The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

That’s a really killer setup you’ve got there! Always wondered if anyone ever did that. You’ve got it pretty well set up. I look forward to seeing what you can pull off in there!


I use the temperature/humidistat sensor from them to control the blower speed. During the grow i have it set to temp but during the dry i set it to rh.
I only thought to dry like that on my last plant. Wow what a difference in flavor retention :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

I’ve never used the SGL stackable filter but from what i hear they do the job. I made my fridge filter out of a 4 inch can, but cut down to like 2.5” because i had metal snips and an impulsive nature (and it really seemed too big).

I even cut the fabric wrap and sewed it smaller :rofl:

I made the ends out of 4” to 2.5” reducer things i originally got for the big can

The freezer filter i used the same thing i use for my little cabinets- the metal VOC insert for a “portable” hepa filter called a Roomaid. They are the Perfect size for the SGL blowers, save a ton of room (compared to most filters) and work Great. At like $40, they are certainly not cheap, but are refillable.

I cut a hole :hole: in the top of the freezer the same diameter as the insert,

Don’t try this at home kids (or if you do, figure out the right tools for it). I’m not saying that a rubber mallet or an ice pick were heavily used to make most of the holes in this thing, but I’m not Not saying they were…n’t? What was i saying?

Oh right- i stuck a duct pipe to make a clean little tunnel. And to seal off the smell of the whatever the hell they make that insulation out of.

Then i weather stripped around the lip of the insert full of charcoal and just jammed it in there.

The blower sits on top of the freezer and pulls through the carbon.
In a box this small i can run that for months before refilling, and it takes like 2 minutes.

In my cabinet configuration its similar but inverted, and stuck directly to the blower mounted to the wall. So really… not similar at all :rofl:

You can see it top right here, eating every bit of dank smell this one could dish out


So cool :sunglasses: and tidy awesome!


Awesome bro!
Loving your fridge hack and thank you for a detailed write up on how you’ve set it up.
Such a ‘cool’ idea…:sunglasses::cold_face:


thanks for the detailed write up on it. your carbon filter seems much more effective than the one on their site.

edit: i missed the part where youre already using the micro octopots :rofl:

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Nice setup ! I love the fridge idea :bulb: I’ll be watching this :slight_smile:

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One out of two aint bad i guess

The orher one went all underground xenomorph grub and gave up the ghost. Sometimes it do be like that.

If at third we dont succeed, drop another another. (This time not as deep maybe.) i poked the last one pretty firmly down. This one maybe half the way in. We shall see…


Inviting @Beak and @SaintAliasKnife along for the summer
(forgot i “know” some people here! :grin:)


Love the setup Josh (the nots cancel each other). I would move the filters outside and maximize the internal space. With the octos, you will need the space. Maybe it is for the best the one xenomorph didn’t find a host. :joy:

The SGL control boards are fantastic. Been running them for 3 years and now that I can control Meanwell drivers with it… Wooooo.

Look into autorefill for the octo. Really makes a difference if you are the same type of lazy like I am. :joy: :sob:

Following this one. Best of luck!



Oh ive been stalking you auto poddlers for months :rofl:
Soon as i can gauge the annoyance of manual watering i’ll fill me a cart full of tubing and valves and such.

My aim on this run is to raise small, well behaved monsters. Id move the filter out but there is practically no room in the room, even for whats in it already!
One day when i clean it ill snap a pic so show how tiny it is (do not hold breath for that distant cleaning day) lol


may all your wishes come true.

(that was my idea as well)


:scream: oh no what am i about to do


Developing nicely against all my fears and worry

Rose is finally ready to say hi :crazy_face: she just broke through her plug yesterday and was poking her tail out the bottom this morning, so i put her in her cup till she’s big enough to plant in the micro octo.

Dome for now till she looks like she’s taking
(Thats ok to do right?)

This is Rose without her umbrella at the moment

Temps climb during the day but trying to keep no higher than 85. Gonna be tough without modifications.


used something like this in the summer in the past (came in a jar then)… not sure if their env controls monitor co2 or how accurate the cheap ones are, the nice meters are expensive though.

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So the questions:

Do i follow my psychoactivated so-crazy-it-just-might-work imagination and way over engineer something that pistons out and cracks the door when its over 85 degrees, and retracts and gently closes when it isnt… :clown_face:

Or do i just do the obvious thing and cut some more holes :hole: for intake?

I bet with enough trips to the home depot i could figure out how to build a machine that can robo cool my fridge… but when given the choice to be lazier and KISS, im learning (in my older days) to choose the latter option.

Problem is, last time i was dumb. I cut holes through the door, which did let air in but not a lot. I ended up ventilating my forearm more than my growbox :sweat_smile:
Lack of thinking, tools and control over the brute force part of my brain led me down the danger path. Also, a refrigerator door is thicc as hell. Thinking maybe theres a better way.

There is a sloped surface about 20” wide and 7” tall below the back shelf my fan is on, and the floor of the fridge. Where the drawers tapered to make room for the compressor underneath. That surface has no insulation, and just a thin layer of internal plastic and sheet metal (no clue how thick in mm or what it is made of). Im guessing though that i could cut through that with something like this thing

As long as could get a small cut in first with some kind of drill or something?
Zero experience with cutting metal other than that which ended at the urgent care… 🫣

Makes sense that it would be pretty dark under there, so limited chance of light leaking in (id grate and screen the hole from spiders and bugs) and the air would be cooler since its from the floor. The more i think about it the more i like it. Any :warning: warning bells, alternative tools, or metal working advice is welcome (and might save some trauma) :grin:


Oh dang- that makes the higher temp less of an issue? Or decreases the heat somehow? Either way that sounds pretty safe comparitively

better to under do it than over if youre not measuring the co2 in the air, i.e. that bag is for a room larger than yours. but pretty cool stuff and it does work, if you check out @Jetdro’s grows (which im sure you have lol) youll see it in there, probably more-so this time of year - i think that same brand as well.

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Just watched a corpo video from exhale, looks like they have a teeny version for clone domes i’ll probably pick up. Ill see if i can get it direct though. Maybe its not the same for everybody but anything i buy from amazon for the last few years reeks like a chemical toilet. Thanks for the tip my dude. Also yeah gotta go sub all of jetdro’s stuff :grin: OG for the :trophy:

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A good general rule is to sow seeds 3-4 times as deep as they are long.

I sowed mine too deep as well most recently, only got 4 out of 10.


Long as in seed length, not + tail?
Edit: you dont have to answer that, i just did some math and you probably arent saying + tail haha ty 🥸