The ongoing indoor grow

Dam dude, those plants 🪴 have gotten big as shit. You are going to get a sea :ocean: of buds! HELL YEAH! Can’t wait :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: to see the next round of pictures! :ok_hand::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::partying_face::peace_symbol:


Do not let the photos fool you, these plants are smaller than you think. The Scarlet Grape is about 24 inches tall and even with buds forming all over it I do not expect more than 2-3 ounces at best. Both the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra after about 7 weeks of veg only got as tall as a soda can. Since I made the flip two weeks ago they have only grown an extra 1-2 inches in height. I was not to shocked to see that with the NL#2 since it is not exactly digging the soil it is growing in, but I was shocked that the Dank Sinatra has been growing as slow as it has been.


Well it is official, I get to go back to work in 2 weeks. Doctor said I am good to go and best part is I do not need any physical therapy. So between now and then I need to start working my arm out to get it back in shape.


That’s awesome.
No pain?


Not really, most of the pain I had was from post operation.


I know how bad you have been waiting for that news :newspaper: , glad all is well do you can return to normal pain free life! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::wink::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Another week, another update…
The Scarlet Grape is on day 85 so I am looking at about another 20 days or so before it should be ready to be cut down. Got popcorn sized buds all over this plant and the hairs are starting to change colors from white to orange.

The NL#2 has colas forming but not much stretch going on, but has a nice peppery scent going on.

The Dank Sinatra is just like the NL#2, colas are forming with little stretch going on. Been a few days since either plant has needed more water which is a first for me.


Looking :eyes: good my friend, they seem to be steaming along. :wink::+1::blush::facepunch::v:


I’m glad to hear you have no pain, and you can get back to work soon. I’m really glad to hear that man :pray:

And dude your girls look amazing haha
I can’t believe how much bigger they look since I last saw them :muscle:

I’m really excited to see how they all come out too.
I can’t wait to see what terps you start getting :raised_hands:


Glad to hear the news and Plants look great!

Hope you have a great week brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I swear I just can not win.
Had the fuse box upgraded about 3 weeks ago now and I just got an email from the front office. The company that did the work have to come back in to do some adjustments to the fuse box and after that on another day they will again come back in but this time with code enforcement to “inspect the unit”. I am expecting the first visit on Monday, luckily I will be home for that but I go back to work the next day and they plan on having this done next week so I will not be home for the second visit. So in short to cover my butt I will need to take the tent down…again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. However both the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra are small enough to hide in boxes I have on hand. The Scarlet Grape I will need to get a bigger box but I can make it work as well.

I am guessing when Code Enforcement inspects the unit they will want to test each breaker so they will need to check my closet to verify the breaker to the closet.


Geez man :eyes: wth !
That’s is definitely a pain. I’m glad they are least let you know ahead of time !


They are by law required to give me at least a 48 hour notice before they can enter.


That is a bad bit of news :newspaper:, sorry this is happening to you bro :sunglasses:. I am sure this is starting to feel like an ongoing saga with them. 🫤 :ok_hand: :sunglasses: :v:


Apartment living at its finest. :unamused:


This to shall pass my friend. :facepunch::+1::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


So yea, the tent is down. Did that last night, I have the plants in boxes under my lights in the closet still. But everything is ready to be put away with little notice.

The NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra are in the box on the left. The box is large enough for the plants to completely fix even with the lid closed. The Scarlet Grape in the box on the right will need a matching box to slide out the top of it and it is covered. Could not find a large enough box in such short time to fit her so again I will just slid a matching box over the top and it will do.
The plan of action until this is finished is starting tomorrow I will be changing the lighting times from 12PM -12AM to 5PM-5AM. That way in the morning I can stow the lights away and box up the plants to be hidden away. I will be leaving a small opening to both boxes to let some airflow get through. Once it gets close to 5PM I will set the light back up for the plants. I am not so worried about the electrician coming in tomorrow…hell I am not sure if it is an electrician or someone to patch up the wall from the new fuse box install. I am more worried about being safe with someone from code enforcement coming in this week. I go back to work on Tuesday, so I will not be home when every this guy shows up this week. Since he works for the city he will not work past 5PM unless he has to and I do not know what he will check. It is not like he will pull the new panel out, I am guessing he will want to test the breakers by turning them on and off. So that is the main reason the tank came down and the plants boxed up.

But besides that the plants are fine. I sampled a small bit of the Scarlet Grape and yes it does need some more time. But damn I got a good nights sleep last nite.


Jeeze. I had similar issues in the past and it worried me too much to continue. Props bud. I would be on pins and needles! Wishing the best! :pray:


Well it is not like they are the police with a search warrant. The best way to hide something is in plain sight and even if they do look in my closet for whatever reason they are doing a quick in a out kinda thing.

Only thing that is going through my mind currently is who sent me the seeds I got in the mail the other day.
Anyone here from North Carolina send me some seeds as of recently?


You should just grow in cardboard boxes from now on. Who needs a fancy setup? Your plants always look great. Reminds me of that Pogues song about the landlord. Good luck. Hopefully your state legalizes soon.