The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

im no expert, but if you only care about what the plant wants and not ego (which i think is your inclination, trust your gut) youll pass up almost everyone in no time.
i take it youve seen papalag/jetdros octopot feeding schedule? your NPK was on par with seedling stage in it.
im hesistant myself to top feed anything but root stim, have seen some people have bad results when they went too organic.

upon glancing over my Azos sample this could actually be exactly what they need, but if youre using a typical one like CaMg+ in the feed then youll get the N bump. i think you could maybe turn the feed dose up a little, i think youll need to bust out the scale to fine tune it though.

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Yeah i got paplag/jetdros nute schedule laminated :sunglasses: i just didnt follow the very easy EC recommendations and im paying for it. No worries, im happy to learn by doing (and partially failing).

Least so i know Why i’m doing it different next time… “member when you didn’t feed them right away? And all you had to do was follow directions? And they got all crusty? Mmmm?” Yeah i’ll member :clown_face:

Ill tell you though, even with my obvious curvy learnin’, im loving the ease of it basically watering itself for long stretches at this stage. Zero indication of under/overwatering, something id always stress the F out over in hand watered fabric pots (at evvvvrery stage) :ocean::desert:

Make sure to stay tuned for the inevitable overcorrection® that i feel coming on…🫣🔥


yea watering was one of those things that even when things didnt go bad i knew i wasnt doing it completely right, and im not sure anyone can claim they are watering the plants by hand as well as these hybrid systems.
i think you are almost there where you can apply the LITFA method and just change nute schedule when the plant tells you or based on timing of the flip even.
i guess the only other way to get them going since teas are probably off the table would be foilar. i havent seen anyone do that with them in the octopots yet though. that might be pushing the boundaries a bit.
im with you though, i can tell whatever hiccups come are my own operator error and also that i/we can get through them and the octopots will cary the rest of the load. its definitely liberating.



Rose :rose: on left is picking up steam, even though her roots arent much bigger in the res than they were last time i checked a couple days ago.

Sophia on the right is looking greener already, but still hurting in the leaves. I changed out their res contents today with a 1/2 tsp per gal jacks, 1g epsom, 2ml calmag, 3ml fish shit. See if that helps them both.

Some major root action despite the deficiencies. I am seriously impressed. I found out today the tops of these micros fit easily in top of a five gallon bucket. Convenient for switching out the the feed today :nerd_face:🪣

As below, so above? I’m rooting for you girl 🪴


Oh yeah

I also did the vent thing today :star_struck:
(And didnt even need to seek medical assistance!)

So i originally thought, for no single reason available to hindsight, that the slanted surface behind the pots was just plastic and metal, and not like the rest of the body of this beast -chock full of insulation that even if a tiny bit is exposed, simply Reeks of a dead donkeys anus. I’m ass-uming. :sweat_smile:
Must have forgot to carry the 1 on the logical, observable, dimensional math i also forgot to do.

No matter! We press on- putty knife and prybar in hand, room sealed off, window open, air scrubber on blast and an N95 mask… we press on. Came this far and my girls aint got no place else to sleep tonight :construction_worker_man:‍♂

Down to the bone. I was worried about this metal the most, thinking it would be this diesel thick steel Slab, again, for no reason at all. The putty knife punctured it in several places just scraping out the foam. Score!

No really, i scored the metal with the point of the knife and popped it out in like 2 minutes :rofl:

Stank ass foam needs a barrier. I used some thermopan i got a few years ago when i was building my first grow cabinet inserts. Love this stuff for walls/floors and diy custom ducting on grow boxes. Cuts like carboard (because it is)

Conduit sealed (best tape ever)

Hot glued and screwed - magnet tape was a total bust. Maybe with some super strong rare earth coin magnets or something, but - we Press On
Maybe we dont press on with our bare fingers next time though (ouch)

taDaaaa :tophat:🪄:sparkles:

