The ongoing indoor grow

Now there have been people who suggest I get a cabinet to grow in that. But if you ever come over to my place it is a small apartment, so anything like that will stick out like a sore thumb. Plus trying to hide the sound of the exhaust fan and circulating fan would be to much.

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You know what works for you! No second guessing


One day all this BS will be over and we will have the freedom to grow as we please without the need for government interference. :sunglasses::peace_symbol::crossed_fingers:


That will be the day I buy a house.

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How sad amigo. An option could be to send me cuttings of what you’d like to keep and I could plop them in my 2x4. I just moved to the East Coast and am not planning on doing a grow until I fly out to Colombia in a few months. Just let me know when you’re in the clear and I’ll send you cuttings back.

I’d offer to take the entire plants, but I don’t have a truck/car, and it’s too cold for the bike.

Just an option!


I thank you for the offer, but I am not setup to send or receive cuts. Besides this happened all of a sudden and I did not have time to do such a thing. Plus I am not worried about losing the Gold Leaf. It cost me nothing and it is nowhere on my list of strains I would cry over if it ended early.


I would be down for growing some cuts and sending back to you when you are ready I grow in a 10’x15’ room in the open with one tent 4’x4’ :tent: to flip in. :+1::sunglasses:


Would have to be when ever I get a house. I can not afford having a cutting dropped off at my door while I am at work just for someone else to find it.

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Done and done as long as I can keep her in veg no problem :wink:

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It’s actually my golden rule as well (I’ve broken it once in the past). Though, I’d make another exception for you since that Sour 13 cultivar you created has become some of my favorite smoke.

Cheers, best of luck with everything. Wishing you a speedy recovery as well.


I am planning on doing a F2 run on Sour 13 in the future.


Had a Royal Procession show her feminine side, so into a bigger, more luxurious crib she went…


Short post for today.
Still waiting for the repairs to be finished off to my apartment before I set a tent back up. With luck everything will be fixed tomorrow. My next run is going to be Dank Sinatra in the main tent. I will also set up the second tent to run a auto for some quick smoke-able bud.


That sounds real interesting, I will be watching!

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You working with the F1s?

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I have F2s…so I will be making F3s.

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Just started to soak some beans. Had a brain fart while doing it, or it could be all the meds I am on. But I went to start soaking some Dank Sinatra seeds but I actually dropped some Dank Zappa instead. I quickly noticed my mistake and got the right seeds soaking.

Also dropped a Scarlett Grape from @blowdout2269 in water as well.


That Dank Sinatra should be really nice for helping your pain management in the future. Best of luck with everything upcoming! :grinning::+1::evergreen_tree::fire:


Still waiting on repairs to be finished before I can setup my tent again. Just waiting on a new baseboard and a fresh coat of paint.


Hope your surgery goes well with a speedy recovery!