The ongoing indoor grow

Absolutely no reason to apologize!! They were there to settle you in for your recovery which is great. Keep us posted


I feel like I must. Over the last three days I was getting so many update pings on my computer from OG members sending me messages to see how I was doing I had to turn off my main computer that is synced to OG as well as keep my phone on mute. It is one thing to get a few in a day but I was getting a few every hour it seemed. :joy: :+1:


You are loved!


I love you all as well and you can have the Bud Lite…I drink hard liquor. :laughing:


That is excellent news, heal fast and well :+1:


Glad to hear, sounds like it worked out well. I don’t drink much hard liquor anymore…but I also don’t drink Bud Lite…I drink beer. :grin:


Been a good week for the plants in the tent. They have all put on a lot on new growth and are doing well.
Scarlett Grape

NL #2

Dank Sinatra

Going to give the plants another week before I make the flip to flowering.


Right on Dark! Looks like they didn’t miss a beat.
Glad to see you doing good after everything :+1:

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Royal Procession…


That’s nice :heart_eyes:


Had a close call a few days ago…
My apartment sent out notices at the end of last month saying they were having all the electrical boxes replaced and to let the third party workers have access to the electrical box that is in my hallway. Well, they came a few days ago and first off they were surprised to see someone home. They quickly had to rush to get the boss who spoke English. Once they found out they were dealing with gringo loco they started to chill out. Took about 2 hours for a new fuse box to be installed. However the last thing they needed to do was have someone label what fuse did what on the fuse panel. That all went well until the guy ask if he could go into my closet to verify the two different lines. 1 is for a ceiling light and the second is from a wall socket I use to power my tent. So I had to tell the guy my closet is kinda full at the moment and you can not go into there. Luckily he didnt fight about it and went about his way labeling the rest but leaving the two for the closet blank. Better that than not being home(Glad I am on medical from work) if not he would have gone right in and found my tent. Thank goodness for my surgery.

I have an appointment at the doctors office later this week but it is just to see how my neck is healing. I think it is doing okay will know more later this week.

All the plants are doing well will post Pics here soon just need to lye down for a bit first.The joys of after surgery drugs.


Can you put a lock on that closet door? If your not home and they want in there they have to call you. I’ve rented and I’ve always insisted that I was home when any work was done.


Happy to hear it all worked out well. Hope the recovery continues better than expected


Very bushy! How many times did you top?

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Wish I could but leasing office will not allow it.

Well I can not say that my apartment would do that. That is why I try not to call them to fix anything. If I can fix it I will and if it is something I have to call in, I do that on my day off and hope like hell they come by and fix it all in one day.

Zero times, I never top autos I grow. But yes, this plant is very bushy.

NL# 2

Dank Sinatra


That’s my favorite type of gringos!


I like big bushes and I cannot lie: ROGUTOPIA . 2024 . Rogue Dragon . Rogue 11 . Good Medicine F3 . Black Orchid . Hot Cakes auto . Emerald Fire F5 auto . Purple Haze auto . Critical auto - #98 by Rogue


Good morning brotha :coffee:
Glad to hear everything worked out brotha with the close call.

I hope the doctors appointment brings you very good news! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Well I’m sitting building the doctor has his office in now. 3 hours early just to beat the traffic coming into Orlando. All this appointment is for is just to see how the insision is healing up. So in short a 110 mile round trip for a 15 minute appointment.