The ongoing indoor grow

Smart to beat the traffic, Hopefully it’s a beautiful morning while waiting. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Yea im in a 12th floor waiting room that has open windows to showcase the downtown view. Only problem is I am acrophobic.


Nice view I bet, I dont like heights as well. Hopefully its you’re able to relax before the appt.


The view was whatever. The appointment was for 9:30 AM, I was leaving the parking garage by that time. The visit was nothing more than the nurse asking me some questions and asking if I wanted a refill on my pain meds to which I said no I am good.


Answer for pain medication :pill: needs to always be yes! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:


The less pain meds I am on the better. Pain killer withdrawals suck plus they do a number on my stomach.


I used to think that I should not ask if my pain was bare able. Now if it’s offered I say yes, I’d rather have a few in the closet if I need them.
Sounds like you are healing up well!!!


Most of the pain I have had to deal with was from post-op. That is long gone now, besides I was given only a 5 day supply after surgery and I have already stretched that out to almost three weeks now.


Damn I missed so much in here.

First if all I’m glad your starting to feel better :raised_hands:
You can always message me if you need anything.

Secondly, that was a damn close call with the electrician :eyes:
I always hated that workers can just walk I even when your not home. I really don’t trust people enough for that. Plus, I mean it’s my stuff. I don’t want people looking at everything. Feels so invasive.

And Third, your girls are looking beautiful :raised_hands:
I love their structures and the way their leafs are looking. That top one is real bushy haha
I’m also very excited to see the Dank Sinatra :green_heart:
I heard so many amazing things about her from an interview Bodhi did years ago.

I believe that strain and the Nepali Watermelon we’re the 2 plants he ever remembers finding a strong tasting Watermelon pheno in.
This was years ago, but still

That alone sent me on a search for some. I never found any, so I’m hoping you get something special and let us know :pray:


Happy you’re recovering @darkillusion popping some more goji ghash x royal kush in your honor. The search for a female continues


I know I am good currently but I will keep that in mind. :grinning: :+1:

Well they have to get there job done so I can not fault them for that. Plus he did ask if he could go into my closet and did not really have an issue with me saying no. But it is a fact of life when you live in an apartment that you have to deal with people popping in from time to time.

The Scarlett Grape got really bushy really fast. I am hopeful that it will be ready to cut down at the end of March.
As for the Dank Sinatra I am praying to my lord and savior Joe Pesci for that plant to be a male. Another OG member was kind enough to source me a few Dank Sinatra Fem seeds to work with so if this one I have going now is a male I can use its pollen on the Fem seeds. If it is a female I will grow it out to enjoy and reverse one of the Fem seeds for pollen and make more Fem seeds.


Awesome :raised_hands:

Okay I’ll start praying he is a he as well :laughing:
I like your plans

I’m definitely going to be watching, and I’m glad I came back when I did :pray:


Royal Procession getting there…


Very nice, always a good feeling, especially when they look like that :heart_eyes:


wow how awesome they are!!


The RP looks amazing. Nicely done :+1:


Been another easy week for the plants in the tent. The Scarlet Grape is fully into flowering, she is on day 70 currently and I am expecting it to be ready in less than 40 days.

Last week I made the flip to flowering for the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra and now I am just waiting for things to get started. Not much else to say for this week.


Damn that Scarlet Grape :eyes:

I seriously can’t wait to see how that Dank Sinatra & NL#2 comes out.
Thanks for the update :seedling::herb::evergreen_tree:


110ish days for budding for the scarlet grapes? Wow!

She looks deadly!!


Another quiet and easy week for me with the plants.
The Scarlet Grape is looking very good, the colas are forming very nicely. Looking forward to this plant being ready to come down at the end of the month.

The NL#2 went into preflower about 4-5 days ago and for the most part it is doing okay. She does not really like the soil I use, that happens from time to time. But I will make it work.

Finally the Dank Sinatra disappointed me today, it showed its sex today only took almost two weeks. Was hoping for a male, but I got a female. so that means I will be reversing another Dank Sinatra here in the near future to do a Fem seed run.