The ongoing indoor grow

Sorry to hear, must have been the summer heat while in shipping to you.

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Just finished putting pollen on the plant, and true to form I used a few different types of pollen on her.

Royal Kush
Unicorn Poop F2

Just did a few branches each with space between them. That way I get to enjoy some seed free bud later on.


Wasn’t a pre dibs stated earlier :joy:. Sounds like some good stuff is coming


Sucks man just dealt with a herm myself. 3 plants - 2 went male, pollinated the the sole female and then at some point the female hermed and pollinated herself. Herms hurt.


Remember that plant that we talked about before that I had. It looked like a male and I put it out on the back porch to chop and it turned female. It was from that bad lot of seeds we got.


Sorry for the later than normal update, had to work today and am now just getting to it.
The Double Decker Sour is doing fine it is now been 8 weeks since I made the flip on her. She has walnut sized buds all over with a sweet diesel scent.

It has been 24 hours since I gave the Goji Ghash the pollen treatment and I can say the Royal Kush and the CatPiss pollen has taken completely. Does not look like the Unicorn Poop took, o well two out of three aint bad.


It is now been nine weeks since I made the flip on the Double Decker Sour, so she is getting near the finish line. Other than that she is doing just fine.

The Goji Ghash has been moved to my 2x2x4 tent that I pulled out of retirement. Needed the main tent for my next seed run with my grow group GTR F3. But I am happy to have seen the Unicorn Poop pollen I used did take as well so I will be getting three crosses out of this.


I am digging the coloring on the Double Decker Sour.


Looks like candy :drooling_face:


Ten weeks since the flip on the Double Decker Sour and all is well. Just waiting to see how long it takes to finish flowering now.

The Goji Ghash is doing okay, she has about 5 weeks to go before she is ready.

I am spending the time before these plants are ready to try and come up with a better way to dry out my plants. I was planning to use an Inkbird/humidifier to help with humidity but I am worried about the extra moisture starting mold growth in my apartment. Looking into doing something along the lines of what @killabud posted a few weeks back post #1335. There is no way I can get my apartment cold enough and humid enough to properly dry weed out without mold growing everywhere and costing me a fortune trying to cool down an apartment in Florida.


What it do, Darkillusion?

I’ve been smoking on some cured Sour 13 and I must say, it’s quite the pleasant smoke. I’m very thankful for your generosity. I will definitely be popping the remaining seeds in the future.


Hola mi amigo, Glad you are enjoying the Sour 13. :grinning: :+1:


It is official, I just looked at the Double Decker Sour with my Loupe and its ready. There are strains where in one spot it looks good and ready and a spot three branches away looks like it needs another few weeks. Well this aint that kind of strain. Amber and dark amber is clearly visible all over the plant. So the flowering time for this strain is 10-11 weeks from the flip to flower.

I am going to cut her down tomorrow, my neck does not want to cooperate with me right now so going to let my meds to there work right now.


Good luck with the meds and your neck!


So I cut down the Double Decker Sour earlier this week and tried out a different way to dry them out. I tried the brown paper bag method and I must say, I am happy with the results. My buds are dry and ready for curing, but not crispy dried. Trying some bud out now and it is rather nice smoke, nice and mellow so far. Definitely going to use this drying method from here on out.

Now that the Double Decker Sour is down I have moved the Goji Ghash into that tent and I am taking down the tent it was in, and putting it back into semi-retirement. The Goji Ghash is doing well it has a few weeks left until she is ready.

Once she comes down I think I will do a Photo Fem for that tent, not sure what strain but I will figure that out when the time comes.


Nice ! Looking forward to the Goji ghash

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I wish I could offer F3 seeds but that dang herm male.
So the Crosses I have on this plant are Royal Kush, CatPiss, and Unicorn Poop.
I am calling the Goji Ghash x Royal Kush cross “Goji Kush”. The other two I am still thinking on.


Definitely unicorn ghash it just sounds nasty like it should being made from unicorn poop that’s the other thug pug strain I always wanted to grow besides PBB out of likes as always :wink:

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Two strains I have in my collection. :sunglasses: :+1:

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Oh VERY VERY NICE! I want that PBB bad but not 500$ bad lol officially envious bro

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