The ongoing indoor grow

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Been a quite week in the grow tents so this update will be short and sweet.
It has been 5 days since the AMG X Sour Bubble started dropping pollen and I have already collected enough for me to use on the next phase of this project. But I am going to keep collecting more pollen over the next few days then I will cut him down and start another seed.

In the main tent all three auto`s are doing fine. Was hoping the Crazy 8 would be ready but as the saying goes ā€œIt needs more timeā€.


oh my, what wonderful plants

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Just wait until you find out what I am growing next. :sunglasses:


Predicting is difficult, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s a good thing, very good!!


I will give one hintā€¦ it is a cross with 88G13xHashplant.


88G13xHashplant, they are awesome, everything they touch turns to gold!

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Last night I decided to cut down the AMG X Sour Bubble. I got all the pollen I need, plus some extra to maybe give out. Already have another AMG X Sour Bubble seed started, hope this one is a female.
The AMG X Sour Bubble male topped out at just over 3 feet tall.

In the main tent the auto`s are still going strong. I was hoping by now the Crazy 8 would be ready, but it still needs more time. The Widow Maker and DCFD are a little ways behind the Crazy 8 in terms of flowering but all three are nearing the end.


Iā€™m out of likes (how rare) but must say that is one prime male :trophy: Iā€™m still slighted on sours, someone got an oz of NY sour diesel for 300 during my stay in FTL in 2015, and the minute I smoked it, I wanted them to take it back. I couldnā€™t stand the acrid taste and raised my anxiety so I couldnā€™t relax on it. Experience will probably keep me from wanting to try any others as popular as they are, but I like your selection :+1::facepunch:


I am considering using some of the pollen I got from him on either a ECSD X Sour Dubb cross I have or a Sour Dubb X Sherbet cross. But that will have to be after my Goji Ghash run coming after the auto`s finish.

Oopsā€¦did I just let the cat out of the bagā€¦ :sunglasses:


Oh gogi ghash sounds fun I got a pack of bodhis pinesoul gogi cut x 88g13hp called soulfood you running the f2 Gogi or original pack?


I will be running the F2`s.


Was either that or Dank Zappa F2.


Not sure what kind of direction your trying to take it but if you find a lemon pinesoul gogi itā€™s some killer stuff just grew out some old soul which is pinesoul gogi x old mother ghani had a pinesoul leaner crazy funky loud pine and lemon terps super greasy and resinous I wanna hunt and find it if I can in the f2s dank Zappa f2 would be way cool too


Just doing this as a seed run. Not really planning on doing any crazy crosses with it. I still have a long list of runs I want to doā€¦NL#5, Tampa Crippy, Costal Crippy, 70`s Vietnam Landrace are all on deck for me to do seed runs on.


Been a week since I started the new AMG X Sour Bubble seed and it is already in its growing container, talk about a fast grower.

In the main tent all three auto`s are still going strong. Was hoping the crazy 8 would be ready by now but it still need more time. It has some amber showing but not enough for me.
Crazy 8

Widow Maker



Everything is looking stellar hermano.

How long do you let your seeds sit after harvesting before you germinate them? Iā€™ve heard some people leave them out for 2 weeks after harvest, but was wondering if maybe others plop them right away.

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Well I always drop a few seeds in water right after harvest just to verify that they do germinate. Last thing I want to do is pass out dud seeds.


Word, I just chopped some seeding plants and wanted to grow their babies out ASAP. Iā€™ve thrown a few in a shot glass while the rest chill on the curing plants. Thank you.


I had a plant I did awhile back where the buds were so moist, when I started to collect seeds from the buds I pulled a lot of seeds out that had germed inside the buds.