The year of making do

Thanks! Yeah, until I move into my new place, I’m going to keep growing in the Ikea box. When I move will mark the end of this diary and the beginning of the next.

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Would like to start taking clones soon but a little worried about the curling. Going to wait until the new growth is more consistent. If anyone has any input on this kind of leaf curl, please chime in.


Well it’s been a hot minute since I last posted. Here’s an update.

The would-be mother plant just got sadder and sadder. I didn’t see any point in taking clones from a plant that wasn’t growing strongly and which was showing signs of sickness.

So I figured I’d flip it to 12/12 and bloom it. That was 12 days ago. I don’t have anything to smoke at the moment so I thought I might as well see if she’d make buds.

Lo and behold, whatever issues she was having were gone in a couple of days. she immediately greened up and started putting out a solid inch of growth per day. Now she’s as healthy as a plant can be. This was taken a week ago on Jan 24:


And here she is today. Been doing brutal levels of HST and LST to keep her in the box. It’s gonna be a struggle!


Sheer madness.

Not visible: the main stem which is already bent 90° sideways


Plant very healthy, starting to bud:


Day 22 of 12/12:

Tommy Chong’s Mendocino Skunk living up to its name. Smells like roadkill in the best way. Super pungent, really hits when I open the box. I can’t imagine how stinky it’s going to be when it finishes!

Top stalk really crazy: bent the stalk sideways so hard it split (see duck tape) then trained one of the two tops backward onto the horizontal stalk, the other is trained in a literal spiral on itself.



Same bud a week later


A few more photos. Day F30

Going out of town for a week so I’m doing a trial run with the Blumats.


Blumats did great.


Just to add context to the above post: I was going to be away for a bit so I added 4 Blumats fed by 2L reservoir.

That added 4 extra days to my regular watering schedule. The Blumats feed slower than the plant probably wants, so she gets slowly dry. She really seemed to thrive from this treatment so I’m making it the new normal.

Day F40:


I want to try the blumats myself, I am a big proponent of dry backs, and your findings seem to only support mine as well. Looks good my friend.


Blumats are the shit. The prep, like most things, is the most important part. And then once you find what the plants like it’s cruise control. I rarely have to make more than 1 adjustment after I get them initially set up for a run.


Hoping I can grab a set this year, I’m torn between this and regular drip emitters. But I love the idea of these and no pumps/power necessary it’s all gravity fed right?


I run 2 small pumps for mine, 1 to feed the lines and 1 to keep the res mixed. If I end up liking coco I’ll use the blumats outside with a 220 gal tote and gravity. Try to find them used, you’ll save a ton of money.

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Ya I keep one in my Rez always, so you can do either with them, or is a pump necessary to feed the lines?

No you can 100% use gravity, I just didn’t want to elevate the res in the house, so I went with a small 12 dollar vivosun pump. If you go the pump route you need to lower the line pressure. You can use their $50 adapter OR just use a T that’s used to feed the carrots from the main line


Sweet, thanks bro. Gave me a much better understanding


Anytime dude. Let me know if you want to know anything else. Very cool piece of gear for soil grows.

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