The ongoing indoor grow

“A mans gotta know his limits” -Dirty Harry-


Well if we’re talking about limits I could fit another 2x2 somewhere haha I probably won’t though I know that conversation wouldn’t go well with the lady


I am still on the fence about pulling my 3rd tent out for another grow.


Like a fool I sold my 3rd tent. I’d definitely like it back now to set it up at my moms house

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Thought cloning auto flower was not ideal :thinking:

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I thought so as well. But you can clone them no problem it seems.


Well I’ll be damned

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Yes you can clone them if you do it early. Flower time is usually preset when seed breaks ground. Just my understanding.


how you like those totes to grow in. saving your self a few inches in height !

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I like them a lot, does give me some extra growing room to work with.


hell ya looking good too!


Well it has now been three weeks since I made the flip and I gave the AMG X Sour Bubble some pollen the other day and looks like the two different pollen’s I used have both taken hold.

The Goji Ghash plants are doing very well right now in the main tent, going to give them another week or two then I will make the flip to flowering.
Plant A

Plant B

Plant C

Plant D


Looking good, my friend :v:t4:


Got a few things going on so let me get into things.
Starting off with the AMG X Sour Bubble. I have decided on taking @TopShelfTrees1 name for the strain and will be calling it “Double Decker Sour”. I am announcing the name today because I can confirm that the AMG X Sour Bubble pollen I used did take and I do have seeds forming, so F2’s are on the way. I covered around 40% of the plant with that pollen so I am expecting a decent amount of seeds to be made. I am keeping another 40% pollen free so I can sample the final product seeds free. So that left me around 20% of the plant to use another pollen on. I know I mentioned that last week but no one asked which pollen I used so I will announce what pollen I used…AMG Sour F1. That Pollen has taken as well.
This plant grows like crazy.

In the main tent I am all but ready to flip over to flowering. Will make the flip in the next few days, just wanted to give the plants just a little more time in veg. Right now Plant A is just growing like a weed with Plant B not to far behind. Plant C has finally caught up in size to plant B, but it still gives me the male plant vibe. Plant D is short and squat this plant is the main reason I want to give them just another day or two in veg.

@DesertHeartGardens I have the inkbird and dehumidifier in and was wondering if you could get me a hand in how to setup the inkbird and your input insetting up a drying space for it.

Finally on a off topic, I need to upgrade my SSD in my computer to a larger one. Does anyone know of a good drive cloning program that I can use? Really do not want to reinstall everything on the new drive when I know I can just clone it.


When I get home later tonight will get some pictures/details for you on how I set mine up :call_me_hand: tents looking great!


@DougDawson might have an idea about this.

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Awesome! This should be killer! Love it ! I second @DougDawson on the computer front as I’m basically illiterate lol

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Well not much for me to say for this week, everything is firmly in cruse control mode now.
It has been 5 weeks now since I flipped the AMG Sour X Sour Bubble to flowering and she is looking great.

In the main tent I flipped the Goji Ghash to flowering five days ago and I am just waiting on the plants to show there sex.


Just confirmed today, Plant B is a male.


Confirming today, Plant A is Female. :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: