your pictures right from the phone without connecting any wires or searching through file managers. Drag and drop pictures into a folder on your desktop if you want. It can be a bit laggy but still super useful.


I appreciate that tip @BeardedMech . Iā€™ll see if I can figure out how to do that. I set aside 15 minutes each day to figuring out how things work.


I can try and help if youā€™d like. Iā€™m no IT expert but Iā€™m fairly capable. Let me know if you have troubles. Iā€™ll do my best to be of assistance!

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Iā€™ve been catching up on this thread. You take wonderful pictures, Iā€™d hate to see less of them!

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Has this progressed or changed at all? If itā€™s a deficiency Iā€™m leaning towards calcium. But.typically deficiencies show mostly between the veins of the leavesā€¦when soft dark spots begin to appear in splotches across viens I tend to lean towards a fungal or mold infection.

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