The Not Fridge - nothing to see here šŸ‘€

They look healthy

The one still may be hungry

I forget what is the fertilizer you use ?

The lower leaves on the one looks like a bit of a issue but I believe the newer growth is fine

Funny how a nudge in the right direction will unstick my brain boat :canoe:
Currently on jacks 10-30-20 until week 5ish
Appreciate the feedback friend :v::sunglasses:

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Add Epson salt to each feed

If your feed is 500 ppms add 100 ppms Epson salts total 600 ppms it will be fine and they will love it

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Ok! Ive been adding a gram of epsom to base water and tare-ing the combined # off the total to get nute ppm. Should i always be shooting for a #ppm of epsom? And is it always 1:5 ratio with feed?

Inquiring minds want to know :sunglasses:

1gr epsom per gall is what I use. if plant is too light, is it getting water? does the bottom of the pot feel moist?

plants look awful on PK boost. I just dont do it.


Thatā€™s a good ratio

I work off total ppms


I know you doā€‹:sunglasses:- i study (and copy, and try to emulate) this type of info in OG posts from all my grow heroes. Epsom 1g per gallon is forever etched in my reference bible :sparkles:

plants look awful on PK boost. I just dont do it.

Ok ok i wont either :grin:
Until i do, at which point i will be sure to remember you said that, and self flagellate :melting_face:

They are both getting water, but the pots are Never moist. Net cups are filled with hydroton, which i did purposely knowing they dont wick as much as media. Its my first run with micros, didnt want to get too messy. Not a problem at All for sophia :custard:, who has a healthy drinking problem (she can quit whenever she wants though so i dont bug her about it) :v::sunglasses:

I disagree
I use ok booster and donā€™t see issues

Octopots and the Jacks schedule with added Epson salts ok boosters and 0/0/50 for the win
And the grow forward plan normally keep issues away
Remember your steering your plant through the different stages with the proper feeding program

Imho and just my 2 cents
Best wishes


Ive used koolbloom a few times in the past with difficult to prove results (one time burned it pretty bad). Maybe someday ill gussie up the fortitude for another attempt :grin:


I never claimed I know what I am doing. All Iā€™m saying is what I do. I can affort to do so as my stash is enough to kill a biblical prostitute. ā€¦

As the location of my rumblings is a well known tibetian yak husbandry forum, take everything you read with a kilimanjaro sized grain of salt.

personally, iā€™d follow what @Papalag says. ā€¦definitely notā€¦mostly so its not my fault.



Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know .
Iā€™m currently reading Chapterhouse and getting a lot of good quasi philosophical training at the same time :grin:

You (and your excellently capable ilk) have the benefit of action and effect, successes and experience, and i have the benefit, as extremely unlikely as it is valuable, of being able to read through journal after epic journal :notebook: to guide me on my wayward path.

My grow heroes donā€™t need to think they know what theyā€™re doing. And they probably arenā€™t out to inspire people like me.
But you better believe they do. Every gosh darn day :sparkles::v::sunglasses::sparkles:


Woop woop :fire::rotating_light:
Calling all cars ---- just spotted today on RosešŸŒ¹
Is these nanners???

First ever for me.
Iā€™ll look up and do whatever the done thing is, just hoping for a consensus on how fucked she is. Does this stop after they get plucked? Or do i need to keep removing this every day? Teardown?

Trying to stay calm. Any help is appreciated


Looks like nanners to me bud.
You can remove carefully with wet fingers or a towel, but they can drop pollen. They will likely continue to appear and youā€™d have to really stay on top of the situation.
The whole process might be more trouble than its worth. :frowning:
Come to think of itā€¦@kgrim, @shag, or @BU2B might have a chemical solution for your problem.
Iā€™ll look into it more when I get a minute.
Maybe one of them can chime in.


Thanks my dude. Really hoping i can keep her. Shes just about to hit week 5 of flower

Just drop some Scarlet Grapes!:wink:


Right now shes out of the fridge. Awaiting her fate. More than 10 nanners pulled, some already split open, 2 popped as i was pulling them. Sigh.

Anything i can do with buds from a half flowered plant? Or is it just a learning experience, and compost heap?

Though im not really sure what the lesson here is to prevent in the future. Stress from being Underfed/bouncing back stress this far into flower?

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Was gonna drop one of those after this run :sunglasses:
All my other grow boxes are out of commission for the season, so its this fridge or nothin. And its currently holding the great caramel hopeā€¦

If a plant self pollinates with nanners though, what is the worst that can happen to the bud? Lots of seeds (that will also end up herming?)

Just curious. Night cycle hits at 6pm ET and she cant go back inside if shes gonna fuck the other plant in there (assuming she hasnt already)ā€¦

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Getting ready to scrap rose :rose:
I can put her outside to see what happens but my crystal ball says compost :frowning:

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Lefty box is recommissioned. We didna come all this way fer nothinā€™

To learn is to experience. Not tryna learn how to quit just yet :sunglasses:
Though we may end up there




I had a cdlc x Skywalker throw nanners last year, and I found five or seven mature seeds. I planted them to sort of test out a corner of my yard this summer And the two survivors each had one seed apiece. Iā€™d say roll with it, but youā€™ve already seen quite alot of nannersā€¦

If the fridge is your only option, no other way to at least separate them, and you need the weed, Iā€™d still roll with it being as thorough as possible. Hash is an option as well. Your fridge is fucking rad!

Edit, oh, did you separate them?

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