Fridge has been consistently hitting 86.5+ for weeks. Its been pegged at 85.4 all day since, so maybe its helping? The blower also sounds like its a little quieter, (i think). Glad either way :grin:


i think you got her back and wont need to keep the calmag going for more than this res fill or next. definitely worth keeping track of any hint that theyre low on calcium again, some strains (or basically any bagseed you find in commercial product) will kick and scream for it from the start but i think this was just the lack of Ca early in life and youll be fine.
one of the draws about using the tupur soilless mix for me was the added calcium, its basically enough to germinate and get the roots to the bottom of the bag/res and get the nutrient uptake going.

for temps i guess the last thing i can think of is to get some ducting pointed downward right in the middle of the LEDS above the grill for exhaust maybe? i know you have the carbon filter there though so splitting those and running them through the same fan could be tricky. mid 80s in manageable though, plenty of strains that can take it without a problem given the air flow is good.


Thanks dude. Don’t know why the different medium had me forgetting all the basic intuition stuff ive been developing for these last few years but i definitely needed a little direction and you got me back on track :raised_hands:

Summer’s been real busy socially, which im not used to (in any season) so i also havent had a lot of down time to sit and think what im doing/need to start doing next like i usually do.

Got me thinking about like a little flex duct so i can maybe hang the filter just above the lights and duct it up and out? Do the make such a thing that small, and durable, And poseable? Gonna have to wait til my $ummer of au$terity is over before i resume any upgrades… but you got me thinkin (always appreciated :v:)

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Calling this day 27 for both since sprout (close enough-ish)

Lookin better every day

I just love when they start pushing their weeny little branches. Reminds me of my first plants every time :green_heart: 🪴


Did something dumb. Done worse but i’ve certainly done better. Snapped a baby branch like a dolt. I’ve seen them recover from this (and worse) but not when they are still this much a babycakes :frowning:

Tried to tape it but its so teeny id have made it worse. Trying not to feel so guilty about violating our plant/human hempocratic oath, but not doing so great at it.

She looked so sturdy i figured i could play around a little with her top two branches to get the lower two to rise up, but wonh wonh


maybe just cut it back another node?

Oo like here (blue) and see if it heals and branches out closer to the stem?
Or here (yellow) and go with two main branches?

yellow line. would make it easier to do mainlining maybe? ive never done it but it seems kind of like what you’re doing already.

either that or maybe just leave it. i guess i wouldve just chopped at the yellow line right away and now you dont want to confuse the plant too much after its just gotten back on track.

mainlining seems cool though, is that your goal?

If you really wanna check the temps, check the leaf temp with a temp laser gun even a cheap one. You got LED’s so the low 80’s should be fine if there’s airflow

BTW what’s under discussion for the mainline? The auto?

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I was gonna say…

Ive always done four branches (except one where i broke one off and went with 3). Usually i train them out laterally so i get 4 main towers and a gallery of middle buds… never done a single mainline before, i think i did a double my last run :dancing_women:‍♀ huge pain in the ass though. Every single day those fuckin branches would be trying to kill each other for their 1.5” of real estate in the sun.

No plan right now, but my overall goal is not to get claustrophobic with how she grows if i can help it. Not tryna relive this :palm_tree:


Neither is an auto, but the one up for debate is the one on the right (the tortured one that might be part basil, or spinach or something :leafy_green:


do what you’re doin with the to middle ones and let them grow straight with bud room between them. let the ones below it grow too, tie those down the same and get them further out than the center. 4 mainline that little sucker is what i would do.

Oh if you stay on top of a mainline like give it the 3 week before you do something else from now then flower. i’ve done a mainline where i was lazy and did one where i stayed on top of it. stick some sticks in the dirt and grow 'em straight. keep the fan leaves down to like nothing but outsides so you get awesome penetration all the way up and down your hopeful donkey dicks

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like 3 or 4 nodes and flower it. lollipop below the nodes. could also mainline to 8 colas from the 4, too. let it stay stout and flower for a more even canopy

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A recent harvest from my tiny garden outside

Never eaten cubanelles before, are they any good? Super easy to grow, 4-5 inch peppers grew like .5 inch per day once they started, off a plant that was not even 6 inches off the ground