The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

your cubanelles are thick compared to mine i think you actually gave them the proper nutrients lol
im excited to try them, i keep thinking the only time ive had them is a cuban sandwich, and theyre probably not even cuban :upside_down_face:

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Thinking maybe it helped that it has rained heavily here almost every day this summer :woozy_face: if im feeding anything correctly it is by a happy coincidence

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Day 32
Dear diary -It’s been a week (ish) since happy thoughts were requested :green_heart:, and i am happy to report that they all have been accumulated and applied directly to the Not Fridge. I also added a layer of tiny aquarium gravel to the medium, since every time i went in there i could feel the dry dry soil powder glomming onto my nasals :sneezing_face:

Sophia is learning to get around just fine despite her limb difference.
Might even be easier to work just three to share their apical dominance responsibilities without a fourth to crowd the others out :grin:

Rose :rose: is really starting to fan out. Probably the largest 3 leaf fans ive ever grown before.

Time for her to lose her unders- nodes 1-3 are out- 4+5 will be the chosen ones :four_leaf_clover:

Once the top grows up a bit i’ll take it and try to root it (for funsies and very very small chance i’ll keep her. If she takes, maybe ill sneak her outside or donate to a buddy)

I also smooshed the stem a little between to chopsticks in several places, just so she knows life is hard and will someday need to pull her own (substantial) weight :weight_lifting_woman:

Sophia’s roots had a stranglehold on the little floaty :diving_mask:
I had to wiggle them off so it would float right again
(Rose’s are not visible through the float hole, but they gotta be in there)

Question :raising_hand_man: Is this gunky layer floating down there ok? Should i rinse it out between refills or something?

Thanks OG :green_heart: keep those happy thoughts flowing like pHd water :fountain:


no clue but @ifish probably knows. hope its not the calmag but you seem good on the deficiency so if nobody answers maybe swap it out for fresh solutions without the calmag?

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Girls are doin A-Ok.
Rose :rose: gets the business today

Off with her head!

I was in a rush so i jammed it down the chimney this AM (so to speak) its since been rescued from drowning

Training them nice and flat, and gonna yak em and stack em (with all the luck)


@Not-Notjosh how much does this mini light cost to buy with controller?


Everything you see here is on their shop for $215 (its been a while, but i remember some shipping sticker shock)

You can also buy the pieces separately and mix and match- up to 6 small panels and 2 blowers and 2 sensors per controller, so you can run 2 separate boxes (like 1 flower and one veg) at the same time if you wanted. They also have extenders to add more panels, meanwell adapters so the controller can run Non-SGL lights, and bigger panels.

AND (ill stop shilling soon i promise) once you buy in you get access to their discord community for things like tech support, growing advice, “is my plant ok??” panic reduction, etc :joy: That part was a real help when i started out :potted_plant:

The dude that runs the show is a class act, to boot. Cant say enough nice things about the company or community. I’d certainly not be where i am today (here on OG, typing to you :sunglasses:) without them :v:


I’m half tempted to toss this in my 1x1x2’ tent. It’s so small it’s laughable.


Do it, do it, do it (and then post about it and tag me :grin:)

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nice job on the airvent. try to go by EC. its simpler.

:green_heart: :dove:

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Beautiful pile of Artwork there buddy nice job. I’m LOVIN IT!

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Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
And i tried figuring out EC using a pen i have, but math is not my strong suit, and any number i ended up with seemed to make no sense. I’ll give it another go next time i mix. (Wish there was a tare button or something once you have your base #). I guess a pen and a calculator would help :man_facepalming:

Still feeling my way around the jacks line. Been following jetdro’s method of just measuring by volume and ratio and it seems to be going ok. If i get too high or low I’m thinking it will be apparent? They’re getting a little lime-y on the new growth but im used to seeing that (ill keep an eye on it though ty :green_heart::green_heart:). And thanks again and again for introducing me to the world of micro octos and OG :four_leaf_clover:

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I’ll look for a cheaper alternative. Can’t justify more then $50 on a 1x1x2 grow set up lol

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At least you were half tempted :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
That set is really for (and amazing at) converting small furniture (or refrigerators, say :sunglasses:) into grow spaces. My first box was just a little bigger than your tiny tent ~14x16x27”ish and it was a total package for a total noob starting out

Note: if one were so inclined, SGL recently put up a guide on how to hook up a system using 1 small panel light, a $12 board and downloadable firmware. For the extra small space :face_holding_back_tears:.


Been a week already.
Time is doing that thing again…

Day 46

Every day they get a little nip/tuck

Still poppin out all over. Happy for their joie de vivre, it helps keep the spirit up :desert_island::desert_island:


Day 51

Before nip/tuck

And After

Probably going to flip them to flower :blossom: this weekend. So far really happy with how easy the veg stage has been.

