The ongoing indoor grow

I have used powder in the past for legal plants and I like how it works. Just need to make sure you get a type that is for fruiting plants and not just ornamental.


Hello everyone, I know I have been a little more chatty on my thread per week than normal. But I had a lot of information to post and today I get to continue that, because I have a lot of stuff to go over.
Let us begin with the Coked Out Girl Scout. She will be at week 6 of flowering in a few days so I am planning to cut her down come the end of month/start of next month. I was just looking her over thinking how well she has turned out, then I looked a little lower and saw something I was not expecting. She has seeds forming in a few areas on the lower areas of the plant. I never gave her any pollen and I do not see any ball sacks or stray pollen on leafs. If anyone has any idea how this happened I am all ears.

The GG#4 is doing better than I could have ever hoped for. She is very green and filled in the tent she is in very well.

Also want to show a close upā€¦Could that be some pollen on those buds and do I see a seed forming :sunglasses:.

The Crippy tent is looking a little empty now with only one Crippy plant left. But it is a female so I am happy. Gave her a slight lollypop cut underneath so she can focus more growth up top.

Finally the Drunken Cherry FogDog. Last week I had 3 seeds pop open, today only one still lives. The other two stalled out and died. Still plan on using more pollen on this plant to make more seeds.


Hello everyone, not a lot going on with the plants this week. I had four teeth pulled out this past Monday so I had set them all up for cruse control all week while I was working on trying to eat solid food and dealing with a reaction to the pain meds I was given.
The Coked Out Girl Scout is starting to get a little amber action started but still is about 2-3 weeks before she comes down.

The GG#4 has around another month to go from the looks of her. The little bit of pollen I used on her is working its magic. I only dusted up a few branches on the plant, so I will get some seeds I sure there will be plenty to share. I used some of my Cherry Brandy auto pollen I think I will call the cross Cherry Glue.

The Tampa Crippy has started to form colas so she is in full flowering and looking well.

Finally the Drunken Cherry FogDog is still kicking and growing I will give her another week before I move her into her growing container. I am still trying to decide which Cherry Brandy auto pollen to hit her up with as I have pollen from two different plants. What sounds better, Drunken Cherry FogDod BX1 or Double Drunken Cherry FogDog?


Did you decide to take cuts or grow more of the seeds later ?

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Wow excellent timing I wanted to ask you something. But before that, no I will not be taking any cuttings I just do not have a spare tent to work with. Right now I am trying to get my main tent cleared out as soon as the GG#4 and the Coked Out Girl Scout in the smaller tents are done I am moving the Crippy and Drunken Cheery into the smaller tents. My main tent might be used for a private grow in the next few weeks. Plus again I still have 4 seeds left to do another run later. But here is my question I have a very small amount of SFV OG BX3 pollen (Reg) do you think it would be worth while to use it on a branch or two on the crippy? I know you said is good for smoking just not so for growing seeds. But at the same time I know you have your TC hybrid cross.


Yes, well I see it like this. I started about 18 seeds of the TC hybrid, which 16 except one male turned hermie. So you wonā€™t be able to get even 1 female without popping at least 15 seeds. If you can micro grow them, that could work to get the one or two, otherwise popping a few seeds like you did for TC will be a waste, since thereā€™s a high rate of hermies. Well from those 4 seeds left, I hope you get a female to keep otherwise youā€™ll be without. If I was only allowed 1 mom, TC would be it.


Then I am better off holding that pollen for another time.
I think when I pop the last of my seeds if I get a female I will clone it and try to reverse it.


Keep your eye out for the nannersā€¦ I thought about reversing too, until I saw the nanners, then I knew thereā€™s no point.


Bought a small container of that rootech, and hereā€™s how it cameā€¦

Nearly empty and openedā€¦ Thatā€™s my luck though. If I buy shoes online, I get 2 different sizes. Has happened twice now. Lol. Guess I have to return it before theyā€™ll give me an exchange or refund. For $4? Seems absurd, but gonna do it anyway.


