The ongoing indoor grow

Surgery got postponed, surgeon had a death in the family. I am penciled in to have it done day after Christmas, and that is not even a firm guarantee.


That’s both a relief and annoying. Who wants to wait longer and at the same time who wants to go in now :crazy_face:


Here is a pic of the Scarlett Grape before it goes into soil.


Been a very crappy week for me this past week with surgery getting postponed. Do not have much going on, tent is still down waiting for the repairs in my closet to be finished. Scarlett Grape is look okay three days after I put it in soil. Right now it is just sitting next to my patio door getting what sunlight it gets. As for the Dank Sinatra, I have put all 10 of my seeds in water and only 1 has popped open. I am already thinking of what to do for a seed run in its place now but will have to wait until my tent is up before I make a final choice.

All I am doing right now is working on collecting the seeds I got from my GTR run just to keep my mind off my neck. Sad thing is, it is not helping.


I hope you get some reprieve from your neck!


One day I might…just today aint that day.


We at OG are all here to help if possible and are only a post or a DM away! :wink::sunglasses::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::partying_face::peace_symbol:

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Beyond moral support, which I really do appreciate there is not much anyone can do for me. I just have to wait things out. Been on medical leave for a week now and I am already fighting off sheer boredom. I think in the morning I will start replaying Final Fantasy 1-10 on my steam account. Not expecting to be back to work until February now.


That’s a bitch on the Dank Sinatra. I went looking in my stash but I have the Dank Zappa not the Sinatra. Thought I had it at one point but must have given them away already. Hoping your surgery goes as scheduled this time and you’re on the road to recovery asap!


I see very little Zappa! Most people are going to the Sinatra.
Support from the sidelines @darkillusion :tada::tada::tada:


I had been holding on to those seeds for some time, and that does not count how long they were sitting around before I got my hands on them. If the one seed that popped open turns out to be a male I can salvage this completely, but if its a female…I will let you all know how well the smoke is.

If the Dank Sinatra seed turns out to be a male I will use my Dank Zappa to re-pro it.

Right now it has been penciled in for the day after Christmas, but I do not see that really happening.
Unfortunately I can not even do much growing until my tent gets put back up.


I swear I just can not win. 6 days before surgery and the surgeons office calls up and says insurance will not cover the surgery because it is out of network. I call the insurance company to find out what is going on and turns out they mistakenly sent me to a out of network surgeon/hospital. Best part is when they looked in there directory they said they found a surgeon that is close to where I live. It was the same surgeon I was seeing. That is when it dawned upon them they need to update their directory. Now I am trying to get an appointment to start this entire process over again with a different surgeon.


Omfg! Are you kidding me. This is the chit that makes you want to scream in public while pulling your hair out.
How’re you doing? :grin:

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I wish I was.

Well since I have not had hair on my head since Clinton was in office (Bill, not Hillary) all I can do is fume.

I am tired, I hurt, and I want this to be over with. Was hoping for a quick easy 2-4 week down time, now I will be lucky if I can get back to work by February.


Damn they made you pull out all your hair that long ago :joy:

I hope you are able to set up your appointment in a timely manner, so you can get yourself out of pain

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I will be super lucky if I even get to see the new surgeon before then end of the month.

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I’m hoping it lines up for you! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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WOW does that just not scream :scream: incompetence, I am so sorry :cry: to see this. Hang in there @darkillusion this surgery is going to happen and it’s all going to be good :blush:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::full_moon_with_face::v:

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WTF! Man… that is bad luck, and a little incompetent insurance company…

Hope all go fast and you have to not wait too much.

Sorry man.

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That’s bullshit. Wtf man. They did some crap like that to my MIL. Healthcare/Insurance is just messed up.

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