The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

Hi just a few notes

Always keep ph in res between 6. .0 and 6.3

Keep ppms at a steady rate I prefer 560 to 700 depending on the water

Ok here’s a biggie
Organics such as fish, shit or molasses should not stay in the reservoir for tooo long a time, do what I call reservoir management if you’re going to use such thing only use it for such time as it takes for the Reservoir to empty in a day or 3 , if left alone, these things can foul things up and even turn to alcohol
Besides, using Jack’s 20 2020 has everything in it and necessarily doesn’t need fish shit or molasses

Epson salts and calmag are great. no need to use Epson salt if you’re using calmag and never use calmag during flower.
Epson salts as a spray is amazing shit
20/20/20 700 my waters P PMs is 225 and doesn’t count on the scale of nutrients +100 ppm’s of either calmag, or Epson salts depending on the stage there in

I also use the envy line , and like their products

Just my two cents. Talk soon. Have fun smoked weed


@shade @papalag thank you sirs, the kindness of your time, focus and experience is worth more to this fellow than you know.

I’ll dump sophia’s rez tomorrow, nix the fish shit for future feeds and ensure ph is btw 6.0-6.3 going forward, and keep my eye on ppms better. And ill think about using a foliar spray at some point, (at least much more seriously than i have ever before :grin:… always seemed like a way out of my league technique)

Again, appreciate the support :four_leaf_clover: lucky to have a lifeline to ring here :+1:


I personally had a lot of problems with Jacks in the octopups. I know others have good luck wit it, I just couldn’t get it dialed in. I went back to GH Flora nutes for the res.
Maybe flush the whole res out, and do a fresh batch? Because I found with jacks, after a couple days after filling the res… I was getting wild ph swings, and the ppm was always too high. Like the plant was absorbing too much of some things and not enough of the others.
I had very unhealthy plants.

Yeah… and like was said above, don’t add the fish shit. Organic nutes like those in the res can lead to bad things. I added some GH BioThrive once (same as fish shit) and things turned foul


Thank you, your micro octo insight is quite appreciated :sunglasses:





Timeline- day 57 - Flipped to 12/12 yesterday, and improbably am seeing lady parts starting to poke out already on Sophia?? Pics later…

Ph/stink - dumped both rezzes, rinsed the roots off in a bucket, reseated and fed with 1/2 tsp jacks 20 20 20 and 1g epsom only. I thought for sure id remember ppms but btw then and now, no. I recall them being much lower than anyone suggests. But if they’re happy i’m happy. Time will tell though who is happy.

That’s where those happy thoughts get cashed in :green_heart:
So keep em coming! :v:

Yesterday i learned about sexual maturity while in veg if you wait long enough to flip, which apparently ive never done before :grinning:

so the sex hair i was seeing right after flip is normal (yay)

I was going to be all cool and new and not start counting flower days until i saw them start to mature, but i guess thats back to normal counting now :sweat_smile: (this was D57 F2)


D59 F3
I pit the OG (original grate) shelf back in the fridge, and i think i love it again. I had been using it as a floor last grow but i think its going to do great as a ceiling :upside_down_face:

The USB fans were just hanging around circulating, but not doing anything specific for the plants before, but now they do, one facing down to stir the canopy, and one facing up to remove any heat buildup below (hopefully). We’ll see…

Plants got a little trim today 🪴

Rose :rose:is stretching a little towards the back, which im now realizing i should have been training them to do from the start! Not much room up front, but plently in the back due to the fridge drawer hump…

Sophia :custard: looks happy, no additional signs of anything terrible ive been doing to them down below…

As any happy thoughts build up within you, dear readers- please feel free to release them in our direction :relieved::green_heart::v:


Hey @Not-Notjosh, just read through your thread, excellent job on the fridge repurposing and your engineering skills mate, its certainly got me thinking I could use one for all sorts of growing projects that dont make it to the tent. Good progress on your grow too, I’d never pluck up the courage to top a plant that small💚


Looks great :+1: my friend
Plants do look happy



Thanks! I’ve had to learn to grow tiny plants when i started, since my first boxes only had like a 2” ceiling. Never had one crap out from the many awful things i’ve put them through (at any and all stages), but maybe i’m just really lucky :four_leaf_clover:


They can take it there tuff
Try adding a scrog net you’ll increase your yield greatly


Thats where I would need to drum up some extra courage 🫣. Ive never locked a plant in place before. Seems like i would feel it to be too… claustrophobic?

But if i can just get over that id probably save a lot of time training.
If i can’t bring myself to do it this time i’ll build it into the plan for next/future runs. Seems like it’d be pretty easy to build a net in a frame and slot it into a shelf track… :black_square_button::spider_web:

Thanks for the idea :rocket: :sunglasses:


Easy to do you got this


D68 FW2 FD11
(ish- a reminder that this is my first web journal, and i havent been writing anything down and im garbage at math, so this will approximate reality :sweat_smile:)

Ladies seem to be bouncing back happily - tips stopped burning :fire: after scaling back on nutes,
and spots stopped popping up (say that 5x fast :laughing:) after i got ph sorted.

Crazy how just a little ph variance can bone you. Might get me a fancy apera meter at some point bc the strip things i am using are weird and not very clear (but theyre working well enough apparently :sunglasses:)

Rose :rose: is a lil smooshed in front because of the door :door::man_facepalming: next run ill be smarter about training backwards…

Undershot :rose:

Sophia :custard: is really embracing the recovery spirit :champagne: Interesting to see how she’s flowering a little easier than her sister since she was further along into her maturation at flip. Gonna have to learn from that next run - and let them tell me when its time to graduate from Veg School :mortar_board:

Upshot :custard:


Happy plants they love it when all is right in there world

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Indeed :blush:
And their love is magnified in its reflection on my psyche :relieved::om:

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Out of likes or a would have thrown a bunch around this thread.
That nano kit is friggin awesome!!!
Awesome fridge setup!!! Astounding growth!!


Thanks!!! The more i grow the more i want to overgrow :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:


I dont think i ever posted any behind the fridge shots here… had the opportunity today while cleaning out behind it

Freezer blower on top, and all power items

Outtake blower sucking through the carbon filter inside

Backside of the interior vent i added this summer


D29 FW2 FD12
Pics from this mornin’

Rose :rose:

Sophia :custard: