The ongoing indoor grow

I have 10 more days to go before I have my surgery. So today I moved the Gold Leaf into my main tent with my GTR grow, so I can take down the tent it was in. She is doing just fine and can already see some seeds forming on it so I am happy with what I am seeing with it. She is second from left in the photo.


Looking good best of luck with the surgery.

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Well I just got boned today. I have a water pipe that is leaking behind the wall in my bathroom that will need to be fixed. Bad thing is more than likely they will have to go through my bedroom closet wall to fix the pipe. Same closet I have my tent in, so I have a problem. Looks like the Gold Leaf is going to have to go. Just like the GTR plants I have.


Awwww…deadly! No hopes of salvaging anything?

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The seeds on the GTR are semi salvageable. But the Gold Leaf will be a complete write off.


Sorry to hear this. No chance of finding a cannabis friendly buddy with some carpentry skills? So hard to lose the whole grow, hopefully you can salvage something from it.


Anything like that would look out of place in my apartment.

Yea some GTR seeds are salvageable.


Well the leak is fixed but I have a hole in the wall until Monday. Just means I can start on the next run sooner than I was planning.


I am sure the bud gods will smile :blush: down up your next grow and it will be even better! This one is for luck :four_leaf_clover:



Thanks, sucks losing a grow but the repair needed to be done. Mold grows very fast here in Florida. The GTR was a few weeks early but it is still smoke able. But more importantly I think is I got some good info from the front office. They are understaffed (shocking I know) so I dont see any apartment inspection coming in the near future. Also while I was there I sweet talked the new lady in the office about all the other stuff in my apartment that needed to be looked at. Looks like I will be getting some stuff fixed rather soon. Also I do not have to worry about any plants being ready for a while, so I have time to fully recover after my surgery. Once the repairs are done I will put the main tent back up.


Sounds like a plan, hope :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover: your state goes legal soon and that won’t be a factor anymore more. My state just went legal 0n 07/01/2023, but medical :hospital: was already legal with dispensaries all over the place which now sell to both crowds. The only difference is medical people licensed don’t pay taxes and the others pay taxes. :sunglasses::v:


It will be on the ballot next year…just not growing.


We are limited to only 2 now per household, but the consensus among all that grow around here is that its now just a civil fine and a smack on the hands like No No Bad DAWG as long as it’s not to bad and looks :eyes: like you got cash crops growing. Got to keep it out of site from the public eye :eye:! :wink::sunglasses::v:

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My problem is that even if it does go legal to smoke in my state, I still will not be allowed to grow. So I still have to tear down my tent anytime I know someone will be looking in my closet.


That sucks, you need a house :house_with_garden:, my wife is in the property management industry and the rules are real sketchy at best with each property condominiums are the worse nightmare as far as it goes and townhomes. Single family detached are on their own and only got to deal with their own HOA issues.


Yes I do need a house but as a first time buyer that down payment is a pain to save up for. Was getting close but with interest rates as they are and now with a surgery in a few days this will set me back a bit.


That sucks to hear this happening. I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. It sounds like you get everything fixed and recover with this happening.


It is a fact of life when your in an apartment. As much as I hate to cut down my plants, its still better than going to jail for a felony.


I agree it’s better to be safe than sorry. :sunglasses:


That’s the truth!