The ongoing indoor grow

Hello everyone, here is this weeks update.
The GG#4 is all but ready to come down, just want to give her a little more time to get more amber.

The Tampa Crippy is half way through flowering and I am happy with what I am seeing.

Now for the Drunken Cherry FogDog…I am not really sure how I can spin this to make it sound good. If you remember how it looked last week, well aint nothing changed since then.


Yup, I see the conical shape, just like mine. Doing real well there. It will start to yellow and then purple faster the closer it gets to 100% maturity. Also don’t go too amber on TC. At least test a bud to make sure it’s not too heavy for your preference. For me 10-15% is enough.


Did you do any training on that TC? It’s got a real nice even canopy.

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I did zero training on the crippy. The way she formed was all natural.


Hello everyone, here is the weeks update.
The GG#4 came down last night and I am happy with the yield I got from her. Was a lot more than I was expecting after her rough start. I pulled out 8 seeds from the areas I used pollen on and sad to say they all failed the crush test. I am hopeful that after the bud dries out I can pull some better seeds out from deeper in the buds.

The smaller pile on the right is the branches I used pollen on.
The Tampa Crippy is starting to get a nice blue hue all over the plant. i am guessing another 4-5 weeks and she will be ready.

Finally the Drunken Cherry FogDog has had a nice growth spurt over the last week. Might have helped that I gave her a large amount of nutes and cal-mag, but hey she is growing that is all that matters. Once the GG#4 dries out enough so I can see if any of the seeds I made are any good I will determine which pollen I will use on this plant. Will let you all know next week.

I will also be moving both the Drunken Cherry FogDog and the Tampa Crippy into the tents that had the GG#4 and the Coked Out Girl Scout. I am starting a private seed run and I need my main tent to do it.


Yup the coloring is the last half. Faster yellowing to purple, orange and gold in the fans. I know I’m about a week away once most of the coloring is done and those leaves are starting to die back too. Anyway, enjoy, it will keep looking better as the glands densely explode :yum:

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Just finished jarring up the GG#4 to start curing it. The final weight came out to 3.80ozs. and this stuff hits like a truck :star_struck:. @Qtip where did you get these seeds from? Are they from a home grower or are they from a shop, if it is I need to try out more of there stuff. I thought my Coked Out Girl Scout was something, but it has nothing on this GG#4. Now a sad side note. I started picking some seeds out of the buds the had them and I stopped after pulling 20 seeds and only 1 passed the crush test :sob:. Starting to think there is something wrong with both types of Cherry Brandy pollen that I have. So this weekend I am planning to use some pollen on the Drunken Cherry FogDog and I think I might be better off using some of my Bubblegum auto pollen on it instead. I know that pollen works like no tomorrow. What do you all think, take a risk on the CB pollen or use BG pollen on the plant?


Those were a feminized cross, I did with seeds gifted to me by someone in my earliest OG days, before I was tracking who gave me what. I have yet to grow the GG4 but the GG4 x do si lo, I did outdoor was awful. I’m very glad to hear they turned out well. I’m sure I’ve got more seeds if you want them @darkillusion…What’s mine is yours.


Why not both? Dust one branch CB and the rest of what you’re doing with the bubblegum. At least you’ll know you’ll get something off the bg branches

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Only thing stopping me from doing 2 different pollen`s on that plant is it is a small plant at only 12 inches tall and only has a handful of colas forming and there is no way I can keep everything separate.


I guess it just depends on your intents with those seeds then. If you’re just making seeds for shits n giggles go with the CB. Not as big a deal if they fail again. If you need the seeds for something in particular, go with the BG.

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Time for an update…
The Tampa Crippy IX is looking just amazing, has a lot of dark coloring coming out.I am hoping in another 2 weeks or so and she will be ready.

As for the Drunken Cherry FogDog I was looking at her the other day getting ready to use some Bubblegum pollen on it when I noticed something off about this plant. All the leafs on the plant only have three blades, see for yourself.

Once I realized that I knew I had to change the Bubblegum pollen plan. I decided to use the same pollen I used on the FogDog to make these seeds. So yes I am doing a BX on this plant, see how this goes.


I’ve had clones do that to me was that from seed or a clone?

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It is from a seed.

Strange hybrid type growth possibly!

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That is what I am thinking and if I do a BX on it and the seeds work, I am hoping it will keep that trait.

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Well I told ya she puts on a show… Just a hunch, but once you smoke it you’re going to realize how you’ll want to grow more. Anyway, sending out your beans in a greeting card tomorrow.


Thats fine, still have 4 seeds left to try again. :sunglasses: No rush on the seeds, they might get caught up in the hurricane coming my way.

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Just had a thought run through my head. In a few weeks I will be cutting down the Crippy. Normally I would just toss out what was left of the plant ie the main stem and root ball. But what if I just put that back into the tent and put the light back to veg. I know other people have done it so I know it works and my goals would be two things. The first goal and I would need some help with this is I make some clones and send them off to other OG members to help keep this female plant going. I can not keep a plant long term as in a mother plant due to apartment living @OriginalDankmaster96 @Rhino_buddy either of you two interested in maybe taking a clone of TC if not maybe someone else? Second goal is after finding homes for the clones is to use STS on the plant to get pollen. Just a thought folks.


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