The ongoing indoor grow

Only problem with cardboard is finding boxes that are the right shape and size. It is one thing if the plants I have are small. But for bigger plants that would be a hassle. Plus right now with them as they are now the lights are hanging from the coat racks in my closet and the light leaks out from the closet door really badly and at night if someone comes over with my bedroom door open you can tell a light is on.

I think the chances are good for it to pass this time. But even if it does I am still screwed at the federal level because I live in an apartment. They have to follow federal HUD guidelines and the federal government says weed is still illegal.


@OGSince03 ??


Yea, it was from him already got that sorted out.

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Sweet. Sorry to drag that on further. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::v:

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Well got everything setup for tomorrow. Looks like nothing ever happened in this closet.

Now the Scarlet Grape I can hide in a box, but I can not hide its smell, so I have it sitting outside looking like a nice perch for a cat to nap on.


Good luck with your visit. Not really understanding the first part of the panel needing additional work though :rofl:


I am at a loss for what that is about myself. I will find out here soon enough I guess.


Well that was a whole lot of nothing with the fuse box. The guy was in and out in less than 3 minutes. Not sure what he was doing, but I could hear him zipping out screws and zipping them back in and he flipped one breaker off then back on.

Now for the code enforcer to do there thing.


He was told to double check his work for the inspection :rofl:


I’m glad it went well! Hope to see you back up and running shortly! :green_heart::pray:


Been a busy week for me, first week back to work and the mouse overlord decided to put me on a six day work week as soon as I got back. But then again it is spring break one week before Easter, so I can not say I did not expect this to happen.

All the plants did well for the week being in boxes. I am planning to have the tent set back up in the next few days.
The Scarlet Grape is starting to get some amber on it, so see how it looks in another week. I have been cutting a bud here and there the last few days to see how it smokes. It has small popcorn sized buds, but the buds are so far good smoke. Will be better when more amber gets on them.

The NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra are short but doing fine. Looking at getting a little over an ounce per plant when everything is done. Might have to do another bud run in a second tent.


Well I finally got the tent back up and running.

All the plants did fine over the last 2 weeks in boxes.
The Scarlet Grape still needs more time, but at the same time I have been picking this plant apart for bud to smoke. Not going to lie, I have been out of bud to smoke for almost 2 months now. I need a bowl to smoke.

The NL#2 is small just like the Dank Sinatra , but that is due to the soil I used was soaking wet when I first got it and when I get it dry it works great. However when I get it wet from the bag this happens. Not expecting more than 1-1.5 ounces from each plant.

Dank Sinatra

Since I am not looking at getting a lot of bud to smoke from these I am going to start 2 more auto plants to help me out with that. By the time there will be ready to go into planters the Scarlet Grape will be cut down and I can keep them in the main tent.

On other news my apartment is starting to do the drywall repair from the fuse box upgrade. So once that is done and the NL#2 and Dank Sinatra are finished I will setup my second tent to take over growing the 2 autos and setup my main tent for the next seed project.


Well I am fixing to cut down the scarlet Grape. She is sitting on my coffee table right now with the shears next to them. Very bushy plant in the end, spent the last 2-3 weeks smoking the larfy buds in the center of the plant. Now it is cleared out the main colas are easier to make out. I have seen other peoples Scarlet Grape grows and the plants they have sport larger buds overall. So there is a good deal of variation in genetics in this strain. Total grow time was 16 weeks, here is a prime example of why I prefer photo plants over auto plants in general. But overall, I would recommend this strain.

The NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra are doing fine. Both are on cruse control and they are just starting to get frosty. I wanted to take a photo of both of them with something to give it some scale to show how small these plants are.

This is the result of the soil I used being soaked when I bought it. Already tossed the rest of that bag and bought a fresh bag last week.

Dank Sinatra

Finally I started a pair of autos this past week and it is time to show them off…
One Eyed Snake Bait
Juicy Pussy X Cherry Venom

Purple Spright F1
Bumblebee X Nurple


Glad you are finally about to get some smoke :dash: from your grow. Don’t be hating on the autos :joy::joy::joy:, you know I love :heart: to grow them. Hope the new starts get off to a good run for you! :facepunch::+1::wink::partying_face::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Been a quiet week, everything is firmly in cruse control. The NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra will be finished in another 4 weeks or so. Only plus side for them being as small as they are is that they are finishing just a little bit faster than if they were bigger.
The One Eyed Snake Bait and the Purple Spright F1 are doing fine and I will be transferring them into there growing containers some time this week.

Dank Sinatra

One Eyed Snake Bait

Purple Spright F1


Looking :eyes: good bro :sunglasses:, won’t be to long before you are coming down the home stretch! :wink::clap::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Both the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra are on week 5 of flowering. If I am not not mistaken, they are 8-9 week flowering strains so another 3-4 weeks and they should be ready.


Happy 420 Day @darkillusion & friends! It’s time to get this party :confetti_ball: started! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

IMG_5226 IMG_5216


Well party time will have to wait until I get home from work today. One of the Joy’s of working for Herr Mouse is there is no such thing as weekends off.


Hope everyone had a good 4/20 yesterday, so I will keep up the good spirits with this update.
Just finished giving both the NL#2 and the Dank Sinatra a slight trimming to get a better view of the colas. Over the last week both plants started to stack more mass onto the colas which I am happy to see. I am around week 6 of flowering on both of them so I am almost finished with them.
Has a diesel/skunk scent with some nice plump buds.

Dank Sinatra
Sweet, candy like scent with very dense buds.

It has been just over two weeks since I started the One Eyed Snake Bait and the Purple Spright F1. Since then I have moved them into there growing containers and they have started preflowering. So looks like both plants are well on track for there 8-10 week run.
One Eyed Snake Bait

Purple Spright F1