The ongoing indoor grow

Last week Plant A was at 11 inches, Plant B was at 9 inches, and Plant C was at 8 inches. Today Plant A is at 14 inches, Plant B is at 13 inches, and Plant C is at 12 inches.


Thatā€™s about the right target height. I say this because once past 2ft, the bottom half really suffers from the crowding and shading out. Ideally it needs to be under 2ft total.


Okay it is not normal for me to make two posts in one night, but for this I need to post it. A few months ago I did a FogDog X Cherry Brandy auto seed run and for the life of me I could not get any seeds to sprout hence why I am doing a GG#4 right now. The other day I said what the heck and dropped about 10 seeds in water just to see what happens and to my shock I have two seeds that have popped open. Now there is no way I am tossing these seeds and I dont have much room in my tents so it looks like I might be doing a pair of solo cup grows in my tent with the GG#4.


Itā€™s arguably a good problem to have (ā€œsurpriseā€ plants) :sunglasses:


Well it will give me an opportunity to do a few things if I can get both plants to grow to finish. The auto seed run was a buzzkill for me when I could not get any seeds to germ. So now that I have two seeds that have popped open, I am going to try again and do a seed run with them but with a bit of a twist. I am not sure why my seeds have such a poor germ rate so I am using this as a chance to test out my Cherry Brandy pollen. I have pollen from two different Cherry Brandy plants and only used one plants pollen for that first attempt. This time I am planning to use pollen from the first try on one plant and pollen I did not use on the other plant. This will give me a chance to see how each compare.


Okay here are the two seeds to start things off with.

I have them in solo cups in the tent with my GG#4 right now. I did say to start things off with so here is an extra little nugget of goodnessā€¦after being in water for 4 days another seed has popped open. That one is in a wet paper towel until the taproot get a little bigger. So I started with 12 seeds in water and 3 popped open that gives me a germ rate of 25%.


Well I just got home from work and went to take a look at my Crippy plants and found that Plant A is 100% male, Plant B is what I think to be a male but will know for certain tomorrow. Which leaves Plant C, do not worry I think it is female. Just like Plant B I need another day to know for sure.


Well I guess there are males then. I thought maybe itā€™s just intersex together. Donā€™t know why all 3 I have turned female intersex. Itā€™s all puzzling and peculiar :thinking: Glad youā€™ll get one at least :+1:


I will know for certain tomorrow on plant C. I can barley make out a very small pair of hairs. Want another 24 hours for it to grow out some more.


Plant B is going to get an extra day of life. I see balls starting to form, just want to see them clearly before I cut down. Plant C is taking its sweet time, still say this one is a female.
On another note there was an Atlas V rocket launch this morning and I got a good photo of the after launch skyline. From my view at work @ Disney.


Well it is officialā€¦Plant C is female. As for Plant B, I have confirmed it as a herm. Balls on one node and the next node above it has hairs. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Yup, all the offspring in my B were exactly as you just found out. Balls beneath a calyx. Sorry bro, I know itā€™s a real pisser :expressionless: Are you going to take a cut of the one ?


No point of taking a cutting, can`t use this strain for breeding. Plus I am maxed out on grow space.


Yup I know about the breeding part. Itā€™s going to take a lot work of crossing out unstable sex. You should consider a spot for stash. A small solo cup mom is very doable off to the side. For now it is unfortunately a cut only from original seeds. Iā€™m almost sure itā€™s pre OG Kush before any lemon Thai was introduced. I kind of understand, what was known as Krippy is now OG Kush as a slightly different lineage w the lemon Thai. So when you said Kush, you were point on. The purple-orange-gold leaf at the end of flowering ties it all together.


I will sleep on it. Need to get a bottle of cloneX first. But then again I still have 4 seeds left from what I got to start.


OK, but do yourself a favor and donā€™t get Clonex and Iā€™m going to show you why, and then Iā€™m going to show you what to get for 8 bucks on Amazon that is adhesive gel.

This is watery and not a gel. When I dip it only coats thinly and Iā€™ve noticed Iā€™m not getting the cauliflower bumbs on the end. Iā€™m ditching their gel

Now this is GEL that sticks on. I just tried it on one Iā€™ve had to recut itā€™s mushy end off. Iā€™ve read this is some of the best in the business for cloning products


Iā€™m gonna try that too. I prefer foop to clones, but that looks like something to try out. Nice and viscous looking. :+1:

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I only said cloneX because it is a brand that everyone knows what it is and what it does. I have tried cloneX once and did not like it, I prefer to use cloning powder something like this.


Ahhh gotcha :ok_hand: Never have tried powders, especially when it was RW in the past. I suppose everything works but getting the seal is crucial to fast rooting.

Yes @Rhino_buddy I just took cuts of Corn, and it sticks like glue to the stem, so yes try it out. One weird thing though, smells like arm pit šŸ«¤


Iā€™d got some free sample promix connect powder . So far Iā€™m liking the results 100% so far in beer cups and recycled pro mix soil .
I usually use a bubble cloner used to always root in cubes switched a few years back best move Iā€™d made.