The Sqwee of Green

Family picture of the 5x5. I’m VERY satisfied with this HLG 600 RSpec, blowing my 600w HPS results away.

My strategy to make sure my plants are getting their fair share of light has been to put younger plants around the edges, rotate them in towards the center around mid flower and then older plants back out to the edges. My theory is that they need less light intensity at the start of flower and towards the end, seems to be providing good results.

GMO leaves are starting to change from green to purple.

Tranquil Chocolate x Chocolate Diesel, this one has been a pain, noodle branches. Using a tomato cage and bamboo stakes to try support it but its a daily fight with this girl. Luckily she’s getting close to finish, will be 8 weeks on Sunday.

Different pheno of Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel than the one previously posted. I’m leaning towards chopping her on Sunday at 9 weeks. These diesel crosses like to keep putting out white pistils and I ran my last Double Dipped Strawberry too long because of it.


The gardening is exponential, I have seeds started, autos at harvest and still trimming the outdoor which is the big fan favorite. I kept one plant with thick stems, looks like a jade and got it to veg. But I am with one tent so I have light over my 4x6 plant table on wheels. Autos makes it easy. I would like another tent etc, am looking. How did you know you had a virus? So it wiped it all out, sorry

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I had really bad mosaic patterns and mutated leaves that started on one plant from seed which I thought was just varegation or genetics but it got significantly worse when I put it in flower. It then slowly started to spread to every plant that had come in contact with that one.

I chased it for awhile thinking it was a deficiency but nothing would correct it, I then tested my theory that it was a virus by intentially exposing a clean plant which never came in contact with the infected plants and the test plant displayed the same issues within 1-2 weeks of exposure. So I chopped two tents of plants down and deep cleaned everything, grow tents, tools, surfaces and door handles around the house that may have been exposed.

I believe it was TMV or some other form of mosaic virus. There are a lot of claims that TMV has not tested positive in cannabis but that is not entirely true. There was a study done that showed TMV can and does infect cannabis however the plant in the study was asymptomatic which could be cultivar specific. I hope as legalization passes and more studies are done we can learn more what is causing these issues.

This is the thread I created on RIU when I was having the issue with pictures showing how it spread.


Very nice show :+1::+1::+1:
I’ll tag along

I’ve grown out useful G bag of skunk and oranges and blackened oranges both top shelf


I read your RIU thread with pictures, it seems you are right in my view. It spread, its weird looking so some folks gave other theories and you conducted an experiment with a test plant. I don’t have knowledge of TMV but will go researching a little, I agree that the more mainstream things become especially as it relates to a virus and billions in cash crop there will be more science. I have experienced plant diseases in the vegetable and flower gardens. Seen them spread by me touching other plants etc/ It still ends up with losses and I hope I never see Tomato hornworms again


Very nice. I think I have said it before. HLG light is what I’m wanting. Soon. Again nice and clean. I like that. It shows what kind of person you are. Clean. Lol


Good detective work there @Sqwee ! That TMV is nothing to play with cuz
The plants are looking great!


Mind if I join? I can sit over here between @MoBilly and @Slick1 , to keep the peace. This will be cool to watch.


Oh Lord, the conversions I will have to listen to!
My poor sensitive ears! :hear_no_evil:


I just joined this Motley Crue of spectators…lol

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That is another benefit of LEDs, my grow space is way tidier than when I was running an HPS with a cool tube. No more ducting clogging up the tent!

Being able to run the tent warmer is a huge upside when growing in the desert as well. I’d say do it, you want have any regrets, the light is awesome.

The last time I flowered my HBK cut out under 600w HPS I was getting 35-40g per plant in 3 gallon pots. The one I recently harvested under the HLG pulled 69.6g in a 2 gallon. It definitely seems to be performing similar to a 1000w HPS and I’m not even running it all the way, I dialed it back to 530w from the wall because the intensity was burning pistils on some of my plants.


Double Dipped Strawberries starting to show off. I kept a clone of this one and plan to make a cross with her. She smells very sweet, reminds me of fruity candy syrup or homemade jam.


Nice colors. Yea. I had forgotten your in the dirt. I can really see how the cooler nights can help. Plus not have to worry about high rh out side I can see as an adventure. Lol I was out west. To dry. Had problems with spider mites. All the time.

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Thank you everyone who voted in the poll!

Looks like Helen Back crushed it, 86% to 14% for GMO out of 14 voters.

I took down the TT NL#6 x Appalachia that I pollinated with Unicorn Milk this morning, I will take clones of Helen Back today and get the cabinet cleaned up for the reversal project!

I harvested pheno #2 of Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel yesterday at day 64 flower, here she is right before chop. This one is way more diesel than orange cookies compared to pheno #1 that has more orange to it, smell is very similar to the Double Dipped Strawberries I harvested a few months ago.




That’s a pretty fade right there.

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I agree. One Love. Very nice colors.

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I took down the other pheno of Orange Cookies x Chocolate Diesel at 9 weeks as well. Pretty similar fade but chunkier buds and more orange/citrus smell going on.


Nice and fat.

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Great looking plants! I am enjoying the show so far. Seems like you’ve been through a lot with that virus issue.

Some of these pictures remind me of the Blockhead structure. Nice fade too!

That reversal project will be fun to see play out. Always wanted to try that. Best of luck with it and I hope it works out well for you.


The closer the cut of Helen Back I have in flower gets to harvest, the more excited about reversing and making crosses with her I get. She’s going to be gorgeous come harvest time. I have a tray of cuts I’m waiting on to root then I’ll start vegging one to reverse and doing a 3x3 SCRoG with the others.

Talking about nice fade, I harvested Tranquil Chocolate x Chocolate Diesel this morning and what a pretty plant this one ended up being, not the easiest plant to work with though, as you can see by all the support it needed.