The ongoing indoor grow

It is a Photo/Fem.


At least with that being a fem, you know it will go all the way and you won’t be wasting time taking up space unless you are looking :eyes: to make seeds.


Right now I need to make smokeable stock for myself. What I do after this all comes down to what the Dank Sinatra does.


Got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for you bro :sunglasses:! :+1::wink::facepunch::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I am hoping for a male. If that happens I can do a proper DS run with your help that we have chatted about.


That reminds me I need to get a hold to that person that has the DS/Fems and forward them to you.

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Well it seems my apartment complex is starting to crack down on pot smokers. They have given notices to some residents about pot smoke and now they just spammed an email to everyone saying if you got a notice you have 1 week to stop. Luckily I did not get a notice.


That stinks, is weed legal where you live? Long ago back in the late 80s our landlord sent me a letter letting me know he’d heard complaints about weed odor on our floor. I told him I was just getting ready to complain about those damn potheads before I got his letter and I hoped he’d put an end to it lol. I never heard back from him but kept the rent paid on time so he was more worried about the delinquent tenants than the smell.


Only medical, but according to the email they have to follow federal law and even if you have a medical card they still will not allow it. Again I did not get a notice and I keep my smoking indoors. The morons in my complex just sit on there porch and smoke up.


Discretion in circumstances like that seems the way to go for sure. I rarely smoke outside the house even though we’re legal. Just not how I came up as a younger smoker.


Here is the email they sent out.

Good afternoon,

Several of you in this building received a 7 day notice to cure due to marijuana smoke. If you have received this notice and it doesn’t pertain to you then please disregard. However, if you are a marijuana smoker including those with medical marijuana cards this notice does pertain to you. Please understand that we are governed under the fair housing laws that are enforced by HUD. That means that we abide by federal law. Under federal law smoking or possessing marijuana is still illegal. Per the 7 day notice you have until 1/10/2024 to rectify this situation. If the marijuana smoking does not stop you will be in violation of your lease and you will be asked to vacate the property. If you have any questions regarding this email please contact me at the office.


Just when you thought :thought_balloon: it was safe to go back in the water, they start hollering shark :shark:! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :grimacing: 🫨 🫤 :roll_eyes:

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I am not to worried, it is not like I have a tent full of plants almost ready for harvest. Next week they could announce apartment inspections and it would not affect me to much.


dib fist :joy::joy::joy:


Did you just get on here? My timing :stopwatch: is impeccable :roll_eyes::wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I have been on for most of the day.


Once again, I’m happy I eat decarbed bud, the benefits are endless compared to smoking. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Already do that, but really this all boils down to the morons that just openly smoke in the complex. I know if I go outside at night to drop seeds in the mailbox it does not take to long to start smelling weed in the air. Also we just got a new property manager and assistant property manager, so just new sheriff in town to deal with.


You can point them to this forum, the most efficient way of getting rid of morons is to educate them. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Unfortunately for them they all lack a simple thing called a brain.