The year of making do

We’re you planning to go to a bigger pot with that one?

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Definitely @ShiskaberrySavior . As soon as I’m sure she’s filled this one, up-pot, wait a few days until I’m sure she’s happy in the new pot, then go to flower. That’s the plan anyway.

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Sounds good I was wondering on the one you turfed if that wasn’t the issue needed more root space ?

Nah, she had two up-pots and was never rootbound. She just didn’t have what it takes to make it in this fast-paced, dog-eat-dog world.

With Wappa4 out of the way, now there’s room to give Wappa5 (right) a nice big 15L cloth pot.

Moved her into her new home and LSTed her six major branches for height control. Imma let her get used to her new pot then into flower she goes.

LA Amnesia monster clones (left) are still cruising along nicely, getting just a little frosty and starting to smell dank.



It’s amazing how fast Wappa5 is growing:

She turns one month old today. Gonna flip her any day now.

It’s so great when everything actually lines up to produce a seriously healthy plant! :green_heart:



F34 / F1

LA Amnesia monster clones have reached the point where the buds are too heavy to stand on their own. This is after giving them some support:

Flipped Wappa5 to 12/12 today:

She’s stretching so fast, adding almost an inch a day. Hopefully I can get her fully into flower without running out of height. Tried my first HST today:

We’ll see how that goes…



First ones always the hardest :grin:
Once you see how she bounces back you’ll forever be looking for any unruly branches to give em the business

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Holy stretching Batman! Wappa5 (F3) is getting dangerously close to overgrowing my space.

24 hr timelapse:

Three days of growth:

Had to get brutal with the LST:

The stalks are so flimsy, she’s gonna fold like a deck chair when the buds start forming.



Not sure what happened but I killed the PSU for my lights. Waiting for a replacement, hopefully later today. In the meantime, desperate times call for desperate measures:

Hopefully this keeps the plants from getting sick until the new PSU shows up.


Everything in its right place.


That’s no lie. Every day I’m just squishing the frack out of these little suckers and bending them 90° or more, next day they’re standing back up like “that’s the best you got?”

I don’t know how much it’s slowing the plant from adding height but it’s definitely making the flimsy stalks way tougher and woodier which is a great benefit.


“How tough are ya?”


Switched Wappa5 (F7) and the LA Amnesia monster clones (F41) since there’s a little more headroom in the left box:

She’s just stretching like crazy still, but flowers are just beginning to form. I’m praying that the stretch stops soon.

Meanwhile the LA Amnesia clones have made the transition from smelling dank to lemony, they’re developing really nicely but far more weight than the spindly stalks can handle. So far my only real issue with these revegged clones is how weak the little stalks are. The buds look really nice though!

Definitely shaping up to be a bounty harvest in a few weeks!


Update Wappa5 F10:

The stretching continues but it’s finally slowing I think. She’s gonna be a big’un.

Update LA Amnesia clones F42:

The weight of the buds has really collapsed the plant. I’m supporting it with a stake and support wires. Strong bright lemon smells in the 7th week of blooming.


F45 main buds coming along, a nice blend of cloudy and clear trichs:

I think the revegging process causes the plants to become sexually mature faster, she shows much fatter and more developed flowers at this stage versus her mother plant.

Wappa5 (F11) still growing too fast and needing lots of curation to keep the canopy under control:



Wappa5 (F14)

It’s all I can do to keep her away from the lights at this point

LA Amnesia reveg clones (F48)
Getting closer


F18 / F52


F24 / F58

Wappa5 (left) has filled all the available space. Hard to see in this photo but the main branches have wrapped all the way back over the plant:

Hard to manage a plant this big in this box.

Meanwhile LA Amnesia reveg clones (F58) are basically done:

I’ve taken a couple of early buds and put them in to quick-dry. She’s strong. Very happy with the way these turned out. I think the revegged females develop their flowers faster. She put on a lot more weight than I expected:

I’m gonna keep harvesting the tops individually to see if the underlying larf fills out. There’s a lot of larf that looks greener and more vigorous. Worth a try.



Dayum that nug is pretty :christmas_tree::snowflake:

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