The Sqwee of Green

Hello fellow OG’s! I’m really enjoying the community here would like to start a journal to share with you all. I intend this to be on on going journal tracking my grows and random projects, when I start doing seed preservation runs or testing they will get their own dedicated journals.

I’ve been growing since 2013 but took a break for a few years around 2018 due to a cancer diagnosis in the family and have recently started growing again in 2021 with legalization passing in my state. I have three grow tents, a 2x2, 3x3 and 5x5 all using LED grow lights. Some old Area-51 RW-75s in the 2x2(seedlings/clones), a SF-2000 in the 3x3 (veg), an HLG 600 RSpec in the 5x5 (flower) and a “stealth” grow cabinet with T-5s that I occasionally use to flower out males.

I’m currently in the process of winding down a perpetual grow, I’m finding its too much of a chore for me and some plants end up getting neglected. It looks like I’m going to have enough supply to keep me self sufficient now and I can start focusing on fun stuff like seed runs to share with you all, pheno hunts and maybe testing for the community.

So enough introduction, here is what we have going on!

Recently harvested and curing:
Huckleberry Kush V3 (Dynasty)
TT NL#6 x Appalacha (Bodhi)
2 different phenos of Hollywood Skunk (Strayfox)

In flower:
Huckleberry Kush V3 (Dynasty)
Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel (Useful Seeds)
GMO SMFs cut (acquired from Dookiefarms)
Helen Back by Swamp Boys (acquired from Dookiefarms)
Tranquil Chocolate x Chocolate Diesel (Useful Seeds)
Double Dipped Strawberries (Useful Seeds)
Blueberry Dub (Useful Seeds)
Tropical Escape (Katsu Seeds)
TT NL#6 x Appalachia (Bodhi)

Veg plants / seedlings waiting to show sex and then flower:
Honeybees F2s (Honeybees bred by Genuity from RUI, taken to F2 by BobBitchen)
Cookies N’ Cheese (Relic Seeds)

Seed run plant close to finish:
TT NL#6 x Applachia x Unicorn Milk

Potential crosses (waiting to see if pollen takes):
Tropical Escape x Grape Ape Cake
GMO x Headtrip
Helen Back x Headtrip

Feel feel to follow along and contribute, I’d like to put things like pollen chucks and pheno hunts up to a vote and let you all decide what I run which will then be shared amongst the community.


Here are some photos of some plants I’ve harvested so far this year:

Double Dipped Strawberries (Useful Seeds)



Jabba’s Stash (Bodhi)

Huckleberry Kush V3 (Dynasty)

TT NL#6 x Appalachia (Bodhi)


Recently harvested still curing:

Different pheno of Huckleberry Kush V3

Hollywood Skunk Pheno 1

Hollywood Skunk Pheno 2 ( I had the take this one 1-2 weeks early due to intersex trait and didn’t get pics before chop, I think it pollinated my HBK V3 clone which I harvest on Sunday )


Welcome @Sqwee !!! Pulling up a chair! Some nice images an strains you have grow’n there!!!


um… yes… yes indeed…
i do believe i will be enjoying this one.
thnx for having me


Very nice my friend.


Looks tasty!


Looking great, nice to see your grow after the pics on RIU.


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Great pics, great looking plants! I’m in!! Thanks for sharing.


Very nice looking indeed cuz! If you don’t mind, I’ll just pull up a seat over here on the side to watch this one! Sending out them good growing vibes in the air for ya!!

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Im going take a spot next to Johnny. :smiley: :+1:


Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel, Cookies N’ Cheese, Tranquil Chocolate x Chocolate Diesel

Now that reads Yummy. :slight_smile:


Work looks solid.following along


Stellar work @Sqwee!


Does anyone mind if an old goat herder joins in for the party?
Very nice looking buds BTW!


Don’t jump in front of me. Lol I’m here to have fun. Good Grow. Yea!

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Welcome everyone and thanks for the kind words!

Rough morning today, its been 6 months since I’ve had a steak and ice cold beer but sometimes I have to treat myself even though I know it’ll trigger my Chron’s, so I wasn’t able to take pictures but I’ll try to get some tonight.

I was going to harvest my HBK V3 clone today but I think it can go longer, going to resist the urge to chop it for tent space and give it another week.

The seeds on the TT NL # 6 x Appalachia x Unicorn Milk are getting really close to being ready, currently at day 56, I’m thinking one or two more weeks. I’ve taken to calling this Unicorn Moonshine just because the cross is a mouth full.

I built a 3x3 SCRoG frame on Saturday, just need to string it up and then decide on a plant to fill it. Its between GMO and Helen Back, currently leaning towards Helen Back because its 9 weeks to finish vs 12.

For those not familiar with Helen Back it is Animal Cookies x Georgia Pine bred by Swamp Boys, it has a flowering time of 63-70 days and very uplifting effects. This is a picture of the cut I received from Dookiefarms that Kaka used to win POTM on THC farmer. I’m hoping I can get her to finish as nice as this.


I go to that site sometimes. They were a little toxic sometimes. They have some very good information. I have never joined. There is some good learning there.

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A lot of my researching comes from there. Google loves those people. I would say they’re probably one of the top sites. ILGM I like them because you don’t have badges. They did away with that because it was causing problems. Everyone was like I’ve been here longer than you and stuff like that . I’ve been here longer than you, I know more. Some of the same stuff that goes on around here. I kind of get tired of it the badge things don’t really mean anything to me anymore.


Yea I’ve never posted or had an account there before creating an account here I had only posted on RIU which can get the same way. I much prefer the atmosphere here and plan to make this forum my home. :smiley: