The ongoing indoor grow

Okay I think this will be longest post I have made to date, but I have a lot of information to go over.
On Friday night after work I went to cut down the Widows Red Berry Cheesebake and the Samsquanch OG F2 that is when I noticed two problems. First problem was as soon as I picked up the first plant I could see that a large colony of small flying bugs had made a home in my tent under the plants. These bugs where in the soil when I bought it and normally they never get out of control like this. But on closer inspection I found out why they got out of control. The containers I have been using are cheap throw away baking pans and after three months of holding soil and water they began forming holes in the bottom and sides of the pans which gave the bugs more room to take over. So all three plants got cut down and the tent got an alcohol wipe down to kill all the bugs.
Worn out pan

Now I have given the three plants enough time to dry out and jar so here is some pics of them and final weights.
Samsquanch OG F2
29 inches tall
2.09oz final weight

Widows Red Berry Cheesebake
19 inches tall
2.86oz final weight

Ghost Rose
26.5 inches tall 1.33oz final weight

Next is the Coked Out Girl Scout. She is on week 7 of veg. and I am about ready to flip to flower in a few more days. Would have done it a week ago but this plant is a slow grower.

Last week I said I had a new seed started and if it took hold I would show it off. Well it did so here it is.

It is a GG#4 auto from @Qtip Thanks again for the beans. :partying_face:
Now onto other newsā€¦since my main tent is empty it means it is time for me to do my Tampa Crippy run. I will forgo the backstory on this strain in order to keep this post from becoming a light novel, but I am doing a three plant setup in the tent for this run and I will be using 15qt. plastic storage containers. I dropped three seeds in water yesterday and all three have popped open.

I am not doing any sign ups for the seeds at this time. I want to wait until the seeds are done and I know what I have, so I do not offer more than I have. I do want to invite a few people to this, @OriginalDankmaster96 since you just finished up doing some of these seeds I would love to have your take on things during this grow. @Astrodude you were kind enough to offer up some of your old school Florida seeds in exchange for some of these seeds when I did this run, so I wanted to keep you in the loop on this run. @Florida_man_genetics I know you were looking for these seeds from another thread, so pull up a seat.


Iā€™m here to watch

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Iā€™m hereā€¦that ghost rose is BEAUTIFUL work! :yum:


Iā€™ll be keeping a close eye! Been waiting on you to pull the trigger on these.

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Sorry about the wait, that apartment inspection in March set me back 3 months.


3rd sprout doesnā€™t look like it has a tailā€¦

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It does, just hiding under the outer shell. Trying to upload a pic now, smartphone is acting kinda dumb right now.



Oh K, cause I had few of those and one is the female I have nowā€¦I thought I might be seeing the same split embryo

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Test out this will Smith punch @darkillusion :+1:

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Not exactly whole embryo, but tiny tap. Definitely ready for planting


Yea I was just getting things setup to get them in soil.


No worries. It kinda worked out as I went awol for awhile when I had to shut down for inspections, then had a super low key lazy grow. Just happy to be able to see em.


I am a big fan of the samsquanch og and Iā€™m gonna be curious about the smoke report got a Skywalker almost ready for harvest and itā€™s just not a big plant but I have started growing autoā€™sā€¦ Now and theyā€™re so different and itā€™s pretty crazy to see it flower so I am curious about what the widow red berry cheescake is alsoā€¦but looking forward to watch the grow and i hope u have a great run Happy Growing The Doc

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Hello everyone time for an updateā€¦
I flipped the Coked Out Girl Scout to flowering at the start of this past weekend and she has started to take off and is looking really good.

The GG#4 is a slow grower, but is doing fine otherwise.

The Tampa Crippy is going well enough for the moment, had to cull one seedling this morning due to it stalling out with no new growth in days. I dropped another seed in water to take that seeds place in the grow. Of the two seedlings still alive one looks very good and sturdy and the other, which by the way happens to be the one seed in the pic from last week that looked like it had no tail coming out of the seed. It looks good, just not as sturdy looking as the other one.


Outta likes, but Iā€™m always excited to watch your plants grow. Stoked to see what that crippy turns into. Hopefully lime green and stinky as hell like I remember. :wink:

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I am hoping for icky and sticky.

Some females arenā€™t sturdyā€¦what I had to do w the marble is carefully remove the root ball, put it at the bottom and fill over top that. I had to do it, not once in the cup, but twice in the gall grow bag as well. It did create a sturdier upright stalk except the laterals which youā€™ll see they elongate so those are flimsy. By the looks of that 2nd one, it appears exactly like marble, thinner sativa. The first wider indica looks like the A or B pheno I got

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Well here is a very quick update, literally and figuratively.
I dropped the replacement seed in water not even two hours ago and it has started to pop open. That is something I did notice with the first three seeds is that they are fast to pop open.
@OriginalDankmaster96 I do hope the second seedling turns out to be marble, I really like how that looked from your grow.


Here, this should help you begin to identify if itā€™s that pheno

image image


Ugh :expressionless: I donā€™t know how to say this to on my b-day of all days, but I feel I mustā€¦neither of us will be making seed from Tampa Crippy. I had high hopes for TC, but the intersex trait is in my B pheno too. The clone/seed plant doesnā€™t express it, but itā€™s still present in the genetics. That means all 3 are intersex, but unfortunately the progeny are bonafide hemies at a high rate I might add. Over half just confirmed. This means itā€™s unstable and there will a low rate of true females from seed. I believe the stamen is invasive as it hangs on the axial lowers, so unlike the clones where I showed inactive surrounded by the bud clusters, this can spread. In fact Iā€™ve seen swollen bracts and this early there should be none. Xmas bud isnā€™t the culprit. This is all Tampa Crippy. So grow and enjoy it, but donā€™t bother wasting time doing seed. I canā€™t in good conscious use TC for a project now. The line isnā€™t a true female to start w. Iā€™m thinking of reversing to PTK and Xmas instead. Probably start a few of those Corn soon from 808 and see whatā€™s there. Disappointed but we must face facts of instabilities being spread in already delineated gene pool of selfing. Based on what Iā€™ve seen I donā€™t think selfing is beneficial to the futureā€¦