The Sqwee of Green

You just got to be careful sometimes. Everyone tries to help everyone I think it gets a little complicated. I have my way of doing things you’re not going to change it. Unless you can show me something different. Other than that I’m getting where I’m going to keep my mouth shut

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i just do a ton of reading here and incorporate what i think will help me into my grows. i like that so many offer such good information though and not a bunch of BS bruh science or when they do they get called out pretty quickly here…

OG… keeping it riff raff free


There is a lot to learn here I did not say that. But if I Google something. The farmer comes up first. Or ILGM. There was another one I can’t think of the name of it it will pop up also

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wasnt disagreeing with you at all. just adding to the conversation


No I didn’t take it that way. My friend. I think it’s one of those days. I think we’re all a little bit too humble sometimes I didn’t take it as an attack. I apologize if it sounded that way

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cool, im out of likes or id like you real good :smiley:


I am also. Same here my friend

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I decided to give this STS spray from Twenty20 Mendocino a try, I’ve never reversed a plant before, should be fun.

So first project I’d like to put to a vote is what should I try to reverse and make S1s / crosses from first?
GMO SMF cut or Helen Back.

GMO S1s or crosses could be cool to giveaway / work with but are people GMOed out? It seems to be pretty easy to find in crosses.

Helen Back these seeds are no longer available because Swamp Boys retired it, S1s could preserve it and its not widely used in crosses so it could be fun to make something unique with.

I plan to take a cutting, root it and give it about 1-2 weeks of veg before flowering and reversing it in my grow cabinet where it will be isolated. S1s and future feminized crosses I make will be given away and donated on this forum.

I will be reversing and collecting pollen from both of these cuts, so which one should be first?

Reversing Project
  • GMO SMF Cut
  • Helen Back

0 voters


Helen Back is my vote and this will be fun to watch. i havent done it yet either but hopefully will eventually get there. always great to watch others go through it first :+1:


You would like those

. M20 are great. 7 to 8 weeks. On fire I got two in my closet drying out right now.

I definitely would like to know how that works I have been reading about it can you tell me what it does exactly because I’m still confused. I got a few that I’m worried they’re not gonna make again. I do know where there’s a sale on them right now. 20 to 40 bucks cheaper

I’m not 100% on this as I’m still researching myself but from what I understand its an anti-ethylene growth regulator and female flowers require more ethylene than male. So when you reduce the production of ethylene that plant has no way to flower other than to produce “male” flowers.

There was a study on cucumbers that did the reverse, they used ethylene to promote female flowers and inhibit the production of male stamen.


That is what I’m talking about. Yes I’m waiting to know does it at? And how do you feel about it? What have you gotten out of it?

This is what I wanna know why are you doing this? Sorry if I sound like I’m being aggressive. I’m on my phone. It’s a little bit more difficult to try and type.

I do not know, this will be my first time using it.

Like I said in my previous posts, to get pollen to make seeds to give away and donate on here.

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Some bud shots taken last night

Helen Back - Day 32

Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel - Day 58

GMO - Day 63

Double Dipped Strawberries - Day 43


That GMO is beautiful! I mean, their all awesome but dang!


Wow you have an incredible amount of strains going, I am following along

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Glad to have you along!

Yea, its been a chore keeping track of all their needs, I’ll be happy when things wind down a little. I lost an entire crop to a virus between this one and last and went a little crazy popping seeds to try and recover.