Dam man you need to find a 4 leaf clover so you start getting some positive shit happening.


I have a whole patch of them in my back yard. Lol. My friend whom just looks down and sees them pointed it out to me. (Not every single one is 4leaf, but thereā€™s an abundance because of the genetics in there.) Once when I buying a gameboy color the electronics person helping me had a beef with the company I guess and stuck an extra one in the bag for me. Also, all I do is try to put good out in to the world. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™ll go find a few 4 leaved clovers later just for you @ShiskaberrySavior . :green_heart::wink:


Well it is that time of the weekā€¦
The Coked Out Girl Scout is getting close to coming down. Hoping in 2 weeks she can come down, still amazed on how dense the buds are on this plant.

The GG#4 is at week 9 and I am not sure how much longer she will need, but I am expecting sometime next month she will be coming down. @Qtip if the seeds I get from this plant are good do you want some? You where kind enough to give me these beans, least I can do is offer some of the beans I get from her.

The Tampa Crippy has become a small bush in its own right, still bummed out that I can not do a seed run with this strain.

Finally the Drunken Cherry FogDog has been moved into its growing container and is looking okay.


Iā€™ll have to admit the coked out GSC is a lookerā€¦whatā€™s the make up of that ? I spent 45 days in LA in 2013 and was brought GSC every time I needed and yeah it was good at first but so much that I got tired of it, then someone in DC brought me some I didnā€™t like at all. Wide variations. Iā€™m not sure what I had in LA, but I got cookied out quick :crazy_face: Perhaps growing my own cookies will be better as Iā€™m not at the mercy of another growers preference

The way itā€™s bushed out is how the self version grows, so Iā€™ll bet dollars to donuts itā€™s that one, which is what you wanted in the first place. Iā€™ll say this IF you donā€™t see nanners, then use your dust. Maybe yours is recessive. I know all 3 of mine show nanners. A seed run is possible, itā€™s just a matter of popping enough to get through high hermie ratio, but if nanners donā€™t appear that could be a very lucky breakā€¦ I would encourage you to go forward w the run in that case.

@Rhino_buddy Sorry to hear they sent you an empty container. I havenā€™t had the unfortunate luck of broken/spilled or empty products yet, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll see it one day. Yes I would ask for a replacement too on principle. I think itā€™s pretty good too, trial cut well sealed and already close to rooting.

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Its is from CSI its make up is Girl Scout Cookies X Humboldt Snow 8-9 weeks flowering time.

I am still willing to use my SFV OG BX3 pollen, but I might need a few volunteers to help me run them. One of the downsides of apartment living for me as much as I want to do my own genetic work I have to keep reminding myself that I am growing to supply my habit in limited space.


One of the downsides of apartment living for me as much as I want to do my own genetic work I have to keep reminding myself that I am growing to supply my habit in limited space.

Actually you could do what Iā€™m doing. Grow your stash first, once your pretty well stocked, then you can devote the grow for breeding purposes, at least for 1 or 2 cycles. And yes, a few volunteers can help to get through the numbers, so its worth trying.


I was already planning on going between seed runs and bud runs. My problem is that I already have a small list of seed runs I am already planning. AutoBotz F3, NL#5 F5, Vietnam Landrace, Sour Diesel auto. So at this rate it wold be a long time before I could get to everything I want until I get a house.


Hmmm when I started working w G13 I crossed at least half a dozen strains I was growing w FW male. I was young, but quickly getting over my head at all I wanted to do in 2 closets. Itā€™s very easy to get like that, so do yourself a favor and prioritize those runs. Youā€™ll eventually get to each of them. Look how long itā€™s taken from the time I grew TC and Xmas seeds to get an F1 hybrid, and thatā€™s only 1 step towards the process.


Alright I just used my SFV pollen on three branches of my Tampa Crippy, see how this goes.


If you have a couple to spare I would love a few, thank you. :pray:


Well you are at the top of the list as far as who gets any. :+1: