The ongoing indoor grow

This will be a short post for this weeks update, not much going on and my neck is sore.
The Goji Ghash is almost done, amber is starting to form and I would like to think she will be coming down in another week perhaps.

I also have a Gold Leaf photo fem seed soaking in water to take over the tent when the Goji Ghash comes down.


Giving out 2 packs of Double Decker Sour F2 to the first two people who ask for it.


Dibs please

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PM me your address

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Thank you @darkillusion :grinning:

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Dibs pleaseeee
Ummm wait… this is amg sour x sour bubble (bog)?
I have it labelled without the F2
If yes: Then NOT dibs. :rofl:

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You have the F1 variant.
PM me your address this is the F2 variant I am giving out right now.


Dam shouldn’t of slept in this morning. Maybe next time.


Getting ready to cut down the Goji Ghash here is how she looks now.

Here is the Gold Leaf.


Double Decker Sour F2 landed safe in the old world!.

Many thanks.


Not a lot to say this week. The Goji Ghash is in jars now starting there cure. Really liking how well it dries out now that I am using paper bags when I dry. I also transplanted the Gold Leaf into its growing container.


Been a quiet week, been trying to take it easy with my neck. The Gold Leaf is getting big now.

I am just in a holding pattern until I find out if I will need surgery on my neck. Do not want to get a lot of plants going just to be finding out I will be in a hospital for a week or two.


Good luck on both, but the surgery for sure.
I hate the waiting game when dealing with medical needs.

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where did you get the gold leaf cut from?

good luck with your surgery. well wishes for speedy recovery.

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Got it in a trade from someone here on OG that was probably a one and done trader after getting some new seeds. But they are originally from ilgm.


Hope it improves and you don’t need surgery. Sending good vibes

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Good to see you posting, was wondering where you were hope the neck issues gets better for you. I know what pain in that area did to me. Did they schedule your surgery yet?

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dig. that’s really the only place i have seen the gold leaf other than white label knock off places.

curious to see how yours turns out. good luck with the grow.


Sorry the meds I have been on as of late have me rather doped up. For those that are wondering what I have, I have cervical spinal stenosis with myelopathy. It has damaged my C-5 and C-6 vertebra and makes using my right arm difficult, along with a few other problems.

I see my surgeon for the first time on the 3rd of November. Took some time getting an appointment setup.

I got theses seeds only because they were ilgm stock. I have a bone to pick with there forums, so I am tossing around the idea of STSing this plant and using the pollen on another Gold Leaf seed and go back on there forums just to thank them for the free seeds and post were I will be selling them at a lower cost then ilgm.


Haha do it! I’m no fan of that place either