The ongoing indoor grow

Gotcha buddy!


Here is the final total on the Crippy plants before I cut them down.
Plant A…Herm
Plant B…Herm
Plant C…Herm
Plant D…Herm


Dam that sucks.

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I was hoping for better results, but that is just how it goes.


Crazy that all 4 hermed

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Not really, one of the major downsides of Crippy is how unstable it is. That is why back in the day growers would find a stable female and just clone the living daylights out of it.

Plus I do have Tampa Crippy X SFV OG BX3 F2 and Crippy X NYC Haze seeds I can play with.


So just to recap, I originally got 8 seeds of Tampa Crippy…
1 Female
1 Male
1 unknown, stalled out and died soon after starting the seed
5 Herms


Wow, that IS an unstable line… What’s the appeal?

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Stoned stupid in 2 hits off a bong.


Hahahaha I understand :ok_hand:

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Now I will focus on the next batch of plants I am starting.


Quick post for this week…
The GG#4 is doing well. Will be using some pollen on this plant in the next few days.
The Double Grape is doing fine just like the GG#4. She is a few days behind the GG, so I am looking at another week or so before I think about using any pollen on it.
Since I now have some tent space free I have started some more seeds a few days ago. I started one Emerald Fire OG Auto Fem and 4 Blue Afghani Auto Reg seeds. all seem well with them so far.


The cardboard boxes are a great idea, good thinking!!!


Been one of those weeks with some ups and downs…
I used some FogDog pollen on the GG#4 last week and so far I have not seen any signs that the pollen has taken so I am guessing it did not survive the shipping to me. So that kinda takes the wind out of my sails. So now I am dusting off some Cherry Brandy pollen I have had in my freezer for a long time and using it on the Double Grape if that takes I will use some on the GG#4. I tried using Cherry Brandy pollen on a GG#4 in the past, it did not work out to well. But this time the pollen I am using came from a different Cherry Brandy plant than the first attempt.
Had to drop my last two Blue Afghani seeds into water a few days after the two smallest of the four I started stalled out and died. The two new seeds are growing faster than the other two that are still alive did in the same time span.
Finally the Emerald Fire OG is doing fine, hoping to transplant it into its growing container in the next week or two.


Bummer about the pollen not surviving…

The rest look good though!! :metal::ok_hand:


Well this week has been better than last week…
The Cherry Brandy pollen I used on the Double Grape kinda took and have already dusted the GG#4 with some of it as well and it kinda took it as well. Not sure how many seeds I will get from this, but I as long as they are viable I will have something to work with for later on. Other than that the Double Grape and GG#4 are doing just fine. I am expecting both these plants to be ready to come down sometime next month.

I moved the Emerald Fire OG into its growing container and have it in another tent. I also moved the Blue Afghani in that tent as well for a little while until they are big enough to go into the main tent. All the plants are doing fine as well.


Looks :eyes: like you have been very ambitious and busy as usual! Good luck with the continued success on this one! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::blush::ok_hand::star_struck::wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Just trying to make up for lost time from apartment repairs and downtime from my surgery.


Hope everything with your recovery is going well. Or as well as it can go. Can you tell yet if it was “successful”
Glad to see you getting caught back up :love_you_gesture:


It all went fine for me, was a 6 week recover time I was given. But was cleared to go back to work after 4 weeks so yea I think is all good. I do know the disk below the one that got replaced was damaged as well. So I might have to get another disk replaced in a few years but for now it is okay.