Southern MD Bog Jr Sour Grape Grow

Morning all. First off a big thanks to @Heliosphear for organizing the Bog Jr Sour Grape distribution. Received seeds in mail yesterday. Thank you to the creator, karma or whatever name you apply to the forces that dwell amongst us for this blessing.

Here’s a photo of the package received including envelope. Envelope was destroyed after pic taken (had sensitive information on it).

Anyway timing was perfect as today begins legal homegrow in Md (4 plants per household). I am starting 3 plants california cup style (hoping to ensure. Female). I initially start plants in premium potting soil and water with spring water. I use Jolly Garderner potting soil which I purchase from a local Amish garden store

When they are transplanted it will be into coco. That is about all I have decided at this time. All comments are welcome.

Oh yeah about me. Been smoking about 50 years (started early 70’s). Currently 8 days away from my 5 yr anniversary of seriously attempting to cultivate Cannibis and consider myself a hobbyist and only grow for the household. I gift to friends and family. I consider cultivating the larger part of “therapy “than the consuming. I like to play with the plants, trying different things. Currently learning to graft, I suspect success is coming soon. It’s a process. Hoping to start breeding soon once an area is cleared out and set up. Oh well therapy to be had more later.


Awwwww yeah, I love it! Pleased to see the seeds and sticker made it, I’ll be following your whole grow. Dropping 12 sour grape July 4th, Would it be alright with you if I do my grow updates in your thread?


Awesome! And congrats on freedom to grow my friend, enjoy :blush:

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@Heliosphear my thread, your thread.


Thank you @Cybersmib will start posting tomorrow with the 12 seeds drop of the Sour Grape F2’s right here. You got any action from your seeds?


No sign yet

Still waiting for the magic to start.


Odd color of green but it wasn’t there yesterday. Proof of life?


Sending good vibes to those little cups! :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover:

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Well the speck of green was not a plant. So we continue to wait and watch. Tick, tock…

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Tick, tock…

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And we wait. Wanna learn patience, grow something. I’m gonna give it till 17th as I’m busy with other things at the moment, if nothing still happening I will drop new beans.


Patience be damned I wanna grow something. Dropped 3 new beans this morning. If I get 2 plants in one cup decisions will need to be made

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Sorry I haven’t posted prior but germination has not gone as smoothly as I would have liked. But we finally have germination as shown above. Had to resort to paper towels and heat mat but we got it done

Good growing ya’ll


Well I finally have one above ground and it appears that I’ll have another one above ground soon. Had to resort to paper towel germination. I had a taproot a couple weeks ago but the towel dried out before I could get it planted.

Good growing ya’ll


Well it only took a month since @Heliosphear gifted me 10 seeds. Regrettably I encountered problems germinating them and finally did paper towel method. Had issues with as the first seed that germinated, I decided to wait a day before I planted. Even though I checked and thought I was good, when I returned the next day the paper towel was bone dry. At this point I searched the original solo cups I attempted to germinat and found 3 seeds. I germinated them using power towel and placed in riot rooter when taproot was shown. I’m hoping for at least 1 male and 1 female. Oh well plants are going under fluorescent style led lights till they get larger.

Good growing ya’ll


I have problems launching seeds in the summer, every summer. Way to keep the grow going!

Extremely happy you got 3, Now that they got starter leaves to get going, it’s all upward from here.

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:

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Plants looking good this morning. At this point I just keep them under low light. I spritz them with pH’d water with Bio Weed(kelp).

Good growing ya’ll

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Nothing new to report. I will be labeling the plants today ( sour grape 1, sg 2 and Sg 3). I learned the importance of labeling when I realized my stoner memory is not as good as I would like it to be. May not be an issue at the moment but I want to take clones to determine sex before I flower plants. Any males will be kept in veg till play pen set up (which involves spouse clearing out a storage area with her crap).


Here they are today. Plants been labeled. Importance of will be once transplanted to final container (only once). In order to make more interesting I plan on mixing things up i e I plan on growing 2 in coco. One I will feed the GH trio, the other Coco canna nutes. The last one will be in potting soil with fox farm nutes. I don’t do a lot of record keeping, just make casual observations a keep track in my mind. See previous posts concerning my memory. Any way when I first started growing I kept records on everything amt fed, pH, distance to light etc. fucking turned this into a job. I said screw and said grow it old style ands enjoy. I do keep an eye on things listed above I just don’t write it down.

Please note comments and suggestions will be read and considered, some may be implemented.

Another thing I did when I first started growing was to follow whatever I read. At some point I decided it was my plant and I’ll grow it anyway I like. That decision was liberating and me and my plants have benefited from that.

So now whatever happens in my garden is my choice and my responsibility. I blame no one else.

Good growing ya’ll