The ongoing indoor grow

Sad to hear this news. Excited about more focus on the pine tar and Xmas bud tho. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@Rhino_buddy Yes, a silver lining of sorts to still have a Xmas counterpart. TC can still be grown for stash, just not for breeding purposes.


Well that is a buzz kill. Now I am glad I only bought his reg seeds for $60.


That is sad to hear. But thank you for being honest and above board. Some here aren’t. It is so refreshing.



Hello everyone, here is what my plants are up to now.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is starting to form colas so she is in full flowering mode now. She is not going to be a tall plant from what she is showing me. So I think next one I grow I will give it a lot more time to veg.

While I am on the subject of slow growing, the GG#4 is a very slow grower. She is at week 3 and only 2 inches tall. I just transferred her into her growing container with fresh soil and I am hoping that might be why she is growing as slow as she is. The soil I started her out in was from a old bag, so see if this helps.

Now onto the Crippy…
The replacement seed I started last week took off like a rocket and have moved it and the other two into there growing containers. I will list them as A, B, and C, plant B is the replacement seed I started last week.
Plant A

Plant B

Plant C


Looking really strong there. I think your A looks like the selfed I have and the C could be either of the 2 phenos along w the new sprout. Longer nodal distances were indicative of the B pheno I have and shorter w A.


Hello everyone, here is this weeks update…
The Coked Out Girl Scout is looking very good right now and after a few minor bumps with her at the start (being very picky on how much water was given) she is now just going on to cruse control.

I was right about the soil I started the GG#4 out in was old because in the week since I transferred her into her grow container with fresh new soil she is starting to take off.

All three Tampa Crippy plants are doing good, they are not even a month out and already asking for cal-mag. All the proof I need to know it is Crippy. Plant A looks like it is pheno B and Plant C is pheno A. Plant B is still to young for me to say one way or the other, hopefully I will know in a week.




Got some great looking plants.


C is more indica so yes that’s likely. My A pheno leans indica while the B and the selfed have a slender blade





Hello everyone, sorry for the late post. I just started a new gig at work and my work times and days off have changed…I am going from working nights to working mornings :yawning_face:. Anyways the Coked Out Girl Scout just likes to give me hassles. Just when I thought she was going good she started showing calcium deficiency. Seems she likes a lot of calcium. Other than that the colas on the plant are forming nicely, hoping for her to be ready in another 7-8 weeks.

The GG#4 has a good news/bad news thing going on. Good news is she started to go into flowering over the past weekend. Bad news is since she spent about 3 weeks in that soil she did not do well in it did not do her any favors. She will be a very short plant with a small yield.

The Tampa Crippy IX plants are all doing well, each will a different story to tell. Plant A is the leader of the pack. It is the largest plant of all three.

Plant B is the off looking one of the three. Granted it is one week behind the other two but its growth is different from both. It gives me the vibe that makes me think it will be a male.

Plant C is large in its own right but unlike plant A that is growing tall and bushy, plant C is growing short and bushy.


Hello everyone, as I said in my last post my new gig at work means new hours so we get an update on Sunday.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is starting week three of flowering and with a 8-9 week flowering time I have about 6 weeks to go. I will say this about her, she needs cal-mag during flowering like no tomorrow. If I could give her a IV drip of cal-mag I would. Other than that the colas are looking really nice.

The GG#4 is starting to look nice and healthy after her rough start. Have flowering hairs all over her.

The Tampa Crippy IX plants are doing very well. Just topped them all yesterday for the first time. At this point in time I can say that I have two different phenotypes of crippy. Plant A is type 1 she is 9.5 inches tall with tall secondary growth. Plant B and plant C are type 2. Shorter growing plants, both plants are 6 inches tall with short secondary growth. Plant B is one week younger than the other two but I do not see it growing three inches in a week. Not at the rate it as been growing. It is also thinner in secondary growth than plant C which gives me the feeling it is a male plant, but time will tell. I will be flipping them over to flowering at the end of the month that way they will have enough time to fill in some more.
Plant A

Plant B

Plant C

Now onto some other things…I have been planning to do a NL#5 seed run after the crippy run but that was before my apartment inspection earlier this year. My current lease ends at the end of October, so my current crippy run is unaffected with this. I have not yet got a renewal yet but it will be soon. I plan on staying as long as the price is still cheaper then living closer to work. Now if I stay (which I probably will) and start the NL#5 run it will not be finished by March which will be one year since the last inspection. I do not want to start a run and have to kill it like I did for this last inspection. So my next run in my main tent will be autos. I will have to see what I have to work with as I have more photo seeds than auto seeds.


Yup, your A looks more and more like the B. I suggest hull snapping your laterals bases and they’ll start growing angular (45 degrees) upward than than the curving droop. Not only does it toughen the flimsy length up but it does increase nug size. The B does look similar to the A. As for a male, I didn’t get one. Now what will be very interesting is if your female’s have intersex, which will definitely line up. Good that you will flip soon, as all those laterals plus new shoots will stretch out further than you realize. I’m learning shorter plants do far better in filling out than taller w this cultivar w how the stretching goes.


Hello everyone here is this weeks update.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is looking really good after a slight leaf trim about half way done with flowering.

The GG#4 has filled in nicely in the last week.

I just made the flip to flowering today for the Crippy plants.
Plant A is Big and thick

Plant B continues to be the plant that is just the oddball of the litter. This plant is either a male or a really funky phenotype. Some parts of the plant want to grow, some parts do not.

Plant C continues to be a very short but very thick plant.


The plants are looking good @darkillusion!

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Yup, I stand by what I keep seeing. The A is the multi branching trait I saw in the selfed pheno. Both A and C are sativa leaning pheno and B is the indica pheno. The main thing is is toughening branches. The buds on my finishing 3 can’t hold up anymore that I need bamboo stakes. Also the BBP is like nuclear fuel for yield on this one.

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Sorry I do not have any BBP.

Ah that was a hint :thinking: Seriously, worth every penny. The 4oz will go a long way

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I will think it over for a bit. I was just planning on using molasses during the flowering stage.


Hello everyone, time for this weeks update.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is about half way through flowering and is doing well. The colas are not the largest I have seen, but by far are the most dense I have ever grown. Hoping by the end of August she will come down.

The GG#4 has come a long way from when I first started her, she now has cola formation going on all over her.

Now onto the Crippy
It has been a week since I made the flip to flowering and so far not one plant has shown its sex. But they all have started there flowering stretch. Plant A has begun to start taking over the area around it with Plant B.

Plant B up until last week I though was the same phenotype as plant C but over the last week it has started to grow and act more like plant A.

Plant C is still a very short and compact plant, it is just growing on top of itself in layers.


How tall did they start flip at ?