The ongoing indoor grow

Merry Christmas everyone, not much going on this week here. The Scarlet Grape and Dank Sinatra are doing okay. Both are still in solo cups whenever the repairs get finished I can set a tent up, in the mean time I am just setting up a light for them and when I have to take down the light I just move the solo cups over to the window to get some sun light.


Merry Christmas mate! :santa::tada::evergreen_tree::fire::grin:

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Hope you are doing well DI :wave:

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Happy new year everyone, it has been a slow week here for me. Finally got an appointment to see the new surgeon, just have to wait until the end of January to see him :persevere:. Also still waiting on repairs to be finished to my apartment which I am not to happy about. So on Tuesday I get to have a chat with the property manager about this. As for the two plants I have going the Scarlett Grape is very stretchy, but alive and well. The Dank Sinatra for its part is looking good.


So here it is Tuesday and after having my chat with the assistant property manager this morning, I have someone working on my apartment finally. Now to see how long this will take.


Hang in their @darkillusion, seem that the light :bulb: at the end of the tunnel is starting to flicker! :+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Either that or the next train is coming down the track.

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No man glass is half full! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Well it only took 2 hours and the work is finished. Now just need to wait for the paint to dry and the tent can go back up.


WTG bro :sunglasses:, see the glass is half full and you won’t have to drink :beer: in the dark. :+1::facepunch::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Now I have to figure something out. I got two plants going now, I can do two more. Not sure what to grow.


NL #2, MeatBreath are on the top of my list and both are Fem.

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Where did that one come from?

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Which one?

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:joy::joy::joy: dam it is two. I am get ready to run these. :arrow_down:


Why not run them both? :face_with_monocle: I know they say the Northern Lights is really good :blush:, but never looked up the second one?


Trying to decide if I want 3 plants or 4. Keep in mind I will be having my neck worked on here soon and I dont want to be dealing with depending on how the Dank Sinatra goes up to 3 plants to be trimming not long after surgery.


That could be a lot on you all at one time, so I see your point. Flip a coin 🪙! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Going with NL #2.


Are they just reg/photos?