The ongoing indoor grow

I got PBB, PBB x GSC, UP F2, and UP BX.


You make the f2 or from TP ? Jeez ADAGE TIME! Killer stash right there bro

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Both the UP and the PBB came from my private grow group. We do a lot of cool strains, I know I am waiting on the Magnum Opus run to start in the next few months hopefully.

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That’s awesome! Magnum Opus too very cool another gem for sure, keep ‘em comin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The pricey packs don`t seem so bad when you have a lot of people chipping in. We started out as a group of 50, now we are around 15. So we are thinking about bring in some new faces.


I am also in a few offshoot grow groups. The Goji Ghash F3 run was going to be for one of them. I am also starting a Royal Kush run with some people. Finally I am assisting in a FogDog auto seed run.

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That’s very cool, a great idea tbh! So many packs I’ve wanted or WANT right now but some stuff gets out of hand for sure! I’ve been know to max out a credit card on beans :wink: Keep me in mind, I’d be down plus I’ve got a ton of good stuff in the vault I’ll be f2ing as well.


I’m doing BOO now, Jenny Kush when they arrive, then Bubba , Casey Jones and Chemmy Jones (one of my holy grails it took 6-7 years to reacquire) oh the beans we are going to SHARE ! Haha I love it ! Much respect


We got a Matt Berger cut going on right now as well.

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Sweet! I’m dying to grow that one out. I know I’ve grown pre-98 many times, pretty sure the other I had was katsu, but it MAY have been the Berger cut (was a bit more OG in every way especially leaf shape/structure wise but still stays semi short and has less coffee more Kush and maybe a hint of lemon/lime was real nice but I thought it wasn’t bubba so we tossed it, noooow I think I threw out a gem like 8 years back :man_facepalming:t2: go figure


How’d you go about the paper bag method? Single layer in a paper bag, closed up in the closet? Been thinking about trying something like this next year. My stuff usually dries in 3-4 days. Need to slow it down a bit.

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I kept the buds still on the stem and placed them in a paper bag. I used two bags, half in each just to not over load it. Paper bag kept the humidity high enough to keep my buds from over drying. I would move the buds around in the bag once in the morning and again at night to prevent any mold growth.


How many days did it take em to dry and how long is your normal dry time? Mold is my main worry as I’ve lost plenty to mold in the past.

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Normally when I would hang dry them they would be stupid crisp in 2.5-3 days. With the bag I stretched it out to 4 days and I am now trimming the buds off the stems and the stems give a lite snap when bent. So I could have let them sit another day, but I am happy with what I have right now. I did have to move them to my bath room closet to dry in the bag. I used to do it in my bedroom closet but I now know it is to dry in there to do it right.


Well shit, I apologize for taking so long to find your GD dark.
Ive got alot of reading to catch up on here.
Clickin back the chair :seedling:

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Well, i just wanted to let the people now about the Vietnamese Seeds Giveaway from a Year ago. We finally managed to sprout them, but they Autoflowered. So, i stayed optimistic that the Autoflower-trait was because the Age of Seeds…

Later we two guys smoke-tested it finally… And its really not psychocative.

So, its very questionable that those are Vietnamese (or like the source said eventually Vietnamese Crosspollinated ). Because its just weak like Hemp.

Alltho a third smoketester said it was the best weed he ever smoked, and this guy smokes average weed every day… so that is kinda confusing. But two persons say its not psychoctive, so its shurely not the expected vietnamese Sativa we hoped for.

Im not saying this angry, its just for Info,


hey nothing against you @darkillusion ! you didnt know yourselve whats inside.

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Kinda sucks it did not turn out as well as we hoped, fortunately all it cost me was some seeds in an exchange. I am curious though, it might not be the type we hoped for, but I wonder if it can be useful in breeding projects.


i dont know when i will get to try one two plants ,if even.
@Upstate has very similar taste like me for sativa Landraces, , and few other things beside, and didnt find it very interesting in Effect. i have to say sadly…
but im very focussed on everything that has the name vietnamese on it, lol,

upstate and i were guessing whether or not it could possibly be a vietnamese…or from a close by Country such as china. but we bouth never heard of an auto from that region really…

so, i guess this is most likely just Ruderalis (russian , Balkan…) , it autos in 100 percent of plants, so its very unlikely a Viet x Autoflower, this would take ages to stablizie to 100 percent. unlikely a HAwaiian guy would manage that, as Hawaiians were rather pollenchuckers. so i think most likely its just an auto… Last but not least it might atleast be a very old Ruderalis, who knows… you know old Lines collected in the 70s are sometimes very special.


The thing is…it revegges after flowering. A true enigma, and perhaps a useful breeding tool to allow the cloning of autos when you find a keeper.
I’m thinking it’s Korean or Chinese, brought to Vietnam by Chinese officers or by GI’s coming from R and R in Korea.