The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

This is an amazing dyi box bro :+1::+1::+1:

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Looks great buddy

Very healthy !
I noticed light tips on some of the leaves

Maybe spray with some Epson salts later



Many thanks for the kind words :blush:
Literal blood sweat and tears went into this project, and i couldn’t be happier. With the outcome. Now i just gotta get better at growing :sunglasses:


Each grow you learn more and more

Pay attention to the plants they’ll tell you what they need


Eyes and ears are open :ear: :eyes: :ear:, thanks again sir :v:
Now i gotta read up on foliar…


I’d say Sophia looks a bit esurient…i would increase the EC.

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hides dictionary

Heard chef!:man_cook:

Thank you - I’ll up the feed on her a bit next time i fill.
Though since i am about to switch to 10/30/20 next week, and i’ve never switched products mid run before, ill ask. Do i mix the new nutes to have same ppm/EC theory (Rose keep where her #s at and bump Sophia’s) in stride, or dial it back at first bc its new, then get a read in a few days?

Side note :memo:
Imma have to seriously get a pen cup and sticky pad for the bathroom counter so i can write down all the #s i keep thinking i’ll remember.

Better chance spotting the porcus alatus :joy:


Write down everything! I do.
It will definitely help ya the next time around. :wink:

I have a binder with multiple home-made spreadsheets and note pages. Yes, I’m a tad OCD.


I used to write alot down but it ate a lot of time.
Instead of being smart and adjusting down to just logging the important stuff, i said nope :no_entry_sign: not gonna do it this time, i can just member it all! lol :clown_face:


Here s a chart you can refer to


So people swap in and out of different products and the ppm story arc stays the same. Thats pretty neat :sunglasses: thanks papa :v:

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Different formulas for the different stages of growth
And ppms also

Each stage needs a bit different npk to support the needs during their growth

Fish said it best when he explained it to me
The plant has a spring
Summer and a fall and needs the right npk to steer them in the right direction

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I have this pasted in my reference notes :sunglasses:

If the view up here is any good, its because i stand upon the shoulders of many great people such as yourself :v::grin:


I’d just watched the cheese shop sketch. I love monty python. I now feed same food+rate through-out,. but when I did I followed ec.



Great now i want a bunch of cheese i dont have :cheese::joy:

appreciative of your guidance as always. :v::sunglasses:


D73 F20 FW3
I made a spreadsheet calculator to keep track of the day counts. We progress toward consistency :clap:

(Pics were from yesterday)

I usually dont raise the roof to check on their status (lights are still in the lower rack)o i hadnt noticed some beat up leaves in the back on Rose :rose:. Hoping these were from the before times when my ph was all over the place. I still see one in front i dont like, ill see how it do. Three leaves in question :leaves:

Also was not really paying that close attention to what week it was to start on the 10-30-20 (it was last week) so maybe shes hungry for more p/k that shes now getting. I am figuring out ppm target/measurements (took a while, but thats my brain for ya), and if my cheap-o ppm meter is correct, i am at 200 ppm of the new feed, and will raise/lower as needed. I know that seems really low, but (i think) its still higher than they were getting when they looked hungry, and they both started burning :fire: the last time i upped the molarity too much, so if its still too low, ill at least have a # to start working from now, and a better workflow to use to get there (improving every time :+1:).

Rose :rose: looking a little unhappy :frowning:. Maybe the new feed will perk her up.


Sophia :custard: -starting to drain the rez pretty much daily now. I fill 1/3 gallon every time. Gotta start thinking about mixing heavy so i dont have to be doing it all the time. Auto-watering system seems like a better idear every day…

I tried looking into how to foliar spray epsom but chickened out after seeing “dont do it in flower” (is this BS?) and “add soap as a surfactant” (is this necessary/stupid to do on weed plants?).

Hope you had a nice weekend OG :green_heart:


Plants look he
Healthy and happy

Raise ppm’s to around 500
Feed too low


Another great write-up bud. :+1:
I will dilute Epsom salt in water and spray my plants on occasion. It’s a great way to get magnesium fed quickly. Mostly my lemon tree though.
I don’t see how it could hurt a plant in flower, aside from the moisture that could possibly be added to the buds and cause rot. I think if it was fanned off, it would be ok. But, don’t take my word on this. Maybe someone else can chime in.
Also, do it before or during the dark period, as to not burn em. :wink:


The fear is real :fire:. I trust you though.
Next feed 500 :v::sunglasses:

D77 F24 FW4

Things are not looking great for Rose🌹

Hood up

Rose :rose: just looking sadder and barely drinking.

I lifted her lid easily, thought thats odd, her sister is unexpectedly Much heavier (no root pics sadly).

Roots look pretty brownish, which if they were getting nute stain id think theyd be blue (jacks is like berry koolaid).

More leaves going bonkers

Upped their feed to 500ppm (but only partly on Rose :rose: bc she’s been keeping so dry, mixed in with her existing rez).

Is there anything more i can do than i am doing? Short of epsom foliar and feed more?
If its root problems, down there rot :eyes:, or something like that, should i be using a hydroguard type stuff? I have garden friendly fungicide ive had a while but never used before…

Sophia :custard: meanwhile. Is hitting a solid stride. Her roots when i peeked at them were much paler than Rose’s, and shes leafing Hard lately. I think she’s gonna be the queen of the fridge​:crown:

Makes me happy🍮/sad🌹.
Now open for any and all Happy Thoughts (same as always of course, just a lil’ open-er)