The ongoing indoor grow

Ahhh the inspection issue …do you think a cabinet disguised as a chamber would go unnoticed ? I’ve read about stealth grow cabinets made that appear as ordinary furniture to blend… just trying to think of ideas so you could make it work. Maybe you have thought of it already, so it’s a dead end unfortunately.

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I have looked into a stealth cabinet as well as looked into converting other things into a stealth grow setup. However it becomes very costly to make when you need to buy all the tools needed to make it work. Plus it is not worth the risk of hiding a plant during an inspection. Because if they find it there is no just throw it away and all is forgiven, no. They will call the police right there and then begin starting the paperwork to evict me from the complex.


About all you can hope for is if your not in bud take clones and throw them in the fridge to start over .
Or find a less inspected place to live.


Yup, I understand now why you have to settle for seed w the surprise inspections, easier to toss and dismantle on 2nd notice. Well I’m glad you have back ups of your TC :+1:

Actually that’s idea…he could take cuts and store in fridge. How long do you think they would keep though ?

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I have been in this complex for seven years now and have had only 3 inspections so they do not happen all the time but when they do, they do.


Easily a couple weeks or more .

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I’ve rooted clones that were in the fridge for over 3 weeks. I feel like they could last months maybe.

You can always send cuts my way and I’ll hold on to that crippy for you @darkillusion . :yum::+1:


I will have to keep that in mind for the future. That and I need to learn how to setup a cutting for shipping.

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I could help with that. :+1:


Just a quick mid week update. Just finished jarring up the Coked Out Girl Scout and the yield was low coming in at 2.87ounces. Also the Drunken Cherry FogDog just went into flowering shooting 2 pairs of white hairs out.


Dam near 3 zips off 1 plant I don’t think that is terrible.
Especially if it’s killer smoke .


That is true, you are right. It’s just I hate to spend all that time on a photo just to get the yield of an auto.


Well today was a day I have been dreading for a few months now. Today was the day I get my apartment renewal information. I have been expecting a huge jump in monthly rent. I have been paying $1150 a month and on the complex website apartments like mine can run up to $1800. So before I looked at the offer I have to sit down first, to make sure I didnt pass out and crack my head open on the floor. Another year will run me…$1150 a month :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :partying_face:. Thats right my rent is not going up. So I quickly started the paperwork to renew the lease. I think it comes down to a lot of people have been moving out and they want to keep apartments full.


Yup being a good tenant has advantages, and for that rate I see why you put up w inconveniences at times :wink: Good yield from the coked GSC. Look forward to hearing the smoke report on that.

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When I first moved in to this complex 7 years ago the rent was $669 a month water included.


Yeah me and my partner paid 700 for our 2/2 condo and over 15 years it doubled to 1500. It was still 70’s original so it needed a serious rehab and update and we decided to stop at 1550. Some places aren’t worth the increases. You’re are lucky my friend. Me and my partner are too, knowing someone who needs caretakers w a house. My growing only goes as far as the owner is still breathing…


Well I guess it is time again to show off the garden.
The GG#4 looks amazing, looks like the entire plant was dipped in powdered sugar. Just waiting to see some amber and she will be coming down.

The Tampa Crippy is just chilling doing its thing. I see seed formation all throughout the three branches I dusted.

The Drunken Cherry FogDog has not really changed a whole lot in the past week. Looks like she is putting more effort into forming a stronger root system.


Yeah I’m pretty certain you have the selfed version now. It has thinner sativa interspersed. I am amazed you have it standing on its own as it doesn’t appear lanky or bending. Now one thing I will note, even though you haven’t seen the nanners, they can be inside the calyx hidden from view. I’ve noticed this looking around magnified areas. At any rate lots of heads there, and that’s definitely a trait of the denser branching. My last plant is a mini version of that one.

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Ours was similar. Moved in almost 10 years ago at around 650, now it’s 1214. Expect another jump in Jan and then again 4-5 months later. Congrats on keeping it the same! Wish they’d do that with us, but I think they’re trying to push people out.

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