The ongoing indoor grow

Thanks for the beans @darkillusion :v:



Damn right they are :call_me_hand::stuck_out_tongue:

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So far I only know of 2 Logs going on with Sour 13.


Time for an update…
Gave the AMG X Sour Bubble a bit of a trim the other day and is filling in nicely.

Planning on making the flip to flowering in another 2-3 weeks.

In the main tent I am trying to decide weather or not to cut the Fruit Punch down and throw it away. I am not happy with how it is turning out.

Ugly looking buds on this plant
Here is a close up of Crazy 8 for contrast.

Big Difference.
Other than that the plants are doing fine. The Widow Maker got big and is starting to work on its cola’s. The DCFD is also filling in nicely.


Just pulled the trigger and cut the Fruit Punch down and I am now glad I did. Looking at the soil after I cut the plant down I could see a vast root system, but it looked very anemic. So I am going to chalk it up to bad genetics, got the strain from a private grower so live and learn I guess.


that fruit punch was pretty funky looking. i wonder what it would of turned into. hahaha


Nothing of value for me. I am doing a bud run and if it will not make bud that will get me high then it is not worth my time.


Totally hear ya man! I just toss the weirdos in my hoop house now a days. I got room for days now. :slight_smile:


It has been a week since I got rid of the Fruit Punch and with the extra space you can really see what each plant is doing.

The Crazy 8 is the furthest along in flowering and I am hoping it will be ready around the end of the month. The other two will need more time.

Crazy 8 close up.

The AMG X Sour Bubble is looking good for a plant sill in veg. Getting closer to flipping it into flowering and see what I get.


Been a quiet week with the grow.
The auto’s in the main tent are happily in cruse control mode. The Crazy 8 has a nice sweet smell coming from the cola’s. The Widow Maker is filling in nicely since it finally finished its stretch phase. The DCFD even at this point in flowering its leafs are still a very dark green.

The AMG X Sour Bubble I was planning on flipping it to flower this week but I decided to make the flip this past week and I am glad I did. I am happy to say I got what I wanted…a male plant. So as soon as I get enough pollen from it I will be cutting it down and starting again with another seed.


Well all is well here this week.
The AMG X Sour Bubble is looking like he will be dropping pollen in the next few days and I am ready to start collecting.

In the main tent all three plants are doing good.
Crazy 8

Widow Maker

Drunken Cherry FogDog


Looking great! Lotsa youngins’ on the way :ok_hand:t3:

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Very nice!

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The pollen dropping has begun…


Here we gooooo!

Still no mail from me @darkillusion ?


No sir nothing as of yet. :cry:

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Grrrrr, one of two out of 14 I shipped that day that did not arrive yet…… if it’s not there by end of the week , I’ll resend as it’s getting to the international point then.


@ShiskaberrySavior hey man, would you like a pack of Royal Procession?


Yes please