Mixed 2 gallons today:

  • 3/4 tsp jacks 20 20 20 (up from prev 1/2tsp)
  • 3ml fish shit
  • 1g epsom salt

Trying to at least check EC correctly from this point forward so at least ill know what to tell people the strength is… but i am only faking it until i make it (or am educated by someone with a Lot of patience :om:)…

• baseline tap+epsom = 797 us/cm (which i think means ~0.8 EC)
• with jacks = 1211 us/cm (which again, is that EC 1.2?)

Which, if my guesses are good ones, 1.2 - 0.8 = nutrient solution has a jacks 20-20-20 strength/EC of 0.4, which…

Is like a third of the lowest recommended EC target # i see everywhere! Does this make sense? This is my first time running jacks, but they look so happy all the time. Should i still be aiming for 1.2-1.5 or higher if they are doing ok where im at?


Real boats rock-

So i started seeing some burning in some of the tips on both plants, and some irregular spots on older leaves.

Tips im guessing are from jacking the jacks up (heh) last feed. But the mottling im gonna peg as ph.

Been largely unconcerned with the ph readings i was getting (6.75 - 7.0) with the test strips im using (for the first time) this grow. Im used to the drops, but jacks makes the water blue, so going on liquid color didnt seem like a safe bet.

Im also used to having to ph Up my nutes, so much so ive never even opened my bottle of ph Down i bought like 3 years ago when i first got into this hobby. Jacks apparently is pretty gentle on ph? Or maybe i really am way under on EC so it doesnt affect the balance so much? 🤷

So now seems to be the big day for my ph down. Fighting the intusive temptation to drink the orangeaid looking liquid (i have the same issue with windshield wiper fluid, proud to say ive also successfully avoided so far) i got my input down to 5.75-6.0, which im hoping will set them both on the green and narrow.

:rotating_light:More alarming :rotating_light: I noticed on Sophia that her roots/rez have a distinct cooked broccoli :broccoli: smell, which i cant find anything on OG or the interscrog about. Normally i would stay quiet and impulsively try crazy baseless remedies for something that may not even be a problem, but im thinking maybe somebody out there in OG land may have encountered a similar scenario?

And maybe is normal? Any advice is golden for my girls :green_heart:

Edit: I dont normally page anyone for my problems, but too much time to myself today, cant smoke, and my worries are compounding unmitigated… Paging @shade @SaintAliasKnife @Papalag @firehead (just for the broccoli smelling roots, any guidance?) tya :green_heart:


at 1/2 tsp per gal 20-20-20 i think i was getting to 7.1 pH coming from 8.8… not positive on that. when id move it down past 6.2, especially under 6, the plants were not as happy as since ive been leaving it in the 6.2 range.

at the recommended dose (4.2g for 18-8-23 or 5.2g for 10-30-20 or 7-15-30) i get around 6.4-5 so i add some get down to 6.2’s. i use a cheap pH pen that sems to work fine though im sure people have very deephearted opinions otherwise.

the leaf tips could be too much P? dont take my word for it.

maybe the fish shit?

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Hmmm… fish shit Could be a smellificating factor, but then id think both rezzes would have the same smell (same nutes used in both). As long as it isnt a telltale sign of something awful im glad to hear (or not hear) it.

Something im also afearin’- i extended the netcup so it reaches all the way to the bottom when i started with these pots. Worried after lifting and replacing the top/pot part that the netcup might be squishing some of the roots when i put it back down and damaging them? There is an area of beigeish maybe brownish root parts, am i supposed to be keeping a watchful eye and cutting out bad roots out ever in these if i see them?

Thanks dude :v:


The nute stain sounds normal, mine are like that and it doesn’t seem to progress.
At times of stress I’ll get a little discoloration at the tips of the shorter roots that get air there, not sure if it’s partly air pruning or not but seems related to res temps rising or the res draining too often. It does go away with solving those triggers though.

This is something the real octopots solve, though because of that the 6gal ones at least are a bit unstable and tough to move. I see how you need to check the res if you’ve got visible issues there so that’s a tough one, at least they’re not in flower so you have time to fix the smell issue if needed and then probably don’t need to lift the lid up after. I stopped checking the root growth. Hard to check pH etc in the micros without lifting the lid of it’s not at least 2/3 full though.

I started using the Envy 2part (cheaper version of jacks 3-2-1 in smaller bags) on some and it seems to work more uniformly with all varieties.

I mixed up a 1gal solution for my Black Dog, she’s drinking the res every day and heavily around this time of day, just to see what levels I got at that scale. It’s the outdoor mix not 20-20-20 so I’m thinking yours would hit a pH maybe higher originally?

4.24g 18-8-23
1/4 tsp CalMag+ (probably moved it down 0.05 or so)

This hit 6.45pH

3 drops Get Down overshot to 6.11
2 drops Get Up raised back to 6.22

Not your same mix or pH adjuster but I think you’ll find at the dose on jacks website it’ll take the pH around 6.5 given you’re coming from 8.8 like me (tap is 8.4 then balances +0.4 higher after 36 hours).

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