The ongoing indoor grow

Right on, always good to get back to some sort of normalcy.
I’ve got 5 deteriorated with no chance of fusions, that pain I feel ya. :fist_right:


I was happy to get the disk replaced vs. a fusion. Back to work after 4 weeks vs. 4 months with a fusion.


It’s amazing to see what’s come about in medical wonders over the years, 20 years ago it was. Oh ya snapped your ankle? Here’s some plates n screws. Good luck… Noe I’m waiting for a total reconstructing of said entire foot, blows my mind


Been a good week here for me with a few updates.

The GG#4 and the Double Grape are doing and looking good. They both have seeds forming all over from the Cherry Brandy pollen I gave them.

The Emerald Fire OG gave me a little trouble for a few days. She needed an early dose of nutes and cal-mag to make her happy. So happy in fact that she has already started putting out hairs.

I repotted the Blue Afghani plants and put them in the main tent a few days ago. I have 2 tall types and 2 short types. One of each type stated putting out hairs today and I guess I will find out the sex on the other two plants in the next few days.


Wow, right on!! Everyone is looking super healthy :ok_hand:


Been a quiet week with the grows.
The GG#4 and the Double Grape are in full cruse control and the seeds are clearly visible.

The Emerald Fire OG is picking up steam and looking good.

Finally in the main tent I have two females and still waiting to see what the other two do.


Looking :eyes: good as always, hope you get something off the chart :bar_chart:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::ok_hand::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I will be happy once the GG#4 and the Double Grape are done so I can start a photo plant. The autos I have been growing are good and all but the yield is not enough to keep up with my demand. I am now down to my last bud to smoke until those two plants are done. The GG#4 is at week 7 now so I still have a few weeks to go on her and the Double Grape will be a week or so after that.


If I could send you my latest harvest I would but I enjoy not being in jail potentially :laughing::rofl:

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Its alright, not like it is the end of the world.


Those last couple weeks always go by soo slowly, eh??

But, being down to your last bud, gah! I’m almost to the point of being self sufficient, so the idea of having to go back to buying, yuck, lol


When do they never.

I am for the most part self sufficient, I am still trying to recover from the tent shut down I had to do back in December for repairs to my apartment that took a month to do. Then I had my surgery so I was going easy just growing autos thinking they would produce enough to get me through until the next batch was ready. But that is not what has happened, I can not get by growing autos if I am only getting 0.5-1oz per plant every 80-90 days. When I smoke 1 ounce a month hence why I prefer photo plants more so than autos.


Lol, I have a webcam taking pics every 15 minutes, so I can see growth… In veg and until the last couple weeks, it’s crazy to see how much they move. Then there’s a week to two where you can watch buds plump up… But those last couple, damn, nada! Haha

How many autos are you running between your photos? I’m trying to do the same thing, and it sounds like we go through a similar amount, so… Maybe more plants is the solution?

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Normally if I am running autos it is because I have plenty of bud already and I wanted to do a quick run. Or I am doing a seed run like I am doing with the Blue Afghani right now. But for bud runs I am doing photo plants 95% of the time.


I’ll drool over blue Afghani in a sec…

So, you don’t find running a couple autos at offset times to your photos keeps ya going? Or is it a plant count issue? I can run up to 4 autos in my auto zone, so I’d ideally like to get the timing down to be pulling an auto down once a month at the same time as putting up a new on (or two)… That way I can Veg my photos in my Veg zone for 2 months before flipping them… At least, that’s the plan, lol. I won’t be able to do an open pollenation, but I can paint plants with pollen and make some seeds :grin::metal:

Now, about this blue Afghani…? (in my best Tim “the Toolman” Taylor impression) aaaarrrrrrrrrhhggooooouuuuuu??? Whatcha got going on there?? :grin::grin:

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Under ideal times I prefer to only be running 1 tent, my main tent. I have that in my closet and everything is kosher. Right now I am running 3 tents the other two are in my bedroom taking up space and since I live in an apartment I would rather not have those two tents in the open like they are. With my main tent I can run up to 4 plants with ease with the other two tent I can up that to a total of 8 plants.

It was an unexpected gift I got from a fellow OG member, it is Blueberry X Afghani. It is made by Jordan of the Island, but I think these seeds came from Pacific Seed Bank. I ran these because I wanted a quick seed run that I could get some bud from after the Crippy run ended early.

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Ahh, gotcha… Yeah, keeping up with 3 tents, and housing them, would be a lot of work. My tent is a little different, it has a 4x4 area and an attached 4x1 area, so I get a photo zone and a little auto zone all built in :grin:.

Blueberry X Afghani, yum! Sounds like a helluva gift, nice :ok_hand:

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Keeping up with 3 tents is easy enough. I just do not like having that many running in my apartment due to the fact it is an apartment in a prohibition state. Last thing I need is to be at work one day and have maintenance from the apartment complex having to come in due to some kind of emergency work like a water leak and just happen to see the tents in my bedroom. They will call the cops in a second.


Oh that’s rough man, that stress would kill me, lol.

I got the approval for 25 plants a while ago, so even as I have plants finishing and other ones starting, I’m not going to get close to being at my limit and in trouble that way.

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That is the difference between Canada and the deep south of the USA. You folks got a few treats we in the US can not get. In November recreational marijuana is on the ballot here in Florida so if it passes that helps me out a little bit.