The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

Seed length. Goes for any seed. But not sure about coconuts… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Funny you should say that- I was in PR recently and got a little lost in the woods near el yunque, where i started seeing coconuts just laying on the ground and growing palm trees out of them! Wish these beans would take some notes


You can sow them in pots made from coconuts cut in half, maybe it’ll help. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This is happening someday 🫘:coconut::palm_tree::exploding_head:


I’d cut. larger intake is useful.Keep it simple.


Thats funny, you gave me that same advice when i was originally putting the fridge together🤣. Hits harder as a boomerang 🪃😵

Now i just need to figure out how to do it both well and clean. I kinda like how smoothe and fridgey it is in there

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I’d repurpose some computer fan grills, they have screw holes already.

Had some money left over on a gift card so im picking up a nice big white grille from amazon for “free” :grin:. Should do the trick.

I’m gonna try to hold it together with magnet tape so i dont need to screw into anything. And try to hide the empty holes lol


Transplant day

Day 12 for Sophia (right)
Day 6 for Rose (left)
Probably a little early for her to move, but i had the time and my bathroom was already a Mess, so…

Original plan was to presoak the media in the pot, which had gotten so dry it moved around like powder. Then i said hey lets carve out a solo cup mold, so i can just drop it in when it’s ready…

Then i decided they were both ready :smirk:

Rez half full-ish, netcups almost touch the bottom, full o hydroton. I know i’ve seen plastic bags on octos when they’re little… is that just for clones or should i be looking for turkey bags?


Oh and i got my grille and metal drill bits and magnet strips and screens and ‘nibbler’ so i can double the intake area in the fridge. When i have time that is.

I usually spend my whole life under a rock, with rockly social entanglements. Suddenly my weekend dance cards are booked solid :sweat_smile: its good i guess lol


Interesting that since i watered the pots yesterday the temperature has dropped almost 5 degrees inside. I bumped the lights up, will continue to monitor. Once the roots are in the res and the natural octo flow is up and running, maybe it continues to cool the space? (That’d be nice :grin:)

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i saw saintalias use them for seeds indoors, i had no problem with germinating directly into the micros outside from seed in 85-95F 25-40% RH weather, seed’s taproot got to the res in probably just over 48 hrs. my clones have been in them in less intense weather for 4-5 days now and hoping todays the day they finally hit the drink. both times uncovered, from my pov the hot dry weather helped the root hit the res but im an idiot.

what medium are you using? looks like tupur (what im using in 2 of the micros).

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I mixed equal parts happy :frog:, coco and perlite.
Good to know bags arent always necessary. And that micros do well outside. That’s pretty badass. Next season I’m thinking about picking a bunch up for outdoor tomatoes and peppers and maybe a couple MJ plants :sunglasses:. Never did an outdoor grow before


Not much difference over the last couple days.
Guess this that patience thing ive read about :non-potable_water:🪴


eyes closed, picturing
roots seeking, mobile, gaining
sandtrout to the rez


Ok, a little development

Sophia’s root reaching the bucket

Rose’s is too

Theyre still looking a little anemic

But Rose is getting a tiny bit bigger

And sophia is strenghtening - but starting to get some def signs.

I had wanted to wait for the res to run dry (just water) before feeding but felt like it shouldnt wait… added a small amount of very weak solution (1/4 tsp per gallon jacks 20 20 20) yesterday to both mostly still full reservoirs.

I think i might have painted myself into a corner by not feeding them right away…Should i be patient and wait till they go dry before filling them up with nutes? Or is it more important to feed them than dry them out first for the roots?


Remembered last night the joy of this new growing method - wish the water/feed ratio was better but it’s got too much water already? Dump it out and switcheroo :cowboy_hat_face:

Replaced the res contents with a light nute solution (still 1/4 tsp per gallon jacks 20 20 20 but at least its something so they arent starving)

Sophia’s roots are going nuts in the water now

And that made me feel a lil better about topping her today

I always try to save the top (and sometimes it works :sweat_smile:)

So this is them right now… lets see how they do in a week… everybody think happy thoughts :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


i hoped someone would chime in but 3 days ill bite. id empty it and replace with maybe the solution you mixed up. theyre calcium deficient imo some calmag probably wouldnt hurt. i top fed some that seemed locked out some root stimulant the other day and they seemed to have bounced back, i think its recommended you can do that once a week.


Thats a pretty happy thought :sunglasses: finally have some time to myself tomorrow so i’ll be adding some calmag and mix a slightly stronger 20 20 20 feed. Micro/myco you think for the roots?

Thanks my dude

ya thats what i use (Mikro-Myco) but even something like the little free sample packs of Azos they give out at hydro shops could work, or if you had some old bottle of GH BioRoot would be better than nothing.
the Mikro-Myco can be used in water suspension or like Mykos brand to cover the root ball when planting so i like that aspect also. but they arent soluble for long though, so youre only going to be able to use them to top water.

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Ive been paying attention to what you recommend to others :nerd_face:(but dont tell anybody im top watering a micro octopot) ty again for the tip